Rebirth: Web Administrator/C10 Decorating the Storefront
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Rebirth: Web Administrator/C10 Decorating the Storefront
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C10 Decorating the Storefront

Lin Feng then explained his thoughts. The small amount of capital he earned from selling game equipment was the gift from his friend. When the time came, the land, people and everything was already in place. Lin Feng even thought of the name of the fruit shop — "QQ Farm". After he said this name, he was immediately despised by his roommates. He was sprayed with saliva, but in the end, he was able to gain everyone's compromises by treating him to a meal.

After discussing his thoughts, young master Jie gave his opinion. Who runs the fruit shop? Lin Feng was very clear on his roommates' morals. Apart from those who are fond of fun, they study with all their might, ignore everything else outside their window, and wholeheartedly read only the Book of Saints. If not lazy, idle, idle. He was counting on these people to see the store, so he wouldn't mention his losses. I'm afraid that one day, someone wants to take advantage of me and offer me all the fruits. Besides, a bunch of men were standing in front of the store and drinking "selling fruit drops, selling fruit drops, sweet and delicious fruits!" What kind of logic was this?

Thus, his roommates discussed it in secret and accepted Dazzling's suggestion, inviting the Twin Beauties Guild's members to help. Actually, Liang Zi had come up with this idea to admire beauties every day. This was probably what it meant to be a public servant. It wasn't just him. Young Master Jie and Wolf Bro Wang Wei, upon hearing this brilliant suggestion, inwardly praised Liang Zi for his foresight. They quietly expressed their support and finally passed.

After the dormitory meeting was over, Lin Feng invited a meal and each of them prepared for the opening tomorrow. Young Master Jie, Wang Wei, and Dazzling Spring went to contact the Twin Beautiful Girls' Association. This led to the three of them having ill intentions. Xiong Wei and Tian Fangzhi, who did not like to go out, were responsible for planning the opening and coming up with a complete plan for the process. Zhang Zai, who knew how to drive, and his unparalleled grandson, who had great strength, went to pick up Young Master Jie's car, which was parked in the school parking lot. Lin Feng personally solves the matter of fruit purchasing and the cleaning and decorating of the store.

Lin Feng went alone to the shop on Fallen Street. After he entered, he closed the door and pulled down the curtain. He elegantly waved his hand and set up a magic array. Even if the people outside peeped through the cracks, they could only see Lin Feng busily moving around inside, completely unaware of the earth-shaking changes that were going to happen inside.

He saw Lin Feng leisurely strolling to the lush and verdant farmlands with his hands clasped behind his back as he dived into the ring of reality. Everything was moving normally, as if there was a divine force pulling at it, as if it was hanging out on a farm in the real world. Auto-sowing, except watering, insect killing, harvesting, overturning. There were no thieves here, so there was no need to worry about someone stealing away the hard-earned vegetables. There weren't any greedy snake, insect, rat, ant, bird, or beast. There would be no thunderstorms, no thunderclaps, and no alternating winter and summer. It was spring all year round, the weather was smooth, the air was fresh, and the sun shone brightly. Other than the fact that he couldn't see the people busily working in the fields and lacked a bit of life force, everything else was exceptionally beautiful.

Lin Feng smiled. He liked this kind of rural life. Thus, he had a satisfied smile on his face. He even closed his eyes to experience everything. The warm sunlight shined on his face, not because of the scorching heat of summer, but because it was warm and comfortable. The breeze tickled the ends of his hair.

With his eyes closed, Lin Feng entered the farmhouse with ease. Of the eighteen plots of land on the farm, he had spent a great deal of time playing and spending. Naturally, he was very familiar with them. Lin, who treated the farm like a lover, carefully inspected everything and then sat down in the hut next to the farm. Inside the small room, Lin Feng hung up a colorful vegetable basket which contained various ripe fruits. They were like mischievous fairies floating in the air, chasing each other.

"Come here!" Lin Feng called out to him, and a red basket flew into his hand, containing ripe apples. Lin Feng could not help but taste one. It tasted pretty good. Natural pollution-free is the green food that people of the 21st century pursue.

After eating the apple, he lay down on the sofa for a while. Only then did Lin Feng leave the ring with some of the fruits he had eaten during the summer. Of course, with his great abilities, he wouldn't be so stupid as to take them in his hands. Instead, he threw them all into his space ring and walked out empty-handed.

Lin Feng looked around and found that the storefront was relatively clean. It seemed that Li Yuanyuan came often to clean up, she was a hardworking girl. However, the opening of a new store should be spotless and beautiful.

Lin Feng silently chanted an incantation, and the light of eight spells flashed on his body. During this period of time, Lin Feng, a soul from another world, had perfected his Spiritual Body Fusion. This was the first time he used eight different spells at the same time. Back then when he had reincarnated into the lower realms, the Jade Emperor had once said that his otherworldly abilities were something that even the Sun God Realm and the Void Beauty Realm were unable to detect with their divine sense. There was a huge difference between magic and magic.

He saw Lin Feng using earth magic to repair the damaged walls, then using wind magic to sweep away the trash that was everywhere, then using water magic to wash the ground, then using fire magic to burn those useless things, while using light magic to let those disharmonious colors perfectly fuse into the surrounding environment.

Lin Feng, who originally had no consciousness, had learned some skills as a human after reincarnating from the lower realms. The ingenious combination of various types of magic was truly mysterious and limitless. After finishing the cleaning, Lin Feng brought out some flowers and plants from the ring and personally decorated every corner of the house. He felt as if he had stepped into a tranquil forest and smelled the fragrance of flowers and plants, only to hear the sound of flowing water.

After he was done, Lin Feng began to lay out the fruits. Using a variety of flowers to weave a beautiful basket, then putting the fruit inside and sprinkling some water on it, it was extremely beautiful. It was convenient to use magic, but Lin Feng felt that the happiness brought by using his own hands was even better. After busying himself for a long time, Lin Feng felt a bit dizzy. He stood up and scanned his surroundings. He felt a sense of satisfaction. Flowers were falling everywhere, like a waterfall. The walls in the corner had all sorts of flowers with natural beauty in a fruit basket. Drops of water and crystal clear fruits lay silently, filled with endless temptation.

"Awesome!" Lin Feng couldn't help but exclaim in admiration as he got up to leave. Suddenly, he remembered that the signboard at the entrance had not been changed.

"It's boring to ask an advertising shop to make a shining signboard!" Lin Feng thought it would be better if he could make one with the flavor of a field. Thus, he took some materials and made a special signboard.

"QQ Farm," was the name of the shop he had stolen. Two enchanted, unbreakable red tomatoes stand for "QQ." Carrots and radish slices are put together as "farm", surrounded by lavender lace. Lin Feng took a look and was very satisfied. Then, he walked out of the shop with a smile.

"Boss, can I borrow the ladder?" Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lin Feng had to keep a low profile. He couldn't use magic, so he had no choice but to borrow a high stool from his master.

"Alright, be careful!" Seeing that there was a handsome young man in front of him, the man next door agreed with a smile.

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