Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty/C55 The battle of the monk 3
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Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty/C55 The battle of the monk 3
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C55 The battle of the monk 3

"Han Shizhong, Zhang Jun may be the most outstanding figures in the young generation of my Western Army, but to date, they have never defeated Jin Army in a direct battle! But this time, I, Wu Jie, will utterly lose to the Jin Army, and leave my name here! " Wu Jie had already left the main position, his face was filled with excitement!

He could not help but be excited. He knew that his plan had been thoroughly carried out, and there was no suspense about his victory in this battle!

For the entire night, he allowed his brothers to take the risk and ambush the Nvzhen! Under the repeated attacks, the generals of Nvzhen must have thought that Song Army only had that much strength, so the Song Army only dared to send a few hundred people to ambush them! However, what he did not know was that everything that happened before was to numb the Nvzhen.

A total of more than four thousand people gathered. Following Wu Jie's order, they rushed forward together!


In a moment, countless brachial arch shot forward! This time, the sound was several times louder than the previous ones!

Screams could be heard coming from every direction from the Jin Army!

Before Jin Army could react, the second wave of arrows had arrived!

Another series of miserable screams!

Wan Yanwushu and Wanyan Loushi were already fast asleep, and it was just the time for them to fall asleep at two or three o'clock in the evening! Both of them turned pale with fright as they heard the sounds of arrows shooting at them!

It was just that at this time, the Jin Army was already in chaos. Countless Jin Army were lying in pools of blood, and countless others were already retreating! There were so many archers in front of them that they could not move forward. There was only death in front of them!

"Damn it!" Wan Yanwushu tried his best to sweep the arrow away, and looked at everything in disbelief!

"This is bad!" Wanyan Loushi shouted loudly!

What they found on the mountain was the Orb Stronghold. All the camps were connected together, and the soldiers in front had collapsed. Soon, it would trigger a chain effect, and the soldiers behind them would not be able to charge at all! Furthermore, they were at the Monk Origin, which was a complicated place. The Nvzhen could still travel during the day, but at night, they probably wouldn't be able to find the way at all. Who knew how many soldiers would fall into the ravine?

"Damn it!" "What should we do?" Wan Yanwushu shouted loudly!

"The two of us will charge over and kill the general of Song Army!" Wanyan Loushi said!

"Alright!" Wan Yanwushu nodded, he raised his two axes and rushed out! Wanyan Loushi had already rushed forward ahead of time!

Wu Jie was leading the soldiers forward step by step, and they were exceptionally familiar with the road ahead. A few days ago, Wu Jie came here. He knew that this was the most important place before the Dazhang Pass, so he had long known about it.

Seeing from afar that two Nvzhen s were actually charging towards him, Wu Jie revealed a cold smile on his face. He pointed forward and said: "Shoot those two people dead for me!"

Suddenly, over a dozen brachial arch arrows shot out. Wan Yanwushu, Wanyan Loushi was an expert in martial arts, but they were all knocked to the ground by them! However, they also felt a faint pain in their arms. They were all Innate Rankers, but they could not withstand the arrows of the brachial arch. From this, they could imagine how strong the force was!

However, just as they dropped the dozen or so arrows to the ground, another thirty or so arrows flew towards them! The whooshing sound of the wind made their scalps tingle! This time, the two of them did not dare to take the brachial arch's arrows head-on, and could only dodge to the side!

But a moment later, even more brachial arch arrows shot towards them. This time, there were more than a hundred of them!

"Retreat!" Wanyan Loushi said loudly.

The two of them retreated. They did not dare to continue forward, and could only retreat!

"Damn it!" Wan Yanwushu was enraged to the extreme!

However, no matter how much rage he had, it was useless. Against the battle formation formed by the 4000 + brachial arch hands, a person's power would not be of much use!

Wu Jie led his soldiers and continued to move forward, the female soldiers were attacked one by one! More and more Nvzhen followed after them. Finally, all of this created a chain effect, causing the undefeated Nvzhen to be defeated!

Wu Jie led the soldiers and kept on attacking. In the end, when they were done shooting their arrows, Wu Jie led the soldiers and continued to attack with his long blade!

The night was dark. Aside from those that were shot to death, Nvzhen s had also died due to trampling on each other, and some other Nvzhen s had fallen into the ravine and died without a burial!

In the era of cold weapons, once the situation on the battlefield changed, it would not be long before the other side was defeated!

