Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty/C50 Sakyamuni
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Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty/C50 Sakyamuni
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C50 Sakyamuni

In the Southern Song Dynasty, if there was a person whose achievements could be compared with Yue Fei's, then that person would definitely be Wu Jie!

Although Wu Jie was not one of the Four Great Generals of the ZTE, he had done a great job in defending Sichuan and Shan for dozens of years, making it difficult for the Jin Army to go south! He had repeatedly defeated Jin Army, and often, he single-handedly turned the tides on the battlefield! Other than Yue Fei, the achievements of Han Shizhong, Liu Guangshi and Zhang Jun could not be compared with him alone! Other than Wu Jie, Wu Jie's brother Wu Lin had also accomplished great things. Wu Lin had also surpassed Han Shizhong, Liu Guangshi and Zhang Jun!

Never in his wildest dreams would Zhao Chen have thought that the "Twelfth General", who was on the private road, was actually the famous Wu Jie in all of history! He had never heard of Yang Congyi's name before, but he definitely knew of Wu Jie's name!

"Your Highness, what's wrong?" Seeing Zhao Chen standing there blankly, Yang Congyi asked with some surprise.

"Wu Jie, does he still have a brother called Wu Lin?" Zhao Chen said.

"That's right!" Yang Congyi nodded.

"Looks like it's him without a doubt … "Where is he now?" Zhao Chen said.

"General Wu Jie is at the Monk Yuan 40 miles ahead, General Wu Lin is at the Dazhang Pass behind!" Yang Congyi said.

"Very well, we are going forward. Why don't you follow us!" Zhao Chen said.

"Your Highness, General Wu ordered us to defend this place from the Jin Army!" Yang Congyi said.

"Defend against the Jin Army here? You, General Wu, only have 5000 men, how many men did you bring? We still have a hundred thousand Home Breaker s behind us. If even a hundred thousand Home Breaker s are unable to stop us, how can you all resist? " Zhao Chen said.

"Your Highness, don't worry, we are different from Home Breaker! Before we left, General Wu ordered for a plan to be made. We will definitely be able to block the Jin Army! " Yang Congyi said.

"But your forces are too small!" Zhao Chen shook his head.

On the other side, Yang Congyi was about to argue with Zhao Chen, but Li Gang had already said from the side, "Your Highness, time is of the essence, now is not the right time to speak! The Jin Army is getting closer and closer. We should leave first! "

Zhao Chen nodded his head, he knew that this was not the time to speak, and immediately spoke a few more words to Yang Congyi and the rest, they were still stuck at their original positions, so Zhao Chen could only say: "If you guys are unable to resist the Jin Army, then retreat to the mountain pass! "Don't be reckless. You must protect your own life!"

He was just casually giving orders, but Yang Congyi's face was covered in tears of gratitude! A loyal official like him could not stand his lord's words the most! He had originally thought that the Crown Prince was superior, but who would have thought that the Crown Prince was so amiable! The Crown Prince clearly knew that the Jin Army was right behind them, but he still told them not to be reckless and to protect his own life!

Zhao Chen did not stay any longer. He jumped on his horse,, Yue Fei and the others and headed towards the front. Yang Congyi silently watched the back of Zhao Chen and the others for a long time!

When Zhao Chen and the others left, Yang Congyi looked at the surrounding soldiers and shouted: "We are all sons of the Song Dynasty, His Highness the Crown Prince is right in front us! His Highness the Crown Prince belongs to the Land of the Nine Prefectures and the entire world, so even if we all die, we can't let anyone hurt him, you understand? "" No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

The surrounding soldiers all nodded. One of them said, "General Yang, General Wu did not tell us to go risk our lives. We still have to follow General Wu's plan!"

Yang Congyi nodded and said: "Of course. General Wu uses troops like a god, I will naturally follow his plan!" However, if we are really required to sacrifice ourselves, we must definitely not care about our own lives! "

After saying that, the surrounding soldiers nodded their heads again. Seeing the soldiers nod, a satisfied smile appeared on Yang Congyi's face. He led the soldiers towards a hidden location in the distance, not mentioning anything else!

Zhao Chen and the rest were still going forward. At this point, they had already reached the mountainous region, and the road was slowly becoming more difficult!

"Your Highness, up ahead is Qin Ling. We are at the northern foot of the Qin Mountains! This place was called a divine fork in the road. The road ahead of him was the path of the original monk. The path of the original monk was even more difficult! After the Monk Origin is the Dazhang Pass, after we reach the Dazhang Pass, we will be safe! " from the Home Breaker had always been beside Zhao Chen and the others, and now, he said that.

Zhao Chen nodded. He had been with Li Gang for the past few days, and had heard Li Gang explain the terrain of the Song Dynasty. He had long understood the importance of this Dazhang Pass!

This Dazhang Pass was the only danger in the Southwest of the pass, and also the most strategic value of the pass! After Dazhang Pass was the Middle Han Area. If they lost the Dazhang Pass, the Middle Han Area would become very dangerous! Losing the Middle Han Area, wanting to take it back was almost impossible! With the Dazhang Pass, he could send troops from the Middle Han Area to attack the enemies in all parts of the Guan Shan anytime to restore the Guan Shan!

It could be said that this Dazhang Pass was an important obstacle that determined the survival of the Guan Shan! Historically, the number of battles that had occurred before this place had exceeded seventy, and this time, the battle that would decide the future of Song Dynasty would also happen here!

