Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty/C124 Deadline
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Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty/C124 Deadline
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C124 Deadline

It was only on the fifteenth of the second month that the Vanguard of Heavens finally obtained its auspicious day based on Zhao Chen's and Zheyue Ru's birth date!

Originally, this auspicious day should have been sent to the Imperial Palace as soon as possible, but after Zhao Chen had seen it, he had his people send this auspicious day to the Qing Residence, so that he could tell them the day of their wedding! This was the invitation period!

However, Zhe Keqiu had overflowing power and influence. In order to curry favor with Zhe Keqiu, the Venerate Heavens Sect had actually informed the Zhuang family of the auspicious day at the first possible moment!

After Zhe Keqiu obtained this auspicious day, his heart was overjoyed!

Immediately, Zhe Keqiu called Zhe Yanwen over to his side!

"Father, the date of the wedding has been set. It's the 20th of May!" Zhe Yanwen looked at the auspicious day, and said.

"Yes, May 20th!" "There are still three months until May 20th. I can't wait!" Zhe Keqiu laughed.

"Father, do you really look forward to marrying your sister to that foggy monarch?" Zhe Yanwen said.

"I am not looking forward to marrying your sister to that stupid monarch. I am looking forward to become the country's leader! On New Year's Eve, the little Emperor has knelt before me! At that time, he was kneeling in front of the civil and military officials of the imperial court. This time, I want him to kneel in front of me! Yan Wen, do you know what is the most straightforward thing in a man's life? " Zhe Keqiu said.

"This child doesn't know!" Zhe Yanwen shook his head.

When I was young, I was surrounded by beauties that were like the clouds. This can be considered as a success, and secondly, I have done everything that happened in the country, this can be considered as barely a success now, but right now, I am not an emperor yet, and only when I become an emperor will this rule be completely realized! Third, to lead the army to conquer the country and hold the monarch accountable for his crimes! How refreshing it would be to make the enemy king kneel in front of him! Even though this little emperor isn't an enemy of the nation's emperor, if he was allowed to kneel at my father's feet, then my father would feel exceptionally carefree as well! I can't wait for him to kneel at my feet! " Zhe Keqiu said.

"Father is right!" Zhe Yanwen thought about the three conditions that Zhe Keqiu had mentioned, and he agreed with them endlessly in his heart!

At that moment, Zhe Yanwen wished that he could become the emperor himself, and all the important matters of the nation would come from him! He too hoped that the king of the enemy nation could kneel in front of him and allow him to humiliate him! As he thought of this, a rare hint of excitement appeared in his eyes!

"So, marrying your sister to a little emperor is a must! After your sister marries the little emperor, we can control the political affairs more quickly and make the little emperor kneel before our father! Don't you think so? " Zhe Keqiu laughed.

"Father is right!" Zhe Yanwen finally agreed with his father!

"There are still three months. In these three months, I must prepare a generous dowry for your sister!" She sacrificed so much for us, so we can't treat her unfairly! " Zhe Keqiu said.

"It's time to prepare a generous dowry for my sister!" With regards to this point, Zhe Yanwen was also very much in favor of it!

"Sigh!" Your sister will probably be wronged when she gets to the palace! " Zhe Keqiu said.

"If that trash, the Emperor, dares to harm my sister, I will definitely not spare her!" Zhe Yanwen said.

"I'm not saying that the Emperor bullied your sister. I'm saying that the Emperor cannot let your sister have her way! Since the Emperor is so infatuated with you, your sister will definitely be dissatisfied. She's not in a good mood! " Zhe Keqiu said.

"Daddy is right!" Zhe Yanwen nodded!

However, the father and son duo only felt slightly guilty about this! They hoped that Zhao Chen would always be disorderly and useless! Their thoughts and Zheyue Ru's were completely different!

"What has Li Gang been doing recently?" Zhe Keqiu said again.

"Li Gang has nothing to do everyday! "Our soldiers watch over him every day. Even if he wants to leave the county magistrate, it will be a bit difficult!" Zhe Yanwen said.

"Very good! After I become the nation's leader, I'll try to rope him in again! If he can be of use to us, that would be for the best! Oh right, there are still Li Ruoshui, Wu Jie and the rest, what are they doing now? " Zhe Keqiu said again.

"Li Ruoshui is completely muddled, he in Chuan Shu, actually cares about the people's land and water, it's so funny! As for Wu Jie and the other two, they have actually recruited a few soldiers, and now they have ten to twenty thousand people under their command! " Zhe Yanwen said.

