Rebirth: Web Administrator/C4 Gemini
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Rebirth: Web Administrator/C4 Gemini
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C4 Gemini

His grandson soon appeared on Lovers Slope with two bags in hand, relying on his swift and decisive manner and agility.

"Brothers, I'm back."

Before he could wipe off his sweat, his grandson could not hide the excitement on his face. Born in the poor hills of the Southwest, there were too few who could stay in college and know so many friends as he did. Many of his childhood companions, or married, continued to stay in the mountains. Or go south alone to work, early to carry the burden of life. I must cherish this hard-won thing, the grandson swore to himself.

"We'll be under that tree. The wind is behind us, and the light is just right." Wang Wei continued to use his leadership skills.

The crowd agreed. After splitting up the plates, two plates were formed.

Lin Feng, Wu Xinliang, Xiong Wei, and Tian Fangzhi played in leveling up while the other four were more brave and started to play Deceitful Golden Flower. Entertainment played the leading role, and those who lost would be punished by push-ups. The eight of them were actually having a lot of fun. He didn't throw the peel and other things around. He gathered them in a bag so that he could throw it away on his way back.

Just like that, the lover Poe, who was supposed to be floating with sweet words, became a playground of dorm 503. Although a few pairs of people were sleeping soundly, upon seeing these big guys, they had no choice but to vent their anger and sit down to endure being beaten and scolded by their girlfriends.

"I'm not playing anymore, I'm not playing anymore."

Yang Tian Jie's luck was bad today and he lost the most. Originally, he was not in good health due to a long period of time. After doing more than 200 push-ups, he threw the card in his hand and fell to the ground, panting heavily.

"Young Master Jie, this is my advice to you. This young man doesn't know how precious the seeds are. He has always cried when he saw that. You know, the body is the basis of revolution. Take it easy!" Looking at young master Jie's beastly look, Wang Wei joked.

Yang Tian Jie sighed a few times, but didn't refute her.

"Alright, we've been fighting for a few hours now. Sorry, let's go back!" Tian Fanzhi wasn't interested in playing cards and also threw down a handful of good cards.

Before the crowd could reply, Wu Xinliang, who had always claimed that "the dark night gave me black eyes, but I used them to find beautiful women" exclaimed, "Brothers, there are beautiful women!"

"Beautiful women, you know, making a fuss over nothing. Didn't people pick all the pretty flowers in the university?" Yang Tian Jie was not interested, so he didn't even bother to open his eyes.

"Young Master Jie, it's different this time. There are quite a few. There aren't even a few flower envoys around. It's probably a flower without a master that can be picked."

Hearing this, everyone's interest was piqued and they looked towards the direction Wu Xinliang pointed at. As expected, there were a few fashionable and sexy beauties not far away. Their jade-like hands supported their chins as they admired the splendor of the lake and the scenery of the mountains. It really was the Spring Orchid Flower, each expert in their own field.

"Beautiful lady, you are lonely. Young Master Jie, it's time to show off your charm." Wang Wei let out an evil laugh. His facial expression seemed to have shrunk to the size of a pig.

Yang Tian Jie's eyes lit up as he jumped up from the ground in high spirits. He spoke with a serious tone, "Brothers, it's a long night and you're not in the mood to sleep. Do you want to have a few beauties by your side tonight?"

Everyone loudly agreed, clenching their fists and cheering.

"Young Master Jie is mighty!"

"Young Master Jie is awesome!"

"Young Master Jie, good job!"

"Come on!" The happiness of our brothers depends on you. "

Everyone started the fight, and Yang Tian Jie felt a surge of pride, and said loudly: "The wind blows and the water is cold, but once a warrior goes, there will be no return. Brothers, wait for me. I will definitely succeed. "

Yang Tian Jie left with large strides, leaving his roommates laughing secretly.

"Cough, cough."

Yang Tian Jie held his hands behind his back as he walked in front of the four beauties, using this method to break their deep thoughts.

