Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C8 The Spiritual Energy Was Full Advanced to Highlevel Demon Cultivator!
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Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C8 The Spiritual Energy Was Full Advanced to Highlevel Demon Cultivator!
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C8 The Spiritual Energy Was Full Advanced to Highlevel Demon Cultivator!

The twilight deepened over the forest.

Beside a stream within the thicket, a dazzling firelight ascended, visible even from miles away.

Next to the roaring bonfire, after the giant eagle was perfectly roasted.

Lin Xuan eagerly took his first bite. Nearby, Mr. Black Snake clamped onto an eagle leg, viciously ripping away a chunk of flesh.

It seemed to be seething with anger.

"Blood Qi +8!"

"Spiritual Qi +4!"

"Spiritual Qi +3!"


Having devoured three substantial pieces of eagle meat, Lin Xuan's Spiritual Qi had surged to 11 points!

"Spiritual Qi 100 points!"

"Level-up conditions met. Proceed with level-up?"

"Level up!"

With another bite of the succulent eagle meat, Lin Xuan internally affirmed his choice.


Following Lin Xuan's decision, a potent Demonic Qi erupted within him. The force of the Demonic Qi raced through his veins, catapulting his Spiritual Qi from 100 to nearly 150 points.

Fifty points of Spiritual Qi were unleashed from his very sinews, complemented by the Spiritual Qi drawn from the world around him.

The previously intense sensation of maxed-out Spiritual Qi within Lin Xuan began to subside.

Before, Lin Xuan's Spirit Beast form had maxed out at 100 points of Spiritual Qi. Now, having ascended to a higher-tier Demonic Beast, his internal reserves could swell to 300 points—a threefold increase!

Outside, the Black Snake Demon, still gnawing on the eagle leg, felt the surge of formidable energy from Lin Xuan. Its purple-red snake eyes narrowed sharply, revealing a look of sheer amazement.

"He's broken through!"

"Toad Boss, that was impressively smooth!"

The Black Snake Demon internally marveled as it continued to feast.

"Truly, a Demonic Beast with the Spirit Beast Bloodline faces little challenge in advancing to a higher-tier demon beast," it thought, a glint of envy in its gaze.

In that moment, after the Black Snake Demon had consumed several pieces of the eagle's flesh, a subtle imprint of a yellowish-brown scale emerged between its brows, unnoticed by all.

After Lin Xuan advanced to the rank of a high-level demonic beast, the cultivation technique inherited from his memories crystallized in his mind. It took the form of a book within his Consciousness Sea Space.

As Lin Xuan delved into the tome, the previously suspended book sprang open to its first page. It detailed the Qi Refining chapter of the Thousand Illusion Swallowing Spirit Spell, charting the path from a high-level demonic beast to the first tier of Qi Refining. The subsequent techniques, however, remained undisclosed.

For Lin Xuan at this stage, even if further techniques were to be revealed, he was not yet capable of practicing them. The initial page described a simple method for refining spiritual energy.

Turning to the second page proved somewhat challenging for Lin Xuan, but he managed to do so, uncovering two skills of the Illusion Technique:

Illusion Technique Doppelganger!

Illusion Technique Giant Needle!

The Illusion Technique Doppelganger, as implied, involved using illusions to create a duplicate, with the easiest form being that of the caster's own body. This doppelganger, lacking any real offensive power, was designed to mimic the presence of the caster, serving as a decoy.

Creating other doppelgangers was possible, but required an intimate understanding of the creature being replicated to avoid obvious flaws. The doppelganger could not stray more than five miles from the caster; beyond that, it would vanish.

While the Illusion Technique Doppelganger served as a defensive escape mechanism, the Illusion Technique Giant Needle was an offensive, binding illusion. It allowed the caster to harness their consciousness to forge a potent illusionary spike, capable of bypassing most physical defenses to target the very essence of an opponent's consciousness.

With his focus on the second page of the lineage cultivation method, Lin Xuan prepared to explore these new abilities.

He pored over the text repeatedly, but ultimately, he had to admit defeat. The second page contained nothing more than two illusion techniques.

"What could be on the third page?"

Suddenly, Lin Xuan, struck by a thought, couldn't wait to immerse his consciousness into the book's third page.

It was incredibly heavy!

Impossible to open!

Despite his intense desire to do so, the third page merely quivered slightly before falling still once more.

After several attempts, Lin Xuan abandoned the effort.

He then redirected all his focus to mastering the two illusion techniques.

"Illusionary clone!"

Lin Xuan closed his eyes, which shimmered like a dreamy blue galaxy, and began to delve into the secrets of the illusionary clone, letting its intricacies flow through his mind.

Thanks to his lineage.

He felt an innate connection to illusion techniques.

Grasping their secrets came to him as naturally as water flows in a channel.


Suddenly, Lin Xuan's eyes snapped open, revealing a pair of eyes as clear as blue crystals.

Buzz! Buzz!

Rings of azure light radiated from his gaze. Beside Lin Xuan, a Dream Cloud Spirit Swallowing Frog materialized, an exact replica of him in both appearance and presence.

The grass beneath the clone even appeared slightly flattened.

This illusionary clone was as convincing as Lin Xuan's physical form, capable of deceiving anyone into believing it was real.


Lin Xuan glanced at the clone beside him, as if he were gazing into a mirror.

If used adeptly, this illusionary clone could be employed not just on living beings but also on inanimate objects, potentially serving as an impressive decoy. It was all about how he chose to utilize it.

He knew he needed to continue honing his skill with the illusionary clone.

The next moment.

The Black Snake Demon, feasting on eagle meat a short distance away, paused mid-bite upon seeing Lin Xuan's clone.

A realization dawned on it.

"This must be Toad Boss's special talent! To conjure such a flawless illusionary clone!"

"I'm green with envy!"

The Black Snake Demon probed Lin Xuan's clone and couldn't detect a single imperfection.

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