Reborn In Naruto World/C16 Tenno's Parents Were Shocked
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Reborn In Naruto World/C16 Tenno's Parents Were Shocked
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C16 Tenno's Parents Were Shocked

Deep within the Fire Country, a middle-aged couple led a procession of dozens of servants on their journey. Behind them stretched a line of carriages, each laden with enormous crates of cargo. Their caravan spanned hundreds of meters, a sight to behold!

Among their ranks were Elite Jonin-level ninjas, a clear indication of the cargo's immense value. The goods they carried were enough to meet the needs of all the ninjas in Konoha for the next two years.

"Mr. Tensho, we're almost at Konoha. We've now entered the safe zone, so you can ease your mind," Kakashi called out as he moved to the front of the group to reassure the couple.

Tensho clasped his hands together, smiling gratefully at Kakashi. "We're deeply indebted to you for your protection on this journey, Master Kakashi. Without your presence, those rogue ninjas might have plundered a great deal of our shipment."

With an impassive face, Kakashi waved his hand lightly. "I'm merely doing my duty. This shipment is vital for the supply of ninja tools in Konoha, and Lord Hokage has given it considerable attention. Hence, he classified this as a Level B mission and assigned me to personally oversee its safe delivery."

Tensho's smile remained as he looked out toward the distant Konoha Village, feeling a pang of homesickness. It had been over half a year since he and his wife had been home.

He pondered how his son and daughter had been managing without them. He also wondered whether the costly scrolls he had bought for them had helped them in harnessing their chakra.

They were of age to have joined the Ninja School last year, and Tensho was unsure if they had been successful in enrolling. Could there be a budding ninja within their family?

While Tensho had his hopes for his children, his foremost desire as a father was for their safe and happy upbringing. He thought to himself that even if they didn't possess ninja talents, a simple life like his own wouldn't be such a bad thing.

Tensho's gaze then turned to the Elite Jonin beside him. Kakashi was not only one of the most promising young ninjas in Konoha but also a direct disciple of the Fourth Generation Hokage.

With a hopeful heart, Tensho wished that Kakashi might spare a moment to mentor his children. Gathering his resolve, he approached Kakashi, "Master Kakashi, I have two children at home who dream of becoming ninjas. If you could find the time, could you perhaps offer them some guidance?"

"Sorry, Mr. Tensho," Kakashi said, his voice cool and detached, a clear sign he was used to such requests. "I'm generally swamped and don't have the time to coach kids who haven't at least reached the rank of lower ninja. Besides, I only provide specialized training when Lord Hokage gives the order. My apologies."

Kakashi's rejection was forthright, his resolve firm, leaving little hope for children without influential connections to gain his mentorship.

Tensho inwardly sighed, berating himself for his wildly optimistic idea.

For kids from ordinary families like theirs, aspiring to be trained by an elite Jonin was a pipe dream.

Before long, the merchant caravan arrived in Konoha Village.

After bidding farewell, Kakashi made his way to report to the Hokage's office.

"Dad, Mom, you're home!"

Tiantian's voice bubbled with excitement as she leaped from her bed.

Her eyes shone brightly as she looked at Tenno.

"Brother, when the ore comes in, can you make me a Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi?"

Tenno laughed and said, "First, get the Three Body Technique down pat!"

Tiantian's lips turned down in a pout, but her voice was resolute, "I'll get it down soon! And I'm inventing an amazing ninja tool. Just wait, soon you'll be the one who's jealous!"

"That's the spirit," Tenno encouraged. "I'm looking forward to it."

The return of Tenno's parents brought life and laughter back into their once quiet home.

They were taken aback and delighted to find out that Tenno and Tiantian had been accepted into the Ninja School, which quickly dispelled any lingering disappointment from Kakashi's earlier refusal.

Tensho and his wife basked in the joy of possibly nurturing two ninjas within their family.

In celebration, Tensho immediately decided to splurge on a lavish meal at the finest barbecue restaurant in Konoha.

Following that, life eased up for Tenno and Tiantian.

With their parents back, they no longer had to take turns manning the ninja tool shop.

And better yet, their parents cooked for them every single day.

Over the last six months, the system had introduced several missions.

Tensho had not found the time to undertake these tasks.

Moreover, his father had brought back a wealth of ores from the Iron Kingdom.

These ores would be sufficient for his use for quite some time!

Inside the ninja tool shop, Tensho had finally finished organizing the shelves.

The newly purchased kunai, shuriken, and a variety of other ninja tools were all neatly arranged.

With everything set up, the ninja tool shop was ready to open its doors to customers.

At that moment, Guy Might walked toward the shop, greeting Tensho with great enthusiasm: "Boss Tensho, you're back!"

Tensho greeted him with a smile, "Hello, Lord Kai! We've just brought in a fresh batch of ninja tools. Would you like to have a look?"

"No need. I rarely use ninja tools. I mainly rely on my fists." Guy Might replied with a robust laugh, scratching his head, "I actually came looking for Tenno, but I didn't expect to find him out today."

"Tenno's at Ninja School," Tensho said.

Then, a realization dawned on him, and he asked with a hint of confusion, "Lord Kai, you're acquainted with my son, Tenno?"

Guy Might laughed heartily: "Acquainted? Tenno is my most beloved disciple!"

"Your disciple?" Tensho was visibly shocked.

"But he's just a student at the Ninja School."

Tenno wasn't even ranked as a lower ninja.

How could he have an Elite Jonin as a mentor?

This was completely unexpected for Tensho!

Guy Might dismissed the concern casually: "What's the big deal? Going to Ninja School is just a normal step. But Tenno's skills have long surpassed those of a lower ninja."

"Had the Third Hokage not forbidden early graduation, I would have already taken Tenno on missions beyond the village. It's only a matter of time."

"In fact, I've already decided to take Tenno under my wing as my disciple!"

Tensho was astounded to discover that Tenno's abilities had outstripped those of a lower ninja and that he was now under the tutelage of Lord Kai.

In that moment, Tensho was completely dumbfounded!

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