Rebirth: Divine Dragon Master/C1 Preamble
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Rebirth: Divine Dragon Master/C1 Preamble
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C1 Preamble

"F * ck, who said that Kangxi is the one who is known to be the greatest in history? In my opinion, he is the most scoundrel of emperors. If it wasn't for his order to lock down our country, how could I, a magnificent China, be divided up by the Western powers?" Tie Yulin couldn't help but curse after he finished reading "Emperor Kangxi".

In fact, Tie Yulin was also wrong about Kangxi, and the closing and locking up of the country started at the end of the Ming Dynasty when the Han Dynasty was out of order, and was not put forward by Kangxi. As a minority government, the Qing government, in order to consolidate the government, naturally continued this policy in an attempt to "seclude itself" the Chinese in the country from the outside world in order to prevent foreigners from supporting the Han people to form anti-Qing power.

Actually, Kangxi was very interested in Western science and technology during his reign and had also mastered a lot of science and technology, but he strictly forbade those who were not himself from studying because he was worried that if the advanced Western technology were to spread, it would greatly shake the rule of the Qing of riding a horse and shooting one's family. Therefore, Kangxi forbade the missionaries to translate any scientific documents in the offices of the Han and Mongolian people, which to a certain extent caused the decline of the Chinese civilization, which was represented by the Han people. Liang Qichao had once said that Kangxi's science was a tool used to attack others. "Even if he didn't want to stifle the wisdom of the people, he still couldn't fail to do so."

"If we had started developing capitalism from the beginning of Qing Dynasty, China would not have suffered from that sort of backlash. Maybe it would have been Chinese troops invading Europe, the United States and elsewhere." Tie Yulin lit up a cigarette, took a deep breath and blew out a big smoke ring. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the scene.

Maybe it was because he was too sleepy, Tie Yulin had already fallen asleep after smoking for only half an hour. It was no wonder that Tie Yulin had only slept less than four hours a day in order to quickly finish reading Emperor of Kangxi . The reason was that he had to return the book as soon as possible after reading it, since the rent was one yuan a day. Tie Yulin was only a senior in his third year of high school. His family wasn't too well off, and his monthly living expenses were only around 200 yuan. Excluding the necessary living expenses, he only had less than 30 yuan at his disposal.

Tie Yulin was too sleepy and sleeping soundly, so he didn't know that danger was approaching him step by step. While Tie Yulin was sleeping, half of the cigarette in his hand landed on a exposed piece of wire. Luckily, there was a layer of soft plastic on the outside of the wire, but under the burning cigarette butts, the plastic was slowly sinking down.

"Two millimeters, one millimeter, half a millimeter. Finally, the cigarette butt and the copper wire in the wire came into true contact." "Sizzle …" Black smoke rose from the thread and sparks danced around Tie Yulin's finger. However, Tie Yulin, who was sleeping, did not sense any sense of danger.

"Finally, the thread ignited into a flame, and quickly spread along the wire until it reached the electric lock." With a bang, the sound of the electric brake exploding could be heard. In just ten seconds, all of the electrical wires had been ignited and were spreading out in all directions at an astonishing speed. In an instant, the house was engulfed in a huge fire.

The blazing fire and the sudden high temperature caused Tie Yulin to wake up. However, it was already too late. There was a huge fire raging in all four directions and everything in the room had been set ablaze. Just as Tie Yulin stood up, before he could even rub his eyes, he heard a loud sound. It was a gas tank. Tie Yulin had just had this thought appear in his mind.

First Book of Deer Cauldron Vol. 1 by Liu Feiying

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