Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C7 Working Together Kill the Giant Eagle!!
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Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C7 Working Together Kill the Giant Eagle!!
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C7 Working Together Kill the Giant Eagle!!

In the dimly lit forest, a heart-pounding chase was unfolding.

A massive black eagle, with a wingspan stretching nearly ten meters, maneuvered with the grace of a swallow in the rain. It weaved through the trees with remarkable agility, steadily narrowing the gap between itself and the Black Snake on the forest floor.

The eagle and the snake.

What began as a hundred-meter distance had shrunk to a mere twenty!

They were almost within striking distance.

The giant eagle, hot on the Black Snake's trail, was just a dive away from its quarry.

But as the eagle readied itself to strike, the unexpected happened.

Out of nowhere, a colossal black toad head emerged from an ancient tree just steps ahead. Its sudden appearance was startling, particularly the pair of dreamy, deep blue eyes that seemed eerily familiar.

"It's that giant frog!"

"How is this possible!"

"The giant frog is in league with the Black Snake..."

The sight of Lin Xuan's head popping out sent a jolt of realization through the eagle, leaving it deeply shaken.

But before it could process the shock...

The wave of dizziness hit once more, this time with an intensity far surpassing the previous bout. The world around it began to warp as the eagle's body uncontrollably plummeted to the ground.

Despite its frantic wing-flapping, the eagle couldn't right itself.

Thud! Thud!

The eagle's massive wings, spanning five to six meters, thrashed about, leaving a trail of alarming gashes on the trees.

"Bite him!"

In that moment, Lin Xuan, wielding his illusion magic, sensed his spiritual energy draining at an alarming rate. With every second, three points vanished, and with only 77 points left, he wouldn't last long.

In a flash!

The Black Snake, which had been in full flight, heeded Lin Xuan's command.

It coiled its lithe body and launched a vicious strike at the eagle, now just a dozen meters away. Its fangs, sharp and deadly, plunged into the soft underbelly of the eagle with the swiftness of a thunderclap.

Venom coursed through its veins.

In any other situation.

The Black Snake wouldn't have stood a chance against the eagle.

But now, even as the eagle realized it had been bitten, it was powerless to control its wings. The world spun wildly in its gaze, as if it were trapped in a relentlessly spinning drum.

"Damn it!"

The eagle reeled from the intense pain as the venom from the Black Snake's abdomen spread through its body, its lifeblood draining away rapidly. Its once vigorous wingbeats now slowed to a labored flutter.

"Toad Boss, mission accomplished. I've pumped all my stored venom into this eagle. It's as good as dead," declared the Black Snake Demon.

With a thud, Lin Xuan landed from the adjacent tree trunk, the light fading from his dreamlike blue eyes as the power of his illusion arts receded like the ebbing tide.

As the disorienting dizziness cleared, the venom's effect left his wings and legs numb and devoid of strength.

"This eagle's finished!" exclaimed the Black Snake Demon, its tail quivering with excitement as it slithered swiftly to the eagle's side.

In that instant, as Mr. Black Snake approached within meters of the eagle, the weakened bird suddenly sprang to life, its talons gleaming like wrought iron and shining with a metallic sheen.

It lunged directly at the Black Snake, its claws poised to cleave the serpent in two.

With a resounding bang, Lin Xuan, standing dozens of steps away, propelled himself forward like a shot from a cannon.

The eagle was sent hurtling a hundred meters through the air, crashing through several towering ancient trees and scattering a shower of black feathers all around.

"Rest assured, it's a goner this time," Lin Xuan said confidently, standing next to the Black Snake Demon.

The Black Snake Demon, having just skirted the brink of the afterlife, vibrated its purple-red scaly body, its gaze fixed on the massive silhouette of the Toad Boss with a newfound resolve.

"Time to pluck the feathers!"

"Fire up the grill!"

"I'm already itching to start!"

Lin Xuan, standing to the side, surveyed the distant giant eagle with his deep blue eyes, anticipation stirring within him.

He then instructed the Black Snake Demon to drag the lifeless eagle to the nearby stream, a few hundred steps away, to strip it of its feathers, while he himself headed first to the eagle's nest.

Perhaps there was still something of value to be found!

When Lin Xuan leaped onto the eagle's nest, he only found two Blue Flower Fruits radiating faint spiritual energy. These would barely qualify as low-grade pseudo-spiritual herbs, if Qi Refining were the standard for a first-rank spiritual herb.

Each fruit was the size of a watermelon, cloaked in deep blue with an enticing fragrance wafting from them.

Lin Xuan nonchalantly popped the fruits into his mouth, chewed twice, and savored the sweet and tangy flavor. Moments after swallowing, he saw notifications of increased spiritual energy before his eyes.

"Spiritual Energy Value +5!"

"Spiritual Energy Value +5!"

"Spiritual Energy Value +2!"


Altogether, the two low-grade pseudo-spiritual herbs boosted Lin Xuan's spiritual energy by 12 points!

Nonetheless, adding to his previous tally, Lin Xuan's spiritual energy had now reached 89 points. He was just 11 points shy of 100. Devouring a few chunks of the giant eagle's flesh would surely push his spiritual energy to that milestone.

Recalling the time he ate the Black-head Fish, Lin Xuan had gained 3 points of spiritual energy. That fish was merely an ordinary demon, whereas the giant eagle possessed the might of a superior demon, with at least thrice the spiritual energy in its body.

Lin Xuan had hoped to find more pseudo-spiritual herbs in the nest, but ultimately, he departed, disappointed.

Once he had the Black Snake Demon in his sights within the jungle,

He soared down from the towering Ancient Tree.

In just a few moments, he reached the stream in the forest.

The Black Snake Demon was swift in its work. It dragged the giant eagle to the stream and promptly decapitated it, seemingly wary of the eagle feigning death once more.

Then, the Black Snake Demon extracted the venom from the eagle's body!

Finally, it stripped the eagle clean and expertly set up a bonfire, having prepared everything in no time at all!

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