"Monk Yuan, Dazhang Pass …." Zhao Chen recalled these names in his mind, feeling that these names were extremely familiar!

He suddenly remembered, in all of history, Wu Jie had lost to Jin Wushu here! And now, they had actually come here, and Wu Jie was truly here! It was just that Wu Jie had simply too few soldiers, a mere five thousand men might not even be enough to stop the tiger-like female soldiers!

In all of history, several years had passed since the battle between Wu Jie and Mu Huanzhi. At that time, Wu Jie was no longer just a deputy general but a general who possessed tens of thousands of troops! Right now, it was two years, and the change had just happened. Wu Jie's strength was low, could he still resist the Jin Army?

"If it's really out of the question, then get Wu Jie to retreat to the Dazhang Pass! In Dazhang Pass, we should be able to stop him! " Zhao Chen secretly thought.

For a moment, his thoughts surged like a tide!

"Your Highness, that soldier under Yang Congyi is no small matter!" Just then, Yue Fei suddenly said from the side.

"Oh?" Zhao Chen was startled, then said: "Those soldiers look no different from the Home Breaker Soldiers, why do you say that they are no small matter?"

Yue Fei said: "Your Highness, those soldiers look calm, their bodies carry a faint killing intent! They did not have the decadent temperament of the Home Breaker Soldiers, nor was they afraid! Although they stood in disorder, they could still see the order behind them. None of these could be seen from Home Breaker's body! "That's why I said those soldiers are no trifle!"

"Wu Jie, you truly live up to your name!" Zhao Chen nodded, and thought.

As the sky darkened, the road ahead became more and more difficult! There was no longer any road here, only a few rocky paths! After arriving here, Zhao Chen and the rest could only dismount from their horses, and lead the horses forward!

The snow was still falling, the path was smooth, and even with Zhao Chen's martial arts, he had to be careful. As for Li Gang, Li Ruoshui and the rest, they were supported by Yue Fei, Wang Gui and the others as they walked forward!

"The road here is so strange, if we were to set up ambush here, we would definitely be able to defeat the Jin Army!" Li Gang said.

"Although the path here is strange, it is flat and there isn't much place to set up an ambush!" Yue Fei shook his head.

The warrior at the front held a torch in his hand. However, the light from the torch was abnormally weak, so they could not see far. Only Yue Fei, who had reached the pinnacle of martial arts, could see into the distance!

Although they had travelled for a long time, no one dared to stop to rest. They only hoped that they could quickly leave this place and reach the Dazhang Pass!

The only problem was that the road ahead was too difficult. Even until midnight, they still had not left this area!

Just at this time, there was a light in front of him, Zhang Xian had already gone to find out more news! After a while, Zhang Xian returned, and said: "Your Highness, that General Wu Jie who was in front of you right now, Wu Jie, has already brought someone to pay their respects to Your Highness!"

"Wu Jie?" Zhao Chen was overjoyed, and said: "Quickly, let's go see him!"

He took a big step forward, but the excitement on his face could not be concealed! Li Gang was secretly surprised, and said: "Your Highness, you have heard of this Wu Jie's name before?"

At this time, Wu Jie was only a deputy general. Other than Zhao Chen, Li Ruoshui, Li Ruoshui and the others had never heard of his name before.

Zhao Chen was startled, but after a moment, he nodded and smiled: "Back then in the Imperial Palace, I had once heard my royal father say the name of this person! He is the rising star of the Western Army, and is comparable to Han Shizhong, Zhang Jun and the others! "

Li Gang frowned slightly, he did not agree with Zhao Chen's words! Firstly, although Song Chin Zong was a Great Song Emperor, he did not seem to have much talent. In Li Gang's heart, he faintly looked down on Song Chin Zong, because he felt that the people Song Chin Zong had set his eyes on might not have much ability! , Zhang Jun and the others were experts in martial arts and were well-versed in strategy, and were the most outstanding young generals of the Western Army in the past few years. To him, the Crown Prince had been too rash. Why would such a deputy general be so excited to see him?

Zhao Chen did not see Li Gang's expression, and only took large steps forward! Gradually, the flames in front of them grew closer and closer. Hundreds of people were moving forward with torches in their hands!

As the people got closer and closer, Zhao Chen finally saw the face of the leader!

He was a twenty-seven or twenty-eight year old youth. Although he wore armor, he gave off a refined aura, as if he were a scholar!

Zhao Chen was stunned, two words "Zhou Yu" suddenly appeared in his mind! The Young Generals in front of him was exactly the same as the Zhou Yu in the Three Kingdoms!

"Could it be that this person is the famous Wu Jie in history?" Zhao Chen said in shock.

Even though he knew that Wu Jie was a famous general in the early Southern Song, he did not know that Wu Jie was originally a scholar from the northwest! Only after the war between the Song Dynasty and Western Xia broke out did Wu Jie give up and follow along. After that, Wu Jie repeatedly performed meritorious military service and became the deputy general of the Elemental Road. After that, Wu Jie went south to Sichuan and formed a new army there! At this moment, he was leading thousands of his new army to the north. It turned out that he wanted to go to Duke Feng's camp. Now that he had heard the news about the crown prince, he naturally came to his rescue!

The Young Generals got closer and closer to Zhao Chen, and when he arrived beside Zhao Chen, he suddenly kneeled down and said: "General Wu Jie greets your highness!"

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