Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty/C70 Acute poison entanglement
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Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty/C70 Acute poison entanglement
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C70 Acute poison entanglement

At this moment, the Han palace was in complete chaos!

Zhao Chen lied there, his entire body turning a deathly gray!

Yue Fei helped Zhao Chen's body up, placed both palms on Zhao Chen's back, and began to treat his injuries! Very quickly, the top of Yue Fei's head was once again filled with mist, as if a steamer!

Wang Gui, Zhang Xian, and the others were anxiously standing by the side, but they had no idea what to do!

"How can this be? How could this be? How could the Crown Prince be poisoned? Furthermore, it seemed that the poison was exceptionally potent! This is no small matter! " Wang Gui said anxiously.

"Big brother, only the two of us are here in the afternoon. The crown prince can't possibly have been poisoned!" All of His Highness' food has been inspected, so there is no way there could be any poison! " Zhang Xian was also in disbelief!

"There's not only the two of us here this afternoon, there's also another person!" Wang Gui suddenly said.

"Big Brother, you're talking about that maid called A Yao?" Zhang Xian said.

"That's right!" Wang Gui nodded!

"Damn it!" After A Yao left this afternoon, she never came back! She must be the one who poisoned the crown prince! We must find this person and cut her into ten thousand pieces! " Zhang Xian said fiercely.

The two of them stood there, the anger in their hearts reaching its peak! A few days ago, Zhao Chen had just escaped from the hands of an assassin, but now, he actually encountered such a thing! As guards, they didn't know how to explain this to others!

At this moment, there were countless guards outside of Dry Clear Palace. These guards clearly knew what was going on inside, and their faces were filled with fear! They were also under orders to guard Zhao Chen, but never would they have thought that Zhao Chen would repeatedly encounter danger! Now, they were also afraid of being punished by Zhe Keqiu! Managed's manager, Kang An, had already informed Zhe Keqiu, Li Gang and the others, let alone this!

It was only after a full fifteen minutes did Yue Fei stop. At this moment, Yue Fei's face had also turned deathly gray, and he was surprised as he asked: "Second Brother, what's wrong?"

"His Highness has been poisoned, the poison is exceptionally strong! I was just operating my technique to treat Your Highness's injuries, but you were actually affected by the poison. At this moment, there is poison in my body as well! " Yue Fei said.

"This... Second Brother, are you alright? " Wang Gui anxiously said.

"Although I've only been hit by the poison, it'll probably take me a few days to dispel it!" As for the crown prince, his entire body was filled with poison. If he wanted to expel the poison from his body, it would be … I am afraid it will be as difficult as ascending to heaven! " As he spoke till the end, Yue Fei's voice began to sob!

"What should I do?" Zhang Xian said anxiously.

"I'm afraid His Highness the Crown Prince won't be able to escape this calamity!" As subjects and guards, we failed to protect His Highness the Crown Prince. We actually let him die! What face do we have to survive in this world! " Yue Fei clenched his teeth and said!

"Second Brother, is there nothing we can do?" Zhang Xian said.

Yue Fei shook his head, at the moment his eyes were moist, it was obvious that he was extremely grieved in his heart!

Just then, a clamor came from outside,, Li Gang, Li Ruoshui and the rest were walking in! They too had anxious looks on their faces!

"Quick!" "What happened to His Highness the Crown Prince?" Zhe Keqiu asked loudly.

"His Highness has been poisoned and is now on the verge of death!" Yue Fei said in grief.

"Damn it!" Zhe Keqiu cursed in rage. He walked in front of Zhao Chen with large strides, and looked at his face! Seeing Zhao Chen's expression, he already knew that something was wrong! Then, he held onto Zhao Chen's hand, and very quickly, he felt as though he was holding onto burning charcoal, and quickly let go of his hand! A faint layer of black appeared on his hand!

Zhe Keqiu said in shock, "What poison is this? "He's that powerful?"

's heart was in pain, he wanted to step forward to check on Zhao Chen's injuries, but Yue Fei had already pulled Li Gang back, and said: "Lord Li cannot go forward! His Highness the Crown Prince had been poisoned. General Crop was an Innate Ranker with protection from inner force. If you were to go there and be invaded by the poison, you will only die! Right now, within three feet of the Crown Prince, anyone without martial arts skills are not allowed to pass! "

"How can this be? Yue Fei, how will you three protect your highness and cause your highness to be poisoned? How did you protect His Highness? " Li Gang said angrily.

"This... "This..." Yue Fei lowered his head, unable to speak!

Zhe Keqiu had already turned around. He glared at Yue Fei and cursed: "You three bastards! You all guarded His Highness, causing him to be poisoned! All of you deserve to die a thousand deaths! "

Yue Fei didn't say a word, in his opinion, it was indeed his own sin! Wang Gui also lowered his head! However, Zhang Xian was furious at this moment, and said: "General Crop, you can't blame us for this! Do you know who poisoned the crown prince? "

Zhe Keqiu asked: Who is it?