"Are you concerned about water conservancy in the people's fields in troubled times? Ridiculous to the extreme! 10 to 20 thousand people under Wu Jie was nothing! Oh yes, there's still Wang De, Yue Fei and the rest, do you have any news about them? " Zhe Keqiu said.

"Wang De seems to be quite frustrated in Jingyuan City, he hid in his room everyday and did not come out! As for Yue Fei and the rest, there was no news of them now! As the one who instigated the Southern Goblin King, Yue Fei was extremely powerful in Henan. How could he be stronger than Zong Ze? " Zhe Yanwen said.

"Hahahaha..." Zhe Keqiu laughed at the sky, his face full of pride!

"Father, we still have to inform that foppish monarch about our wedding day!" Zhe Yanwen said.

"That's right!" This matter is up to you! " Zhe Keqiu nodded!

Immediately, Zhe Yanwen went to handle this matter. At night, Zhao Chen finally found out the date of his wedding — — 20 May!

"Are we getting married on May 20th? There were still three months left! I wonder how Li Gang, Yue Fei, Wu Jie, Wang Shu and the rest are preparing! During this period of time, I will go hunting frequently in the Changchun View, and hope to be able to contact them! " Zhao Chen secretly thought.

Right now, he had a one-way contact with Wu Jie and the others, he could only wait for them to contact him, it would be difficult for him to contact them!

He took note of the date of the wedding and sat cross-legged on the bed, meditating and practicing!

From last year until now, Zhao Chen's performance had become more and more "indecent". Now, even Lin Bao did not pay much attention to Zhao Chen! No one observed and no one was on guard against his actions in the chamber!

The date of the grand marriage quickly passed from the Residence of Zhuo and the Imperial Palace to the people!

When he woke up the next morning, some of the well-informed citizens had already known about this matter!

The citizens of Hanzhong City were also discussing!

"His Majesty's wedding is in three months! Master Fold Zhe Keqiu will become the nation leader! "

"Master Fold has already become the Prime Minister, and now he has become the Secretary of State! Zhe Yanwen is now also a Privy Envoys! Is the Song Dynasty's mountains and rivers going to be folded in the future? "

"Nonsense!" His Majesty was the legitimate direct son of the Great Emperor, becoming the emperor from the Crown Prince! His Majesty had the Imperial Jade Seal in his hands, so he was the emperor! How could the rivers and mountains of the Song Dynasty become a folded family? "

"Don't you think that the current situation is very similar to the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty? In the past, Emperor Han Qi was also the young master of the throne, and Cao Cao was the Prime Minister! Right now, His Majesty is also the young master and the Master Fold is the prime minister! It's all a chaotic era, a young master can't possibly be in charge of a country! "

"What you said makes sense!" Back then when the Emperor Kang ascended to the throne of the Shang Qiu, the Emperor should have supported the Emperor Kang! That day, the Emperor Kang sent an emissary to the Middle Han Area and told His Majesty, if His Majesty supports the Emperor Kang, His Majesty will still be the crown prince! When the Emperor Kang expels the Tataru, he will abdicate and allow his Majesty to ascend the throne! No matter what the Emperor Kang said, he is His Majesty's uncle, but His Majesty does not trust the Emperor Kang! It's good now, I still don't know who the future of Song Dynasty will belong to! "

"Sigh!" The main reason was that His Majesty had lost his mind! Every day, His Majesty would hide in the palace and be a carpenter. How laughable! Besides being a carpenter, the only thing His Majesty liked was hunting! His Majesty was young, and he did these things every day. How could he not hand over the country's affairs to an outsider? How could there be such a monarch in the Song Dynasty? "

The citizens of Hanzhong City were all whispering in discussion!

This news spread faster and faster, and in a few days it had reached all the other counties in Middle Han Area!

By the beginning of March, every place in Chuan Shu already knew about this news!

By the end of March, the news had finally reached Hangzhou City!

Hangzhou was no longer the same as it used to be; it used to be an important city in the south! However, last fall, when the Kang Wang Zhao Zhuang arrived in Hangzhou, the city of Hangzhou had become its home! The Emperor Kang named Hangzhou "Linan", which meant that this was a temporary place, in the future, he would have to open it all!

On this day, Emperor Kang called all the civil and military officials to the Linan's imperial palace to discuss about what was happening in the Middle Han Area!

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