Rebirth: City Supreme/C18 The Evolution of Genius
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Rebirth: City Supreme/C18 The Evolution of Genius
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C18 The Evolution of Genius

The next day, Song Xue sat on the leather sofa in the mayor's office as if nothing had happened.

On the elegant desk in front of her was the headline of Huadu Daily News. A fire had broken out in the purple-gold villa, and the young master of the Cai family had died a violent death.

Song Xue laughed irreverently as she folded the newspaper and threw it into the file cabinet beside her.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

When the door opened, Chief Shi of the Public Security Bureau walked in. When she saw his smile, Song Xue asked, "Chief Shi, what is it that makes you so happy?"

Chief Shi carefully closed the door, walked over and said, "Mayor Song, I was in Mayor Zhang's office just now. He had just received a call from the provincial council's Governor Qiao. From his tone, Governor Qiao was very dissatisfied with him. The security in the Huayuan City had been very poor. First Ye Feng had been assassinated, then young master Cai had mysteriously been burned to death. "Looks like Mayor Zhang is going to be in trouble."

Song Xue had already guessed what he meant, it seemed that Chief Shi was an astute person who was good at handling the wind. She maintained her composure and asked: "The safety of the city is indeed a concern, but as the Chief of Public Security, you have to do your best to fulfill your duty. Chief Shi, what I'm worried about the most right now is, our number six is being attacked by the enemy, so you and Chief Tang must be extra alert." If something happens, I'm asking for you. "

Bureau Chief Shi patted his chest, "Mayor Song, I will do my best to fulfill my duty. From tomorrow onwards, I will move the bedroll to the East Mountain."

When they left, Chief Shi said in a low voice, "Mayor Song, Mayor Zhang's mental state has not been very good for a long time. Regarding the security work over at the East Mountain, I've told him a lot of suggestions and he won't listen to them, so I hope Mayor Song can accept some of my suggestions after you capture the East Mountain."

Song Xue nodded. After Chief Shi left, Song Xue sat down and started thinking while looking at the map of the flower cities on the wall behind her.

After fighting with Cai Pengfei, Ye Feng deeply realized that his body had to be restored as soon as possible. Even if he could recover a tenth of his power, he could still ensure his own safety. In addition, Ye Feng was also deeply aware that the Hucheng City's nuclear bomb, Divine Wind 6, was about to face the world, and all the spies from other countries would probably come to make trouble during this period. If he quickly recovered his physical condition, perhaps he could even help his mother.

These few days, Ye Feng had been persisting with a lot of physical training, but he still had to check his own body's performance and whether it was suitable for the transformation of his life energy. Ye Feng was very clear that if he wanted to establish himself in this world, his personal strength was the safest guarantee of safety.

Ye Feng was lying on his bed, carefully considering what he should do next. He would first think of a way to test his body's potential. Ye Feng thought in his heart, this was very simple, he was afraid that the equipment required by the school would be able to be used, as long as they were slightly modified. Thinking of this, Ye Feng looked at the time. He had just finished his first afternoon class, and after class, he had secretly gone to the laboratory on the top floor. He would be able to finish this in half an hour. The transformation of life energy was proposed by a scientist in the 30th century. After decades of experiments, the transformation has completed a feat that shocked the entire human world, thus affecting the development and evolution of some humans. Perhaps, this was also the stage that humans must pass through during their evolution.

The mad scientist suggested that when a person's energy training was at its peak, he could stimulate the body with U-shaped micro-electric currents, ignite the latent energy of every cell in the body, and transfer it into those cells. Then, he could use the principle of the repulsive interactions between electrodes and the principle of the attraction between different races, and also use some apparatus to absorb the life energy of the outside world to improve the life energy of the human body.

This was a bit like the Star Sucking Dharma in novels. Of course, this was definitely not absorbing the life of others. Moreover, not everyone was suited to absorb life energy from the outside world. Only people with special physiques could absorb it. The amount of life energy a person could absorb depended on their own potential.

After class, Ye Feng quietly went to the laboratory on the top floor of the school building. Today, there were no experimental classes in all the grades, so he could be at ease and bravely conduct experiments for himself.

In the biochemical laboratory, Ye Feng first examined these experimental tools. Because they were too old, many of them had no idea what they were, and could only guess their uses. He didn't know if they were correct or not. The next method to be used to detect one's own life potential was the simplest and most primitive.

