Reborn In Naruto World/C17 Hinata's Peek
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Reborn In Naruto World/C17 Hinata's Peek
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C17 Hinata's Peek

At the training grounds of Konoha, Tenno was diligently practicing his swordsmanship.

"Host, congratulations on completing your mission. You've successfully kept up with a regimen of a thousand sword swings every day for a month!"

"System Reward: The blueprint for the Sun Chakram Blade has been issued!"

Tenno's eyes lit up with anticipation.

The Sun Chakram Blade, an inheritance from the Demon Slayer's Ghostkill Team, was a katana that changed color according to the user's attributes, hence its nickname among swordsmen as the chameleon blade.

Although there were no ghosts in Tenno's world of Naruto, crafting a Sun Chakram Blade would surely boost his strength.

"I've finally finished all four missions!" Tenno breathed a sigh of relief as he looked over the three additional forging blueprints now in his system.

He had spent the last six months completing three tasks assigned by the system, all of which were now accomplished.

His system now included blueprints for the Sky Feather Clothes, Agility Boots, and the Sun Chakram Blade.

Name: Sky Feather Clothes

Forging Difficulty: Two stars

Required Materials: White Feather, Black Feather, Green Mound Stone, Lunar Refined Iron

Features: Conforms to the host's body size. Provides temperature control and a self-cleaning feature. Can self-repair through Chakra conduction.

From this blueprint, he could only forge a single item of clothing. The Sky Feather Clothes were not armor; they offered no defense.

However, for daily wear, they perfectly solved the host's cleaning issues.

He would never need to buy or wash clothes again, an incredibly convenient perk.

Name: Agility Boots

Forging Difficulty: Two stars

Required Materials: Quartz Rutilated, Star Iron, Cold Iron

Benefit: Provides the host with a 5% increase in speed.

The potential for a speed enhancement was enticing to Tenno.

Name: Sun Chakram Blade

Forging Difficulty: Three stars

Required Materials: Hundred Refined Iron, Gorilla Red Sand Iron, Gorilla Red Ore, Golden Sand Stone

Advantages: Exceptionally sharp, facilitates the comprehension of the Law of Breathing.

Surprise flickered in Tenno's eyes.

He had not expected the Sun Chakram Blade to be a three-star caliber weapon!

The components needed to forge the Sun Chakram Blade were far more intricate than those for two-star weapons, with a staggering thirteen different materials required!

Tenno caught his breath in awe.

Tenno couldn't help but draw in a sharp breath at the thought of forging a three-star difficulty weapon. The list of thirteen materials alone would keep him occupied for quite a while.

Compared to the Sun Chakram Blade, the Sky Feather Clothes and Agility Boots were a breeze to make. They required fewer materials, all of which Tenno had at home.

He just needed to collect some feathers from the forest surrounding Konoha.

Tenno put away the system and sheathed his bamboo sword, ready to leave the training grounds.

Suddenly, he sensed a faint presence. Someone was stealthily watching him.

"Who's there?" Tenno demanded, his brow knitting together.

"I'm sorry, Tenno," a gentle voice replied.

From behind a large tree in the woods, a slight figure stepped out.

"Is that you, Hinata?" Tenno asked.

"Tenno, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude on your training," Hinata said, more talkative than usual, her voice tinged with fear of disapproval. Her face was the picture of innocence.

"No harm done. I was just worried it might be an enemy," Tenno said, relieved.

His guard lowered, he asked, "Why are you here? Don't you need to be training at home?"

With Tenno showing no sign of annoyance, Hinata's panic faded, and she was suddenly overcome with shyness.

She looked down, unable to meet Tenno's gaze any longer, and her words started to stumble.

"Don't be nervous, it's just the two of us. Take your time and tell me what's on your mind," Tenno said, smiling kindly.

"He's so gentle," Hinata thought, feeling a surge of courage.

After a moment's pause, she spoke up timidly, "I heard about your final combat assessment tomorrow, against my cousin, Hyuga Neji, and I just..."

"You're concerned about me?" Tenno asked, his smile warm and reassuring.

Hinata nodded shyly, then lowered her head, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of anxiety and hope.

Her cheeks began to flush with heat, and even her breathing became labored with nervousness.

She thought to herself, "I'm so anxious. What if Tenno doesn't like me?"

Although Hyuga Neji was her cousin, deep down, she hoped Tenno would prevail.

That's why she had come—to cheer on Tenno.

Now, she contemplated what to do next.

Suddenly, Tenno spoke, "Hinata."

Startled, Hinata felt a pair of hands gently lift her chin,

and she looked up to see Tenno's face, less than thirty feet away.

His noble nose and attractive lips framed a gaze that was both deep and captivating.

He was incredibly handsome.

He smiled and said, "Why do you always look down? I can't see your beautiful face when you do. Isn't it better to look up at me? Hinata, you need to be more confident!"

The air seemed to freeze for a second.

Hinata's face blazed like a kettle on the fire, her temperature skyrocketing.

Then, her eyes closed, and she uncontrollably fell backward.

She had fainted, just like that!

Tenno was momentarily stunned, then quickly caught Hinata before she hit the ground.

Perhaps he had been too bold?

He couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and concern.

He had only intended to give Hinata a little courage to overcome her insecurities and timidity, not expecting her to faint from the intensity of the moment.

He decided he would need to encourage her more gradually in the future.

With a wry shake of his head, Tenno lifted Hinata onto his back and made his way toward the Hyuga clan's territory.

At the entrance, some members of the Hyuga clan were less than welcoming.

After all, Tenno was bringing back an unconscious Hinata, and their suspicion was understandable.

They detained him temporarily within the Hyuga compound.

Tenno's face grew stern, aware that explaining the situation would be troublesome.

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