Zhang Xian said: "It's the maid that you sent over. She poisoned the crown prince!"

Zhe Keqiu was startled, and said: "How is that possible? That maid was a girl without any martial arts skills, she stayed at Cao Rong's home to study! The Cao family said that she was gentle and beautiful, so I sent her to the Han palace! How can she poison the crown prince? "

Zhang Xian said angrily: "You're still not admitting it? Right now, A Yao had already escaped from the Han Palace! We've already ordered our men to search for her, but we can't find her whereabouts! "

"General Crop, are you really going to poison the crown prince and let him die?" At this time, Li Gang also turned around with a face full of anger!

"This... Why should I poison the crown prince? Don't talk nonsense! I value the life of the Crown Prince so much that I would never poison him to death! Furthermore, even if I want to kill the crown prince, the thousands of guards in this Han palace are all my subordinates. They can kill the crown prince, so why would they let a maid poison the crown prince to death? " Zhe Keqiu said.

In Zhe Keqiu's opinion, there was no one in this world who wished for Zhao Chen, the crown prince, to live on in this world as much as he did! To Zhe Keqiu, Zhao Chen was a treasure that he used to seize the heaven and earth to make a duke! He couldn't wait for Zhao Chen to be alive and well in this world, how could he possibly kill Zhao Chen with poison?

Li Gang was startled, and nodded! He quickly reacted and knew that it was impossible for Zhe Keqiu to have poisoned Zhao Chen! Zhe Keqiu didn't have any motive to poison Zhao Chen!

"Sir Li, now is not the time to discuss responsibility! In the future, I will definitely find that A Yao and make her die a horrible death! But now, we have to think about it, what should we do? " Zhe Keqiu said.

"We need to get the famous doctors from the Middle Han Area Palace over quickly so that they can diagnose His Highness the crown prince's illness! Let them prescribe some antidotes! And now, the Crown Prince must not die! You are all innate experts, use your internal energy to protect His Highness' heart! " Li Gang said.

nodded his head. He was already extremely exhausted just now, but now he had actually come to Zhao Chen's side once again, and channeled his energy to once again treat Zhao Chen's injuries, to protect Zhao Chen's heart veins!

The poison in Zhao Chen's body was exceptionally strong. If an Innate Ranker were to stay by Zhao Chen's side for too long, they would be poisoned as well! However, a resolute expression quickly appeared in his eyes. Wealth comes from danger. In order to realize his great ambition, he had to protect Zhao Chen well today!

"Father, we still have three cefaludan in our residence! That cefaludan is an antidote, I'll go and get it right now! " Zhe Yanwen, Zhe Yanzhi also came here with Zhe Keqiu and asked.

"Good!" You can bring it here immediately! " Zhe Keqiu said.

"Father! "No way!" Zhe Yanzhi shouted loudly!

"Why not?" Zhe Keqiu said.

"Father, this cefaludan was gifted to me by the Saint Monk of the Western Regions! There were only three of them in total, and they were all extremely precious! Each pill could let a peak Houtian realm martial artist to step into the Xiantian realm! How can we waste the cefaludan on the crown prince now? " Zhe Yanzhi did not care about the fact that Li Gang, Yue Fei and the others were present, as he shouted loudly.

"Damn thing! Is the cefaludan more important, or is the life of the crown prince more important? " Zhe Keqiu scolded angrily!

"cefaludan is more important!" Zhe Yanzhi said without a care!

"Something that doesn't make sense!" Zhe Keqiu kicked Zhe Yanzhi to the ground, his gaze turned to Zhe Yanwen, and said: "Quickly bring the cefaludan over!"

After a quarter of an hour, Yue Fei was no longer able to persevere. Zhe Keqiu personally went up and helped Zhao Chen circulate his energy to heal his injuries and protect his heart veins! This Zhe Keqiu's cultivation was also abnormally profound, he had actually endured for a quarter of an hour! At this moment, a black color also appeared on his face!

and Zhang Xian then went up, and the two of them only lasted for a quarter of an hour! Following that, Yue Fei stepped forward once again!

Very quickly, a few famous doctors from the Middle Han Area's Palace arrived! These famous doctors began to diagnose Zhao Chen! Unfortunately, the poison aura on Zhao Chen's body was too strong, these famous doctors only stood by his side for a moment, but they were all attacked by the poison aura and died very quickly!

"What poison is this?" "How could it be this powerful?" Zhe Keqiu was in disbelief! He had never heard of such a deadly poison before, let alone seen it!

"Why hasn't Yan Wen come yet?" he said anxiously.

It was at this moment that hurried footsteps came from outside. Zhe Yanwen had finally arrived!

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