Reborn In Naruto World/C12 Actual Combat Training
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Reborn In Naruto World/C12 Actual Combat Training
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C12 Actual Combat Training

Tenno was brimming with anticipation for his sparring match with Guy Might. Having honed his skills for so long, he was eager to gauge his prowess in actual combat. Whether squaring off against Guy Might himself or a Shadow Clone possessing merely a tenth of Guy Might's strength, Tenno knew the experience would be incredibly beneficial.

"Ready everyone? Who wants to take the first crack at me?" Guy Might asked with a hearty laugh.

"I'll go first!" Lee Rock announced, stepping forward with resolve.

He punched the air with gusto, his enthusiasm palpable.

"Give it your best shot, Lee!" Guy Might cheered him on.

"Mr. Guy, I'm starting now!" Lee Rock declared.

He took a step forward and lunged at the Shadow Clone, throwing a punch that cut through the air. The Shadow Clone deftly dodged.

As he observed Lee Rock's technique, Guy Might advised, "You've got the power, but you need to work on your accuracy."

"Don't stop now, Lee!" Guy Might encouraged.

"You actually dodged it! Let's keep going!" Lee shouted, undeterred, as he launched another kick.

"Mr. Guy! Let me test the limits of my current strength!" Lee Rock exclaimed, barraging Guy Might with a series of punches.

For Guy Might, these attacks were like child's play, easily sidestepping each one.

After more than a dozen rounds, Lee was gasping for breath. Wiping the sweat from his cheek, he couldn't help but express his awe, "Mr. Guy, you're just too strong!"

Despite his lengthy assault, Lee had not even managed to touch Mr. Guy, let alone damage the Shadow Clone.

"Lee, I've got a clear idea of your fighting skills now. That's enough training for today," the Shadow Clone of Guy Might said, his voice relaxed.

In the blink of an eye, he vanished.

"His speed is incredible!" Lee Rock was momentarily frozen in place.

But by the time he snapped out of it, Guy Might was already behind him. Guy Might crouched, his legs bent, and slammed his fists into the ground.

With a muffled thud, the earth trembled violently.

A ripple of shockwaves spread outwards, and Lee, being closest to Guy Might, was sent flying by the force emanating from his back!

The fight was over.

From the moment Guy Might launched his attack to Lee being hurled away by the blast, it all happened in less than three seconds.

And Guy Might hadn't even directly attacked Lee; he had merely struck the ground.

Had his punch been aimed at Lee, it would have been fatal.

Is this the sheer power of Body Technique?

Is this the strength of an Elite Jonin from Konoha Village?

He was truly formidable!

Not only was Lee in awe, but Tenno, who was watching from the sidelines, was also deeply shaken.

After the bout, Guy Might dispelled the Shadow Clone he had been fighting with and pulled Lee up from where he had fallen, consoling him, "Lee, you have a real talent for Body Technique. Your training is showing results! After all, you haven't even become a lower ninja yet. You did very well today! Keep up the training, and if you work hard, you can surpass many others!"

After a moment of dejection, Lee quickly rallied. "Mr. Guy! I will train twice as hard from now on!"

Guy Might nodded, recognizing Lee's potential.

Lee had more perseverance and determination than many others.

And it was for this reason that he was willing to continue providing guidance to this group of kids.

"Who's next?" Guy Might asked again.

Before Tenno could respond, Tiantian burst forth.

Tiantian began to battle another of Guy Might's Shadow Clones.

In her attack, Tiantian utilized a variety of ninja tools and hidden weapons, including kunai and shuriken.

Lee Rock watched enviously from the sidelines.

Is this how ninjas from wealthy families fight?

However, Tiantian's methods of attack were still too simplistic.

She relied solely on her ninja tools to launch long-range attacks against Guy Might.

But once Guy Might found an opportunity to close in, she would quickly be defeated.

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