Rebirth: Strongest Martial Emperor/C16 Thousands of Princesses
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Rebirth: Strongest Martial Emperor/C16 Thousands of Princesses
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C16 Thousands of Princesses

At this moment, Qianqian tightly held Chen Hong's hand and used all her strength to support Chen Hong, preventing him from falling.

He glared at his two lackeys. Ye Zichen was a bit confused, "What's wrong with young master? He was fine just a moment ago, why did he become like this all of a sudden?"

"Dog slave, the one standing here is the ruler of the nation of Leiwu Country, the person personally conferred the title of Duke Chen, you two lowly servants cannot afford to offend him! Those who don't want to die, hurry up and leave! "

"What? Little girl, your mouth is quite hard. What's the use of following this trash?" He was a prince, and a disreputable silver pewter spearhead. Look at our brilliant young master, wise and wise, elegant and unrestrained, like a god descended to the mortal world, how handsome and dashing.

As long as you obey my Young Master, you'll be ten thousand times stronger than this trash, hehehe … "

The two lackeys began to flatter each other. They were familiar with the route, so when they spoke, they did not know how many tens of thousands of times they had practiced before.

Then, he stopped trying to snatch Qianqian and started to kiss up to Liao Huihuang loudly. What Leidu City first, what was fierce, strong and strong, what was going to inherit the position of Duke Zhen, would definitely be the number one general or something from ancient times …

It was like a flood of rivers in the sky.

Liao Huihuang was so happy that his mouth dropped open. The more he heard, the more he liked to hear. The more he heard, the more addicted he got.

The two dog-servants were so 'considerate' towards him, especially with so many people showing him face. It was very enjoyable.

He couldn't help but stroke his hair, trying his best to straighten his fat waist.

Hmph, this young master is the most handsome and elegant person in the history. Compared to Chen Hong, who can only stand with the support of a woman, he is ten thousand times stronger. Hahahaha.

The two lackeys bared their yellow teeth and grinned maliciously as they approached. Seeing the evil man approaching, the Skinny Cat lying in Qianqian's arms exploded with fur all over and bared its fangs as it growled at the two of them … He shouted.

Chen Hong was still suffering from the effects of the sky decay period. His entire body was stiff and unable to move.

Although he was anxious, there was nothing he could do. He didn't know why, but after he had cultivated to Martial Emperor in his previous life, this mysterious time of decay had appeared. He had flipped through countless books, but still couldn't figure out what this time of decay was.

This fatty was truly threatening a dragon who was trapped in shallow water while being toyed with by a shrimp.

You scum, just you wait. Chen Hong's entire body was trembling. He was sweating profusely, his muscles and muscles were twisted, and his blood was flowing backwards. He was in as much pain as he could get.

However, he understood in his heart. He knew what was happening, but there was nothing he could do. He could only pray that the damn time would soon pass and protect Qianqian from harm.

Liao Huihuang laughed arrogantly as he picked up a bunch of night grapes and started to eat them. His mouth was full of juice and his body was covered in dirt, making him look extremely ugly.

The more he saw Qianqian cursing at the two slaves, the more he felt itchy.

"Hehehe, this young master likes tough little girls, they are really fun to play with."

Even the Double Tail Singed Tiger roared frequently, increasing the momentum of Liao Huihuang's side.

At that moment, a crisp voice came from the crowd.

"Liao Huihuang, you damn fatty. Forcefully snatching a commoner in broad daylight. Do you want to die?" A twenty-eight year old girl, wearing a bright yellow warrior uniform with bright eyes and white teeth, holding a fan in her hand, walked out from the crowd.

This young girl was like a fairy that had come out of a mountain stream. Her entire body was rippling with spirit energy, and she didn't seem like a mortal.

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