Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty/C79 Sichuan xuanfu
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Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty/C79 Sichuan xuanfu
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C79 Sichuan xuanfu

"First, we will send our army south into Sichuan! Occupy the important pass in Sichuan, occupy Sichuan waterway! Sichuan itself is inland, and there aren't many garrisons. If we go south in time, no one can stop us! Of course, we have to be careful of the water army of the Emperor Kang! General Zhe Keqiu, why don't you head south to Sichuan? With you there, the whole Sichuan Province will be as stable as Mt. Tai! " Li Gang looked at Zhe Keqiu and said.

"How can that be?" Zhe Keqiu was stunned, and said: "The Sichuan Province is located upstream, and it is a place that is easy to defend, but hard to attack! No need for me to personally guard Sichuan, just my son Zhe Yanzhi! "

"I'm afraid little General Crop may not be able to stop him! A few months ago, the little General Crop was ordered to block the Nvzhen, but he couldn't even withstand a single blow from him! Now let him guard Sichuan, I do not feel at ease! If we lost Sichuan, and only occupied Middle Han Area, what would be the point? At that time, we will still have to bow our heads in front of the Emperor Kang! " Li Gang said.

"Humph!" Then what do you think we should do? Let me guard Sichuan myself, that is out of the question! Although the threat of the Emperor Kang was enormous, the threat of the Nvzhen was even greater! I want to stay by His Highness the Crown Prince's side and protect him! " Zhe Keqiu sneered.

He was definitely not willing to leave Zhao Chen's side! If he were to leave Zhao Chen's side, how would he realize his grand plan of "holding the Heavens to order the dukes"!

"I have an idea! Back then, Wu Jie and Wu Jie had come from Sichuan to Middle Han Area to block Jin Army! They were both born in Sichuan, so they must be very familiar with Sichuan! For the two of them to be able to block the Jin Army, they did have some ability! Let them guard Sichuan, General Crop, what do you think? " Li Gang said.

"You can't!" Zhe Keqiu shook his head again.

"Why not?" Li Gang said.

"The two of them have too few troops under their command! Just five thousand people, how can we guard Sichuan? " Zhe Keqiu said.

"In my opinion, why not let them guard the Changjiang River! General Zhe Yanzhi will guard the Chengdu Mansion and all the passes, what do you think? " Li Gang said.

"Alright!" Zhe Keqiu finally nodded and agreed!

Li Gang heaved a sigh of relief in his heart! Originally, he wanted Wu Jie and Wu Lin to completely guard and control Sichuan! These two brothers and Zhe Keqiu are not the same type of people! With the two of them controlling Sichuan, they would be able to support Zhao Chen in the future! But right now, it was clear that Zhe Keqiu wasn't willing to agree. And now wasn't the time to fall out with Zhe Keqiu, either. Therefore, Li Gang used a compromise method to have Wu Jie defend the Yangtze River. When Wu Jie reached Sichuan, he would naturally give the two of them a brilliant plan to deal with Zhe Yanzhi! Zhe Yanzhi was an incompetent person, he would definitely be swallowed by Wu Jie!

This was the plan that he had been thinking about for a long time. Zhe Keqiu did not feel that anything was wrong!

"In addition to sending troops to guard Sichuan, we will also send out ministers to serve as Sichuan's envoys!" Li Gang said again.

The so called "Promulgator" was the local governor of the Song Dynasty! It was almost equivalent to the position of the future governor or governor! However, proclaiming allegiance to others was not the usual position! Right now, if Zhao Chen wanted to control Sichuan thoroughly, other than sending troops to guard Sichuan, sending ministers to control Sichuan, it was also very necessary to control a province's matters! Therefore, Li Gang made this suggestion!

"May I know who is the person sent to serve as the Mentor?" Zhe Keqiu said.

"Let the Middle Han Area Prefect Cao Rong head to Chengdu and take over the post of the Sichuan Proclamation! Let Lord Li Ruoshui Li be the Deputy Envoy Xuan Lian! General Crop, what do you think? " Li Gang said.

"Alright!" Zhe Keqiu nodded and revealed a smile!

Cao Rong was his son's wife and uncle, his relative! He felt that once Cao Rong and Zhe Yanzhi arrived in Sichuan, they would definitely be able to help him control Sichuan! But now, Li Gang had a smile on his face, he had sent Li Ruoshui and Wu Jie to Sichuan, and from then on, these people were as free as birds in the sky, as vast as the seas and as vast as fish jumping, if necessary in the future, these people would topple Cao Rong, Zhe Yanzhi, control Sichuan, and support Zhao Chen! Zhe Yanzhi was incapable, and as for that Cao Rong, in Li Gang's eyes, he was also a mediocre person! Li Gang thought that these two were definitely not his and Wu Jie's opponents!

