Reborn In Naruto World/C14 Guy Might's Guidance
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Reborn In Naruto World/C14 Guy Might's Guidance
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C14 Guy Might's Guidance

Upon receiving the praise, Tenno simply offered a subdued smile and said, "Senior Kai, your strength truly caught me off guard. The sheer skill of your Shadow Clone is astounding!"

Guy Might nodded slightly, a hint of pride in his voice, "The peak of Body Technique is just as formidable as any Ninjutsu!"

He then reflected on the long sword that Tenno had used in their battle. That sword was extraordinary, capable of unleashing a potent wind blade in the blink of an eye. Were it not for his quick reflexes as a ninja, Guy Might would have nearly been toppled.

It was evident that the sword was a key factor in Tenno's remarkable strength. Without it, Tenno would not have been able to hold his own against Guy Might's Shadow Clone for as long as he did.

Intrigued, Guy Might asked, "Tenno, is this long sword your own creation?"

"Yes, Senior Kai," Tenno replied with a nod.

Guy Might expressed his admiration, "This sword is exceptional! It can release an attack that rivals Ninjutsu! Absolutely incredible!"

Tiantian and Lee Rock came over, eyes wide with envy as they took in the long sword that Tenno held. They too could see the blade's impressive capabilities.

Tenno explained with a smile, "Senior, this sword was forged using the method for the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. But its power pales in comparison to the true Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi; it's just a basic version of it."

Realization hit Guy Might. "The Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi? No wonder it's so remarkable!"

He remembered reading about it in Konoha's archives. Before the village was even established, during the Warring States Period, there was a family in the Fire Country known for their exceptional Ninja tool craftsmanship—the Kyo Clan.

The Kyo Clan were not just formidable warriors; they also had an extraordinary talent for creating Ninja tools. They crafted eleven long swords, each imbued with unique powers, and named them after their clan—the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi.

These swords had become legendary, known worldwide as true Artifacts!

In that moment, Tenno earnestly approached Guy Might with a request, "Mr. Guy, could you teach me the Konoha Whirlwind technique you used? I'm keen to learn."

His gaze was steady and determined as he continued, "Although my Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi can unleash power in battle that rivals Ninjutsu, I believe that Body Technique is just as important. I want to make sure both my physical skills and my weaponry are strong."

Guy Might was momentarily stunned. It's not uncommon for those who wield a weapon like the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi to become overly confident, thinking their strength has increased substantially. However, this mindset is a mistake and can cause one to lose their way. The strength of a weapon doesn't necessarily reflect the wielder's personal strength. They should complement each other.

"Alright! I'll teach you both techniques!" Guy Might declared, his face lighting up with a wide, infectious laugh. "I created these Body Techniques myself. Starting today, you'll be my student!"

Tenno, caught off guard by the offer, quickly replied, "Thank you, Mr. Guy!"

"Still calling me Mr. Guy?" Guy Might chuckled. He saw in Tenno not just a junior, but a potential disciple to whom he could pass down his unique skills.

"I've taken on a student with such potential and dedication. Kakashi is going to be green with envy!" Guy Might said with a proud smile.

Tiantian and Lee Rock looked on with a mix of admiration and envy as Tenno was accepted into Guy Might's inner circle. Being mentored by an Elite Jonin before even graduating from Ninja School was an extraordinary privilege!

Guy Might patted Tiantian and Lee Rock on the shoulders, offering encouragement, "Keep your spirits up!"

He added, "Once you've mastered the basics and reached Tenno's level, I'll teach you my Ninjutsu as well!"

Tiantian and Lee Rock's eyes sparkled with surprise and hope. Had Mr. Guy just suggested that with hard work, they too could become his disciples?

The two were instantly energized by the thought.

They bowed deeply to Guy Might, expressing their earnest thanks, "We're so grateful, Mr. Guy. We'll double our efforts to gain your approval as soon as possible!"

Guy Might nodded with satisfaction and advised, "Stick to the training regimen we've been working on and focus on building your physical strength."

Lee Rock responded with enthusiasm, "Got it, Senior Kai! I'm heading out to run three laps around Konoha Village right now!"

Tiantian quickly joined in, "I'll be running too, Senior Kai."

With Lee Rock setting the pace, Tiantian followed closely behind.

Meanwhile, Guy Might held Tenno back for a private conversation.

"Tenno, simple physical exercises aren't enough for you anymore. We need to step up your training."

"What kind of changes are we talking about?"

"We're going to incorporate weighted training!"

Guy Might's expression was serious as he spoke about Body Technique training.

"Your family deals in ninja tools, right? Start your training at home. Begin by carrying a 15-kilogram weight. Once you get used to that, add another 10 kilograms."

"Will do, Mr. Guy," Tenno agreed with a nod.

He had been contemplating asking Guy Might about weight training, and here Guy Might was, already suggesting it. His reputation as a ninjutsu expert was well-deserved.

"Alright, let's get started with some Body Technique drills," Guy Might declared, moving to the center of the training field and gesturing for Tenno to follow his lead.

"The Konoha Whirlwind is the foundation of this body technique sequence. Focus on pivoting from your waist, channeling all your strength, and concentrating your chakra in your legs. This will significantly boost both your power and your speed."

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