Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C9 Target Shape Transforming!
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Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C9 Target Shape Transforming!
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C9 Target Shape Transforming!

The next morning dawned over a mountain range that spanned dozens of miles. Lin Xuan, nearly two meters in length, was perched like a javelin on a sturdy branch, facing eastward. On the distant horizon, a massive red sun began its ascent. In that fleeting moment when day met night, Lin Xuan, seated on the branch, involuntarily opened his mouth as the Thousand Illusion Swallowing Spirit Spell within him whirred into action. A potent force of devouring emanated from his mouth, drawing a faint stream of purple mist from the void into his belly.

"Spiritual Energy: +50!" A figure materialized before his eyes. Gaining 50 points of Spiritual Energy was substantial, especially considering that the two counterfeit Spirit Herbs he had consumed had only added 10 points.

Now, Lin Xuan's internal reserve of Spiritual Energy had swelled by 50 points, and together with the increase from consuming the flesh of the giant eagle, it totaled 212 points. He then summoned his Attribute Panel:

Nickname: Dream Cloud Spirit Swallowing Frog

Level: Advanced Monster (Initiate)

Spiritual Energy: 212/350

Blood and Qi Points: 60/10000

Bloodline Level: Low-Grade Spirit Beast

Innate Abilities: Illusion Casting, Extremely Strong Armor, Strong Acidic Gastric Juice.

The Attribute Panel now displayed a more precise focus than before. His breakthrough to an Advanced Monster seemed to have evolved the panel. The giant eagle's flesh had contributed 40 points to his Blood Qi. There was now a maximum limit listed behind his Spiritual Energy, but Lin Xuan deduced that the 300-point figure corresponded only to his current early stage as an Advanced Monster. He anticipated that this limit would rise as he advanced to the middle and later stages.

The upper limit for Blood Qi was clearly defined. By continuously devouring and accumulating Blood Qi, reaching the threshold of 10,000 points would allow for a further enhancement of his Spirit Beast Bloodline. While Spiritual Energy fluctuated with his realm's progression, Blood Qi was constant; gathering sufficient Blood Qi would enable him to elevate his bloodline level. Lin Xuan had deeply appreciated the advantages of possessing a formidable bloodline.

Battling higher realms with ease!

And even gaining access to the Lineage Cultivation Method.

Without his bloodline's evolutionary ability, Lin Xuan's growth would likely have peaked at a high-level demon. Advancing to the half-step Shape Transforming Qi Refining Stage would have been utterly impossible!

Perched like an old tree with sprawling roots, Lin Xuan lay on the sturdy branches, gazing out at the distant forest.

Then, his gaze shifted beyond the forest's edge.

The forest's location seemed all too small.

Yet, he was acutely aware that the world beyond brimmed with peril. Spirit Beasts fiercely guarded their territories, and the intricate web of Demonic Beast factions lay in wait. A single misstep in their midst could spell doom.

Lin Xuan had already set his sights on a clear objective.

The Qi Refining Stage, the threshold of Shape Transforming!

Upon entering the Qi Refining Stage, Spiritual Qi would suffuse his entire body, allowing him to cast simple illusions and take on human form.

Typically, Demonic Beasts achieved only a semi-human transformation.

But Lin Xuan, with his innate mastery of illusion from the Thousand Illusion Swallowing Spirit Spell and the Dream Cloud Spirit Swallowing Frog bloodline, would find it far easier to fully humanize upon reaching the Qi Refining Stage than other ordinary spirit beasts.

At that very moment.

Lin Xuan felt a surge of exceptionally rich Spiritual Qi emanating from beneath the Ancient Tree, its pulsing energy sending shivers through the heart.


His dreamy blue eyes widened, a flicker of curiosity dancing within.

Without hesitation.

He leapt gracefully from the thick branches to the ground below.

Beneath the tree.

The coiled Black Snake Demon, with a patch of earthen yellow scales on its forehead, was shrouded in a gentle haze of the same hue. The mist drew in the Spiritual Qi from hundreds of feet around, its presence formidable.

Simultaneously, Lin Xuan could sense the Black Snake Demon's inner Spiritual Qi burgeoning at an incredible rate.

Beneath its pitch-black scales, a glow akin to amber radiated.



Cracks began to spider across the tough black scales, multiplying rapidly.

"Is it shedding its skin?"

Lin Xuan seemed to have realized something.

It was his first encounter with such an intense shedding process, and the rich earth attribute spiritual energy suggested that this guy was no ordinary Demonic Beast!


Mr. Black Snake, previously seated in meditation, suddenly snapped open his eyes. His snake body, as thick as an adult's thigh, began to frictionally glide between the nearby boulders.

Having consumed a substantial amount of giant eagle flesh,

He had ascended a Small Rank.

Reaching the late stage of a typical demon, he felt a wave of heat engulf his entire body post-advancement, followed by an intense itching sensation on his snake skin.

Time passed, indeterminable.

The heat emanating from within him vanished without a trace!

In its place surged streams of pure earth-yellow Spiritual Qi, coursing rapidly through his veins.


As a mere Demonic Beast with an ordinary bloodline, he could only faintly sense the Spiritual Qi of the world at night, using that slight perception to slowly practice cultivation.

But now,

In just half a day, he could sense the thick Spiritual Qi freely floating around him. Immersing his mind in the surroundings revealed a kaleidoscope of colors, with the prominent earthy-yellow Spiritual Qi dominating the landscape.


Having metamorphosed into a massive earthy-yellow python, Mr. Black Snake slightly parted his formidable jaws. A mere breath was all it took to draw in most of the Earth Type spiritual energy into his belly.


Once Mr. Black Snake ingested the copious Spiritual Qi, it flowed through his form, enveloping him in a sensation akin to basking in a hot spring.

Following that,

As his amber eyes flickered open,

He caught sight of Lin Xuan, observing him with a keen fascination.

"His bloodline has evolved!"

Lin Xuan remarked, his eyes alight with intrigue.

Feeling the robust earthy-yellow Spiritual Qi radiating from Mr. Black Snake and noting the significant transformation in his features, Lin Xuan realized that Mr. Black Snake was far from ordinary.

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