Reborn In Naruto World/C19 Chief Student
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Reborn In Naruto World/C19 Chief Student
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C19 Chief Student

What breathtaking speed!

Hyuga Neji's pupils shrank in an instant.

The Chionin instructor and the onlooking students mirrored Neji's expression of shock.

In a flash, Tenno disappeared from sight.


A wave of surprise swept over everyone.

Neji, caught in the starting stance of his Eight Trigrams Palm, was frozen in disbelief.

"Konoha Whirlwind!"

By the time Tenno reemerged, he was already positioned behind Hyuga.

Even with Neji's Byakugan, which allowed him a nearly complete visual range, he couldn't dodge Tenno's body technique.

The reason was simple: Tenno's speed was unparalleled.

Tenno's leg lashed out with a fierce kick, eliciting a sharp pain from Neji's spine.

Neji was sent sprawling face-first into the dirt.

Turning his head, he found Tenno sitting triumphantly on him, restraining his hands and a foot planted firmly on his back.

The atmosphere of the training grounds changed in the blink of an eye. The smiles of those cheering for Hyuga Neji froze on their faces.

The battle had shifted dramatically in just a few seconds.

"The assessment is over! Victory goes to Tenno!"

The Chionin instructor promptly announced the result after seeing the outcome.

"Their fight ended so quickly!"

"Tenno took down Hyuga Neji with a single strike!"

"Tenno is incredibly strong!"

"Tenno is the real top student of our class!"

Exclamations of amazement came from the students gathered around the training area.

They had all thought Hyuga Neji was the strongest among them, but he had been swiftly defeated by Tenno.

The girls, who had been charmed by Neji's noble heritage, impressive strength, and handsome features, were now having second thoughts.

They were starting to see Tenno as the more handsome and formidable of the two.

The Chionin instructor, containing his astonishment, spoke to Tenno, "Stand up from Neji. Perform the Reconciliation Seal."

"Yes, Sensei."

Tenno stood and joined his finger to Hyuga Neji's, marking the end of their conflict.

The fight had seemed quick and almost effortless. Tenno had decisively overpowered Hyuga Neji in an instant.

However, it wasn't that Hyuga Neji was lacking in strength; he had the capabilities of a lower ninja.

Throughout the fight, Tenno had much on his mind.

Neji Hyuga's Byakugan was capable of detecting chakra, a formidable Bloodline Limit indeed.

Hyuga Neji's Byakugan, with its ability to detect chakra, was a troublesome Bloodline Limit to contend with. A standard Three Body Technique wouldn't even leave a mark on him. That's precisely why Tenno didn't waste his time with kunai; he chose the purest form of body technique instead. When faced with supreme speed and strength, all other skills are rendered useless.

Moreover, Tenno's decision to deploy Guy Might's signature move, the Konoha Whirlwind, wasn't solely to defeat Neji. He also aimed to showcase his proficiency with the technique to onlookers. Tenno knew that his performance would turn heads, and establishing his ties with Guy Might early on could prove beneficial. It was a strategic choice.

After the match, Tenno was greeted enthusiastically by his good friends, Rock Lee and his sister Tiantian. "Tenno, that was amazing! I thought you two would be evenly matched for a while, but you took him down in one fell swoop. You're getting more formidable by the day! You're truly worthy of being my rival," Lee said, his excitement palpable.

"My brother's the best!" Tiantian added with a mischievous grin.

"How did you do it?" The question came from a deep voice at their side.

It was Neji, leaning on a friend for support as he made his way down from the training field. Tenno's kick to Neji's back had been delivered with significant force.

"What do you mean?" Tenno asked.

"How were you able to move within my Eight Trigrams Sphere?" Neji pressed.

"It's simple. I'm stronger than you, so your Eight Trigrams Sphere couldn't contain me," Tenno replied casually.

"I am not as strong as him," Neji muttered under his breath, his expression one of deep pain.

"Don't always think you're the only genius around. You still have a lot to learn. And fate isn't something that's set in stone. If you strive for change, you can make it happen," Tenno advised, patting Lee on the shoulder with a reassuring smile.

"Look at us—we're the geniuses of hard work!" Tenno proclaimed.

Neji stood rooted to the spot, struck by a sudden epiphany. His long-held convictions were now being challenged by the overwhelming impact of Tenno's words. Could it be that true geniuses of hard work really existed? Could relentless effort truly change one's destiny? For the first time, Neji found himself contemplating a new perspective.

With the term exams concluded, Tenno had risen to the top of his class, solidifying his status as the chief student.

He was indisputably the top student of their class!

Lee Rock and Tiantian had also shone brightly during the exams.

Now, within their class, no one dared to look down on Tenno and his two friends.

Their abilities were clear for all to see and not to be taken lightly.

"After school, let's go out and celebrate our awesome scores today!" Lee Rock suggested.

"How about barbecue?" Tiantian proposed, pounding the table with excitement.

"That works for me," Tenno agreed.

After all, nothing beats the taste of meat.

Lee hesitated for a moment. Barbecue was expensive, and his allowance wouldn't stretch that far.

"Today's on me!" Tenno declared with a grin. "Go ahead and indulge."

Lee's first impulse was to refuse. He already felt a sense of obligation to Tenno for the ninja tools he'd been given. How could he let Tenno foot the bill again?

"No worries! He's got plenty of pocket money—much more than me!" Tiantian assured.

"Lee, don't worry about it," Tenno said, smiling warmly. "If it eases your mind, just continue being a sparring partner for my sister. You need to keep her disciplined in her training so she doesn't get lazy."

"I'm not always lazy!" Tiantian protested, pouting slightly.

Their friendly chatter and laughter filled the air as they headed to the barbecue joint.

Back at the Ninja Academy, a Chionin instructor, having meticulously recorded the details of the practical exam, was on his way to the Hokage's office, located beneath the Konoha Shadow Rock.

He mused that the Third Hokage would be thoroughly impressed with the day's outcomes.

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