That night, the monks were screaming everywhere!

It was only until dawn did Wan Yanwushu and Wanyan Loushi lead the Nvzhen out from Monk Origin. Only then did the two of them take care of the handicapped Army!

"Damned lowly Han, I will definitely take revenge!" Wan Yanwushu made people count the number of casualties as he ruthlessly cursed.

"I'm afraid we've suffered a lot of casualties!" Wanyan Loushi's heart was bleeding too! From the start of the battle until now, he had never been defeated in such a pathetic manner!

As the two of them were talking, a Chieftain ran over from afar. She knelt on the ground and said, "Generals, things are not going well.

Wan Yanwushu was shocked, and asked: "When did this happen? How come I didn't know? "

Chieftain said: "It was last night! Song Army came down from the mountains and stole our food and supplies, who knows where they are now! "

Wan Yanwushu stood there in a daze, at a loss of what to do!

If their army of tens of thousands was not equipped with food and supplies, they might not be able to fight for long! They could rob them, but the Northwest Barrenlands could not compare to the Central Plains. It was almost impossible to rob and attack Dazhang Pass at the same time!

Wanyan Loushi also stood there in a daze, he never thought that he would encounter such a thing! First, they encountered the camp, and then their provisions and supplies were plundered! This battle was already a loss!

"Who robbed us of our provisions and supplies?" After a long while, Wanyan Loushi finally spoke.

"I don't know …" Wo Liyan, what should we do? " Wan Yanwushu said.

"Wait for the Grand Marshal's arrival! With the Crown Prince of the Great Song Dynasty here, he should be arriving soon! " Wanyan Loushi said.

Wan Yanwushu nodded, now it was the only way, he had no other choice!

After an hour, the number of casualties was calculated. This time, the number of Jin Army that died in Monk Origin was over ten thousand. Wan Yanwushu and Wanyan Loushi were simply unable to accept this result! They wanted to take revenge, but thinking about the complicated terrain of the Monk Origin, they could only endure and continue to wait for Wanyan Zonghan. At the same time, they sent people to the Fengxiang Residence and other places to gather military rations.

It was only when they reached the bottom of Fengxiang Residence that they found out that the's military rations had long since been burnt! It was precisely a group of Song Army s that arrived a few hours before they did and burned down those military rations!

On the seventh of March, Wan Yanwushu and Wanyan Loushi actually led the true female army to slowly retreat! They had to retreat to the Chang'an City for the time being. The Chang'an City was an important town in the northwest of the city, and there were a lot of supplies and foodstuffs stored inside! When they reach there, they would wait for Wanyan Zonghan to come. Once Wanyan Zonghan came, they would continue to attack the Dazhang Pass, fighting to kill Zhao Chen and the others!

On top of that, Wu Jie and Wu Lin who received the news of Jin Army's retreat, were overjoyed!

Wu Jie said: "Yang Congyi did not do bad. He stole Nvzhen's military rations and burned Fengxiang Residence's military rations, causing Nvzhen to not be able to continue staying in Nvzhen!"

Wu Lin laughed: "Big Brother used troops like gods, defeating Nvzhen with ease! Now. We brothers have finally made a name for ourselves! "

The two of them had incomparable desire to be famous. After this battle, as the first leader of the Song Army to be able to defeat the Nvzhen, it would be difficult for them not to be famous! Thinking of this, both of them burst out laughing!

"Immediately send someone to Dazhang Pass to notify His Highness the Crown Prince!" Wu Jie said loudly.

"Big brother, I think we should personally head to the Dazhang Pass!" Wu Lin said.

"You are right, we should go to the Dazhang Pass ourselves!" Wu Jie laughed loudly!

And on top of Dazhang Pass, the news had yet to arrive! Home Breaker only received the news that Nvzhen had tried to attack Monk Huang Yuan, but in the end, she retreated. As for the result of that night's battle, they were not very clear. They did not know about the retreat of the female soldiers!

Zhao Chen stayed in Dazhang Pass for many days, paying attention to the news of the Wu brothers. However, when Zhe Keqiu controlled the closing of the door, when Yue Fei, Wang De and the others who were under his command wanted to leave to investigate, he refused! This made Zhao Chen feel extremely helpless!

But on this day, at noon, Wu Jie, Wu Lin had actually led thousands of soldiers to the bottom of Dazhang Pass!

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