Rebirth city cultivation raw/C9 Cardioplegia
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Rebirth city cultivation raw/C9 Cardioplegia
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C9 Cardioplegia

"Wow!" So his name was Ye Xuan! People and names are the same, they're both so cool! "

"His voice is super nice too. This little big brother has been contracted by me!"

"Dream on. Such a cute boy. He must be mine. Hahahaha!"

Sun Yan could only smile bitterly: "Seems like this Ye Xuan has quite the personality, but being liked by your classmates is also a good thing." Alright, fellow students, you all have a general impression of each other. I believe that the following half a month of military training will allow you all to become more familiar with each other. "Next, I would like to ask some male students to distribute the uniforms for the military training. Is there anyone who volunteered?

"Me! "Teacher!"

"And me! "And me!"

This time, other than Ye Xuan, the rest of the boys all rushed to the place where the military uniforms were stacked. This was an opportunity to get to know and leave a good impression on the little sister, so they couldn't afford to miss the opportunity. This group of boys acted like they had gone crazy, snatching the girls' military uniforms.

One of them, a fat boy with glasses, actually managed to snatch Fang Qingqing's and Jiang Feifei's training uniform with great luck. When the other boys saw this, although they grumbled in their hearts and silently cursed their bad luck, they also didn't think it was good to directly snatch it. If they were to ruin the training uniform, the only thing that would be left was a bad impression.

Fatty Zi felt as if he was in a dream. With a face brimming with smiles, he jogged towards Jiang Feifei and the others, cheerfully saying, "Big sisters, this is your military training uniform."

Jiang Feifei and Fang Qingqing both had a smile on their faces as they received the uniforms, sweetly saying, "Thank you!" The fatty's heart blossomed with joy. She was so happy that even saliva was about to flow out from the corner of her mouth …

Upon seeing this, Fang Qingqing could only kindly "remind" him: "This student, there are still other girls on the platform whose uniforms have not been distributed. You can go help out." Although Fats was reluctant, he could only listen to Fang Qingqing's instructions as he walked towards the stage to distribute the other girls' military uniforms.

Instructor Sun Yan saw that after the boy handed out the girls' military uniforms, he took them away one by one and then sat back down, smiling in satisfaction. However, when she saw that the boy was still wearing the military uniform alone, she felt it was a little strange.

"Ye Xuan, you haven't taken your military training uniform away yet. Come and take it."

Sun Yan shook the military training uniform in her hands towards Ye Xuan.

Jiang Feifei knew his character, and was afraid that the two of them would not be able to get off the stage, so she said to Sun Yan: "Give it to me, Teacher Sun."

She took Ye Xuan's military training uniform from Sun Yan's hands, causing the other boys to look at Ye Xuan with both envy and jealousy. And when Ye Xuan saw Jiang Feifei taking back the military training uniform for him, he only nodded, not even bothering to say "Thank you".

"Alright, students." Sun Yan said to the students in her class, "Since you've already gotten your military uniform, remember to bathe it when you go back. Tomorrow, you will have to put it on properly, so everyone must rest early today. "Then, I'll see you tomorrow!" See you tomorrow, Sun laoshi! "

Fang Qingqing, Ye Xuan and Jiang Feifei followed the crowd and walked out of the classroom. It was almost noon, Jiang Feifei suggested: "Qing Qing, it's almost time to eat lunch, why don't I invite you guys to a nearby western restaurant to eat steak? The head chef used to work at a Michelin 3 star restaurant." Fang Qingqing teased her and said:

"Yo, this School Beauty Jiang is actually taking the initiative to treat us to a meal. Speak!" Is it right... You're interested? " As she spoke, she glanced at Ye Xuan, who immediately blushed, "What? Even KTV's incident from yesterday and the day before didn't really thank him. If he wasn't here, I wouldn't even know what would have happened … "Let's go, let's go. I'm hungry."

Jiang Feifei immediately led the way forward as Fang Qingqing sneaked a peek at Ye Xuan, only to see that there was not the slightest fluctuation in his eyes, as though she was letting out a sigh of relief in his heart. She herself did not know why this was happening, could it be that she liked Ye Xuan? Fang Qingqing shook her head fiercely. How could she like such a reckless person? Fang Qingqing increased her pace, walked beside Jiang Feifei and started chatting enthusiastically.

Ye Xuan merely followed them nearby as his mind was filled with thoughts about what kind of martial arts he should learn in order to become a celestial sovereign as quickly as possible. To him, women's beauty and food were not important, what was important was revenge! Thinking about what the Xu Family had done to him, Ye Xuan's expression couldn't help but become colder.

As Fang Qingqing and Jiang Feifei were talking and laughing, they had already reached the Western Restaurant's entrance. Although the interior of the restaurant was decorated elegantly, the restaurant's price was also very high, so there were not many people inside. Seeing that Fang Qingqing and Jiang Feifei were dressed in high-end clothes, a waiter led them to a table by the window and helped them pull out a chair. Seeing that they were all seated, he took out the menu. Today, Jiang Feifei was treating her to a meal. She reached out to take the menu, and asked Ye Xuan: "Brother Ye Xuan, how much cooked steak do you want?"

"Familiar with them." Ye Xuan blurted out, causing Fang Qingqing to look down on him again. What was so good about a fully cooked steak?

But how would Fang Qingqing know that when Ye Xuan had just arrived at the The Immortal World ten thousand years ago, he was without any relatives or money and could only catch some wild hare chickens on the mountain. He didn't even know how to make a fire, and during that period of time, he really lived a life of drinking blood and acting like a baby.

However, Jiang Feifei didn't think like that. She only felt that Ye Xuan had a unique personality, he was not like some people who had just arrived at the Western Restaurant. In order to act tough, they would order some cooked steak, and in the end, they wouldn't be able to eat them even once the steak was in front of them. After choosing three steaks, Jiang Feifei ordered a few side dishes and two desserts.

During dinner, Jiang Feifei had originally wanted to take this opportunity to get to know more about Ye Xuan, but he kept replying to herself, so she gave up on that idea and turned to chat with Fang Qingqing.

After the three of them finished eating, the moment they walked out of the Western Restaurant, they saw a bunch of little Mixed s standing in front of them.

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