This was something that could not be helped. Advanced detection devices were not available in this era. It would be better to just find a piece of tofu and smash himself to death first. Since this was the most primitive ancient method, Ye Feng would naturally have to suffer a bit. After finding some essential experimental equipment, Ye Feng began to concoct the chemical medicine. After being heated at a high temperature, the phosphorus carbonate in the test tube began to boil. Ye Feng added purple magnesium iodide and Karin's acid solution... After concocting the first batch, he would then concoct the second batch, the third batch … Ninth part. Angele spent about half an hour to concoct these potions. He had to be fast, or he would run out of time.

Once everything was ready, Ye Feng found a set of 36V electric bottles and soaked the power supply cable into the first batch of medicine. Then, he continued to find the power cable and connected the other 80% drugs in series. Thus, Ye Feng used these ancient equipment and chemical agents to refine the U-shaped electrical energy. U-shaped electrical energy is a new type of electrical energy produced by the combination of original electrical energy and chemical elements. It is widely used in the field of medicine in the future and is an effective basis for the treatment of variant diseases. This kind of knowledge was only the most basic level for Ye Feng, and there was no need for him to think about it.

Ye Feng found a 600 milliliter glass container and used alcohol to wipe his wrist clean. The blade drew across his wrist and bright red blood gushed out of the wound, dripping into the glass container. After a total of 200 milliliters of blood, Ye Feng felt a burst of excitement. Moving the blood vessel into the high precision electron microscope, Ye Feng sat in front of the computer, familiarizing himself with the usage of this kind of ancient machine, and began to write a simple analysis program, now all that was left was the last step. He cut off a small piece of flesh and threw it into the container.

Ye Feng's heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably, as he connected the positive and negative poles of the U-shaped electric energy into his blood, and then pressed the power switch. Under the electron microscope, the flesh soaked in the blood that was injected with U-shaped electricity didn't start to die the way it did in the normal way. Each cell started to metabolize under the stimulation of U-shaped electricity and blood, and the cells at the edge of the skin miraculously started to repair themselves, and then, what happened even more shocking was that the cells in this piece of flesh actually started to split and give birth to new tissue.

Ye Feng excitedly clenched his fists and stared at the computer screen. He knew that he'd succeeded. The perfection of his body had surpassed even his own expectations, and his life potential was shockingly powerful. Ye Feng couldn't help but kiss his injured arm. This was too perfect, his current body looked very sickly, but in fact, it was completely invulnerable. He was worthy of being an Earth life form! There were too many unfathomable things in it. Slowly, the blood in the vessel began to dry out and congeal. As that piece of flesh did not have the energy to sustain life, the cells stopped moving and slowly began to die.

From now on, Ye Feng decided on the next step of his evolution, and that was to use this body as the foundation, to become stronger, even more powerful!

Ye Feng started to pack his things, his eyes were full of confidence, and the corner of his mouth hooked up into a faint smile.

While the other students were still studying hard in the classroom, Ye Feng sneakily ran to the seaside. Swimming is a good way to exercise the body, not only to exercise strength, but also to enhance the body's resistance and organ function. For example, skin, swimming process, because of the stimulation of water temperature, the body in order to ensure enough temperature, skin and blood vessels participated in an important regulatory role. Stimulation of cold water causes blood vessels in the skin to constrict, preventing heat from spreading outside the body. At the same time, the body intensified the production of heat, skin blood vessels expansion, improve the blood supply of skin blood vessels, so that long-term persistence exercise can be skin blood circulation enhancement. In addition, water is a very soft liquid. Because the waves constantly rub against the skin of the human body, the skin can be relaxed, so those who participate in swimming exercises all have a body of smooth, white, soft skin.

When swimming, people usually use the buoyancy of water lying on their backs or prone in the water, the whole body relaxed and unfurled, so that the body to achieve comprehensive, balanced, coordinated development, and smooth muscle lines. In the water motion reduces the impact of ground motion on the bone, reduces the probability of bone loss, makes bone joint not easy to deform. Water resistance can increase a person's exercise intensity, but this intensity, different from the equipment training on land, is very gentle, the intensity of training is very easy to control in the aerobic area, will not grow very stiff muscle block, can make the whole body line smooth and beautiful.

The water was known as the source of life by humans, Earth's seawater contained too many mineral elements, and its effects on the human body couldn't be compared to Pluto. Ye Feng really enjoyed the feeling of being immersed in seawater. It was simply too perfect.

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