"My beautiful ladies, I was just passing by to admire the beautiful scenery of the lake, but I have never seen anyone who is more attractive than this beautiful and tranquil lake. I thought it was the fairy from the heavens who had fallen to the mortal world. Excuse me, may I sit down with the beauties and point the way? "

The few beauties laughed but did not speak. Yang Tian Jie also unceremoniously sat down, right next to one of the beauties he was slightly tempted by.

"Beauty, do you know? When I got here, I got lost and couldn't find my soul anymore. Can you save me? " Yang Tian Jie clutched his chest with a painful expression.

The beauty beside him smiled and said, "What can I do for you, brother?"

In close proximity to a beautiful lady, Yang Tian Jie could clearly smell a faint fragrance, and his breath smelled like orchids. He called out "Big Brother" again, and it was as if Yang Tian Jie had inhaled a mouthful of smoke. For the first time in many years, he lost his cool.

Yang Tian Jie pointed at his brothers in the distance and elegantly said, "Beautiful young miss, if you could agree to have dinner together and sing and dance tonight, perhaps we lost our way and would be able to find our way forward."

"No problem, can you call your friends over first?" The beauty was still smiling.

Who knew that beauties would be so easy to talk to? After agreeing to it, Yang Tian Jie was overjoyed as he stood up and waved to Lin Feng and the rest.

Although Lin Feng and the others had astonishment in their eyes, they still quickly moved towards the direction of the beautiful woman.

"This is Wu Xinliang, this is Xiong Wei, this is …"

Yang Tian Jie passionately introduced his roommates to the beauties, and only told them about himself in the end, introducing his best aspects to the beauties in front of him.

Everyone nodded with smiles towards the beauties. At the same time, they glanced at each other, not wanting to reveal Yang Tian Jie's bad record.

"Beauty, can I be honored to know your name?" Yang Tianjie was like a student with a strong desire to learn.

"Liu Shi Shi."

Yang Tian Jie sighed in his heart. As expected of the beauty that I have taken a fancy to, her name is too pleasant to listen to. There is the appearance of the West, the state of the West, I see pity.

"Yi Mengmeng."

The one who spoke was a petite beauty with a cute face and a soft voice. "Even with Lin Feng's mental fortitude, he was unable to resist his charm, not to mention the fact that his brother, Wang Wei, had secretly wiped away a few mouthfuls of saliva.

"Cheng Jingjing."

This beauty was easily embarrassed and blushed when she mentioned her name.

"Yu Lili."

This beauty was very generous and decent. Even though her skin was a healthy bronze color, she had a sense of being a mixed race beauty. He looked very valiant, like a group of agile female agents in tight-fitting black robes.

"Eh? Why are the words on the back of their names stenciled? " Tian Fanzhi, who loved to play word games the most, carefully observed this point.

"Interesting, really interesting. Do you have some background? " Zhang Zai praised and asked.

Yu Lili chuckled and said, "I've set up a Twin Beautiful Beauty Association to specifically recruit beautiful ladies who are reputed for their words and remain single."

"So you're saying, that was a beauty's nest? It's still an ownerless flower. " Wang Wei was like a pig-brother again. The others cursed at him for not paying attention to his appearance at such a crucial moment.

"I'm ashamed. Up till now, it's only the four of us."

Wang Wei was disappointed. He glanced at his roommates. Eight brothers, plus his innate talent, he probably didn't have a single one of them.

"Alright, it's already late. Let's have a chat first. How about we go to KTV for our social meetup tonight?" Yang Tian Jie was a little anxious. Knowing the thoughts of girls, he understood that if he didn't strike while the iron was hot, the swans would fly away.

"Alright, it's rare to see people like you coming from Lover Slope who have a playful mood. It's my pleasure to meet you." Yu Lili, this guild leader, accepted this Gentleman Yang Tian Jie's invitation.

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