Rebirth: City Supreme/C15 Seeing Danger Again
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Rebirth: City Supreme/C15 Seeing Danger Again
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C15 Seeing Danger Again

"The two of you are really intimate!" A cold voice came from behind him.

Ye Feng turned his head, and three or four strange looking young men with colorful hair appeared behind him. The leader had eye lacquer spots, a face full of fat, extremely thin lips, and hair dyed a light yellow. He also had a strange earring on his ear. One could tell that he was an arrogant and despotic person.

"Cai Pengfei!" It's you again? " Guan stood up angrily.

Ye Feng also knew from memory that this yellow haired kid was Cai Zhixiong's son, Cai Pengfei. He had been expelled from school last year, but now he was roaming the society. With Cai Zhixiong's help, Hong Kong and other countries' dark relations, he had committed all sorts of crimes. The last time I was hit, it was this brat who incited his underlings to do it. Today, he's come looking for trouble again. It seems that I'm in trouble.

Ye Feng remained calm, "Lin Lin, ignore him, let's go." Ye Feng did not know how much potential he had in his body, or how much strength he had, or whether he could handle these ruffians, so if he could not control them well, then he would suffer a loss. It wouldn't be too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

Just when Ye Feng was about to leave with Guan Yonglin, Cai Peng ran over to stop him, and the yellow-hair grabbed his wrist, "Ye Feng, you little rascal, you are so tough on horses." It caused laozi to waste two hundred thousand yuan to treat the smelly bear's mother, yet he didn't stab you to death. "

Ye Feng also grabbed Cai Pengfei's arm, "Cai Pengfei, aren't you afraid of becoming a prison when you spend money to hire a criminal?"

Cai Pengfei laughed out loud, "Prison? Do you have evidence? I didn't say anything just now. Brothers, did you hear what I just said? "

Those hoodlums said in unison, "No, boss didn't say anything."

Ye Feng snorted, "Cai Pengfei, I have nothing to say to you. We will slowly settle our debts in the future."

Cai Pengfei glared at him. "There's no need for that later. We'll know for sure today." After saying this, Cai Pengfei fiercely punched towards the top of Ye Feng's head.

Ye Feng subconsciously waved his hand to block, and at the same time, fiercely stomped his foot on Cai Pengfei's crotch.

Even though the current Ye Feng's physical fitness was poor, but his battle awareness was still present. He was able to block and counterattack in one breath. How could Cai Pengfei withstand such a lightning fast attack? With his foot on the vital point of Ye Feng, he let out a cry and squatted down while clutching his stomach. He painfully shouted: "Bastard, you dare to fight with me, chop him up!"

One of them even took out a switchblade from his pocket, but Ye Feng did not dare to be careless. Just now, he had been trying to kill Cai Pengfei with his saber, and although it had hit his vital parts, his body was not fit for a fight. Now that he had to face several opponents at the same time, his body really couldn't take it.

A hoodlum punched his fist. When the fist was only 10 centimeters away from his face, Ye Feng slightly tilted his head, dodging the hoodlum's fist at the same time. Then, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked towards the hoodlum's abdomen. With a dull thud, this hoodlum was struck in the stomach and lost his balance. He fell backwards and collapsed onto the ground.

A long-haired bully at the side quickly raised his fist and punched towards Ye Feng's chest. At the same time that Ye Feng sidestepped his fist, his left foot 'Autumn Wind Sweeping the Leaf' heavily hit this person's leg, and also knocked him down onto the ground.

At this time, the remaining two bullies had already realized that Ye Feng was not a powerless coward, but a good fighter. Their hearts could not help but become even angrier as they held their daggers tightly and suddenly stabbed towards Ye Feng's abdomen.

At this time, Guan Yonglin was still in a daze, thinking about how Ye Feng fought against the two of them. But when she saw that the other had taken out his knife, she became anxious again, "Ye Feng, quickly run …."

Seeing that the knife was about to pierce into Ye Feng's body, her heart felt as if it had fallen into a bottomless chasm …

With a muffled sound, the blade in this kid's hand was kicked away by Ye Feng. And then his leg was also hit by Ye Feng's iron rod like leg, and once again fell to the ground. The anger in Ye Feng's heart had not yet subsided, and he did not plan on letting this little brat go. He took a big stride forward, and knelt down on one knee in front of his chest. "Kid, you dare to stab me with a knife?"

The enemy struggled for a few moments, but Ye Feng's knee was still pressing down on his chest like a mountain, and could not move at all.

"Fuck you, bastards, didn't you guys want to teach me a lesson?" As Ye Feng said this, he raised his left hand and heavily slapped the boy's face.

Crack crack. It was a crisp and loud sound. Many finger marks appeared on this hoodlum's face.

He originally thought that Ye Feng was a weak and curious person, but now, he became even more powerful. He could not help but be afraid and hurriedly begged: "Big brother, I was wrong, I was wrong, please forgive me." At this point, tears almost flowed down his face.

"If I spare you, you might take revenge on me in the future. I'd better cripple you." As Ye Feng was speaking, he picked up a big bowl of pebbles and threw them down on one side of Huo Hai's face.

Suddenly, he heard Guan Yonglin screaming, "Ye Feng, be careful!"

At the same time, Ye Feng heard the strange sound coming from behind him and realized that it was not good. He turned his head and saw that Cai Pengfei was holding the dagger in his hand and was about to stab towards Ye Feng's back. Ye Feng anxiously waved his arm to block and the dagger had already made a deep cut on Ye Feng's arm.

Ye Feng felt a burning pain on his arm and got angry from embarrassment. He heavily punched Cai Pengfei on the chin. This kid cried out and fell down towards the river.

A few lackeys on the shore saw that the situation was not good, so they got up and were about to run away when several policemen jumped down from the police cars and quickly overpowered a few lackeys. One of the police officers in uniform said to Ye Feng: "Isn't this Mayor Song's son? Another gangster attacked you? Is it serious? Little Liu, immediately send him to the hospital to bandage his wounds. "

Ye Feng said: "No need, you guys take me home. You just need to apply some medicine, and my small injury will be fine." However, Cai Pengfei has instructed the murderer to kill me. The police cannot tolerate adultery, so you must severely punish him. "

Cai Pengfei stood up from the river, "Ye Feng, you are slandering me. You are obviously trying to seduce my girlfriend. I am trying to reason with you. You are the one who attacked me first."

Ye Feng looked at the fallen dog and snorted: "I won't tell you the difference, the law is open to all."

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