Rebirth: Divine Dragon Master/C2 Young Master of the Dragon Cult
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Rebirth: Divine Dragon Master/C2 Young Master of the Dragon Cult
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C2 Young Master of the Dragon Cult

"Am I dead?" After an unknown period of time, Tie Yulin slowly woke up. He felt a splitting headache, his mouth was dry, and his entire body was soft. He couldn't use even half of his strength, and even opening his eyes took up half of his strength.

What caught Tie Yulin's eye was an archaic bed tent. The bed curtain was light blue in color, and what made Tie Yulin surprised wasn't the ancient bed tent, but the pattern embroidered on it — five snakes. The heads of these five snakes were facing the center, with their tongues flicking out. Their tails were sticking out, and the five snakes were of different colors as well: black, white, red, green, and yellow.

Although Tie Yulin didn't have any strength left on him, his mind was very clear. Such a strange pattern was rarely seen in modern cities, let alone the hospital. No one would make such a terrifying pattern at home.

Just as Tie Yulin shifted his gaze away from the strange picture of the Five Snakes, he felt a shadow's shadow sway to his right. Before he could turn his neck over, he heard a joyful and trembling voice, "Young … Young Religion Lord, you... You're awake, too... That's great. This servant will go and report it to the Sect Leader right now. " The voice was crisp and pleasant, as if it belonged to a young girl.

"Young Religion Lord?" When Tie Yulin heard this, he was shocked. Since when did he become Young Religion Lord? It was unknown where this force came from, but Tie Yulin immediately turned his head and looked to the right. He only saw a pale yellow figure flash behind the screen.

It was indeed an ancient room. Three meters away from the bed was a two meter tall, three meter long screen. On top of the screen was the same terrifying picture of the five snakes. Between the bed and the screen was a round table with four stools placed around it. The round table and stools were made of fine pear wood. There was nothing else on the round table except a tea tray with a purple clay teapot and four teacups.

Just when Tie Yulin was looking around, he suddenly heard a soft sound of clothes coming from outside, followed by a loud and clear voice beside Tie Yulin's ear: "Tianxiao, my Xiao, you're finally awake. Father's worries have died these days."

When he opened his eyes again, a tall and powerful figure was already standing beside the bed. This person was about forty years old, with a large braid that only existed during the Qing Dynasty, his hair was crisscrossed between black and white, his eagle-like eyes were bright and lively, two eye-catching thick white eyebrows, a beard below his chin, and a dignified look in his eyes that was mixed with endless joy and worry.

Seeing Tie Yulin's slightly unfamiliar expression, this person was stunned. He did not know that Tie Yulin was here, so he quickly stepped forward and grabbed Tie Yulin's wrist. With half-closed eyes, he started to work on Tie Yulin's pulse.

"Qing Dynasty, I didn't die, and I even transmigrated to Qing Dynasty, this … What exactly is going on? " Tie Yulin suppressed the shock in the center and pretended to close his eyes in fatigue. However, that instant of shock in his heart made Tie Yulin's pulse a little chaotic, which also made him frown.

After a long while, the man let go of Tie Yulin's wrist and let out a sigh of relief. He looked at Tie Yulin with his eyes closed and smiled kindly, "Tianxiao, what do you think of your health?" Your father has just given you a pulse, and although your body is weak, it's fine now. "However, this is really strange. Yesterday, I was still extremely weak, and my soul was about to break. How could I suddenly recover today? Could it be that the Heavenly King's Life Protection Pill is actually this amazing? How strange.

The first half of this person's sentence was for Tie Yulin to hear, but the second half was for himself, especially after he finished speaking, his two white eyebrows unconsciously knitted together, forming a huge "eight". If he didn't already know that it was Qing Dynasty, Tie Yulin would have taken this person to be the White Eyed Eagle King Yin Tianzheng of the Heavenly Dragon Slaying Record. This person had been deep in thought for a long time with a frown on his face. It was as if he couldn't understand why Tie Yulin would suddenly wake up. Not only that, his body was fine as well.

However, even though he couldn't come up with anything, his precious son's life was saved after all. This person let out a long sigh in his heart, and for the first time, he began to thank Bodhisattva Guan Yin in his heart.

Seeing this, most of the readers would understand that this person was indeed Divine Dragon Religion Lord and Hong Antong from the Book of Lu Ding. Tie Yulin had transmigrated into the body of Hong Antong's only son, Hong Tianxiao. Hong Antong was forty-five years old this year, while Hong Tianxiao was only seven or eight years old. He could be said to be the son of an old man, and Hong Antong's wife had bled to death after giving birth to Hong Tianxiao. Therefore, Hong Antong really loved his precious son and feared him.

However, unexpectedly, two days ago, when Yan Meng and Yun Luo, the servant of Red Dragon Sect, were playing with Hong Tianxiao, there was a sudden clap of thunder in the clear sky. Hong Tianxiao, who was frightened, fell down from the fake mountain. Originally, if he could send Hong Tianxiao to Hong Antong in time, as long as he was still breathing, he could at least save Hong Tianxiao's life by taking one or two Sky King's Life Pills.

Other than the five Dragon Envoys, only Liu Tie and the fat, skinny monk and a few other elderlies knew about it. How could the maids like Yan Meng and Yun Luo, who were normally extremely strict with their treatment, know that? When Yan Meng and Yun Luo saw Hong Tianxiao was on the verge of death, they were all scared silly, they knew that Hong Tianxiao's position in the Sect Leader's heart, if something like this happened, the Sect Leader would definitely feed it to Wu Cai Long, and so both of them died under the fake mountain.

After a quarter of an hour, Hong Tianxiao stopped breathing.

Two hours later, Divine Dragon Religion's patrol team found out about the situation here. While sending people to report to Hong Antong, they also quickly put away Hong Tianxiao's corpse. Upon receiving his subordinate's report, Hong Antong's face turned pale with fright, and hastily rushed over. At this moment, Tie Yulin successfully passed through and attached himself onto Hong Tianxiao. However, Hong Tianxiao was bleeding profusely from the back of his head. Although he had a breath, it was very weak.

When Hong Antong received the report from the patrol, saying that Hong Tianxiao had died, he nearly fainted. But when he got closer, he found that his son was still breathing lightly, but he was overjoyed. He took out the King's Life Pills from his chest without hesitation and fed three of them to Hong Tianxiao.

Since the Heaven King's Life Pills were an island guarding treasure of the Divine Dragon Religion, they were naturally extremely rare. Hong Antong had sent his subordinate to gather countless rare medicinal ingredients, and one of them was a three-hundred-year-old mountain ginseng, white bear gall, snow lotus, and other items. It was especially rare and even used a large amount of Hong Antong's mental strength to refine it, and there were only around ten of them in the process of being refined.

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