"With the control of Sichuan, with the help of Sichuan and Middle Han Area, we can at least stand side by side! Sichuan and Middle Han Area are places that are easy to defend and hard to attack, even if the Emperor Kang is slightly stronger than us, he wouldn't be able to attack us! This is a defensive strategy, and there is even an attack strategy! " Li Gang said.

"I wonder what the strategy is?" Zhe Keqiu said.

"The so called strategy, is to first of all occupy the entire Guan Shan! Right now, the most important place in the Guan Shan, Chang An and the Tongguan, are both under the Nvzhen's control! The other Fengxiang Residence s under the control of the Wu Jie Brothers, belong to us too! In addition, there's still the hundred thousand strong army of the Curved End on the Northwest Road. We need to make the Curved End surrender to the crown prince! If the Curved End surrendered to the Emperor Kang, then we would be in danger! Wait until we recruit the Curved End, then we can take back Chang An and the Tongguan! After that, we will slowly develop, and when necessary, our army will go down the Yangtze River and destroy the Emperor Kang in one fell swoop! Wait until after Emperor Kang is destroyed, then we'll head north to exterminate the gold! " Li Gang said.

Li Gang had drawn a grand "blueprint" with just a few words. Although he had gone a bit far with his words, this plan was still pretty good! Zhe Keqiu secretly nodded as he thought, this Li Gang was truly worthy of being a famous subject, he was indeed no small fry! However, Li Gang, who was following beside the crown prince, was completely loyal to the crown prince. Thinking up to here, a cold smile appeared on his face. He had to get rid of Li Gang, he couldn't let Li Gang stay by his side, and he couldn't let Li Gang keep on giving him advice and suggestions!

"Recruiting Curved End is easy! The Curved End was located in the northwest region, and they did not produce food there. Their food had to be transported from the Middle Han Area and Sichuan! If we have the grain, how can he not join us? " Zhe Keqiu said.

"General Crop is right! Leave this matter to General Crop! " Li Gang said.

"Good!" Tomorrow, I will have someone head north to Jingyuan City and ask Curved End to come and pay her respects to the Crown Prince! Just that, we still need to bestow him a good official position in the Curved End, to win him over! Alright, since the Emperor Kang wanted to ascend to the throne, the Crown Prince naturally couldn't lose to him. Let's pick a good day and a good year number! After that, we will let His Highness the Crown Prince ascend the throne of the Hanzhong City! " Zhe Keqiu said.

Li Gang and Zhe Keqiu were discussing nonstop while Zhao Chen stood at the side with not much of a chance to speak! On one hand, Li Gang had already said all that he wanted to say! On the other hand, playing the role of an ignorant teenager in front of Zhe Keqiu, it was naturally inconvenient for him to express his views! He was just secretly thinking, calculating, and looking for a chance in the future!

For the entire morning, they had been discussing this matter in the Han Palace!

Zhao Chen, the crown prince, had been listening by the side the entire time. In the afternoon, Cao Rong, Li Ruoshui and Zhe Yanzhi paid respects to Zhao Chen, and in the name of the crown prince, Zhao Chen was bestowed the title of "Sichuan Propagator", "Sichuan Proprietor", and "Sichuan Defender". If Wu Jie was not here, Zhao Chen would still bestow him with the title of "Yangtze River Defense Envoys" and bestow him the title of "Yangtze River Defense Envoys". Then, Zhao Chen would lead the troops and immediately head towards Sichuan to defend the Yangtze River, not allowing Zhao Gou's troops to enter Sichuan!

, Zhe Keqiu and the others were still discussing about the date of accession and the year number!

As the sun set in the west, it illuminated the entire Han palace in red!

Zhao Chen stood in front of the Dry Clear Palace's door and felt a serenity that he had never felt in the past few days!

"I'm about to ascend the throne and become emperor! royal father and mother were still in the north, under the control of the Jin Army! In the north, there were Jin Army watching like a tiger, and in the east, there were Kang Wang Zhao Zhuang watching like a tiger! I only have Middle Han Area with me right now, if my plan goes smoothly, I can control Sichuan, Guan Shan! Although there is still Zhe Keqiu by his side, but I will be able to defeat him in the end! "

"Historically, the Emperor Kang should have ascended the throne at this time as well! However, now that I am alive, he must be very troubled!] What was he doing now? It should be time for me to ascend the throne, right? "

Actually, what he did not know was that Emperor Kang had already ascended the throne on this day!

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