Reborn In Naruto World/C23 Itachi Uchiha Was Depressed
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Reborn In Naruto World/C23 Itachi Uchiha Was Depressed
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C23 Itachi Uchiha Was Depressed

At the Konoha training grounds, Tenno held the Sun Chakram Blade in his hand, effortlessly slicing through a wooden stake on the ground nearby with a swift flick of his wrist. A streak of white light traced the blade's arc, and the stake split cleanly in two, as if it were mere paper. Tenno had repeated this precise movement hundreds of times that day.

He ceased his blade work and mused, "Though I've yet to fully master the esoteric principles of the Breath of Water Law, this Sun Chakram Blade is quite the remarkable weapon." Settling into a cross-legged position on the ground, he placed the blade on his thighs and slowly closed his eyes. His breathing became even and prolonged, as if he were asleep. This was the buddhist mood of blade, a method swordsmen favor for immersing themselves in the way of the sword and cultivating a serene state of mind.

In this meditative stance, Tenno used the technique to aid in his comprehension of the Breath of Water Law. The posture brought tranquility to his heart. The surrounding world fell silent, with the faint sound of breaths, like whispers, signaling that all things possess breath.

When Tenno opened his eyes again, they gleamed with a clear understanding, his insight into the Breath of Water Law significantly refined. He estimated that with three more days of dedicated practice, he would fully grasp its subtleties.

A new mission then arose: to gather the energy of Fire Escape Ninjutsu, with the reward being blueprints for a Concealment Mask. "How am I to collect this Fire Escape energy?" Tenno inquired of the system.

"Extract a strand of Chakra and combine it with the Fire Escape Ninjutsu. Once the required energy is accumulated, the Kunai will shatter by itself," the system promptly replied.

Tenno nodded, understanding the process. The specifics of how the system harnessed the Fire Escape energy were beyond him, but he was confident that adhering to its instructions would be enough.

However, mastering Fire Escape Ninjutsu was a skill he had yet to acquire. To collect the energy, he would need a well-thought-out plan.

With the system now silent, Tenno concluded his training for the day and left the grounds. As he did, a figure dressed in the distinctive uniform of Konoha's Assassin Force, his face hidden behind a mask, appeared before him.

This individual was a member of the Assassin Force under Hiruzen Sarutobi's command, but what urgent matter brought him to Tenno so suddenly?

After a long while, Tenno opened his eyes, a newfound clarity shining within them. His understanding of the Breath of Water Law was deepening.

Tenno estimated that with three more days of practice, he would likely grasp the essence of the Breath of Water Law.

Mission issued: Collect Fire Escape Ninjutsu energy.

System reward: Blueprint for the creation of a Concealment Mask.

Tenno queried the system, "How should I go about collecting this Fire Escape energy?"

The system promptly replied, "Simply release a form of Chakra into the Fire Escape Ninjutsu. Once the energy is fully collected, the Kunai will break on its own."

Tenno nodded in acknowledgment.

Although he didn't comprehend the exact mechanism by which the system absorbed the Fire Escape energy, he assumed that following the system's instructions should suffice to complete the mission. However, he had yet to master Fire Escape Ninjutsu.

It seemed he would need to devise a strategy to collect the Fire Escape energy.

After shutting down the system, Tenno decided to conclude his training for the day and left the practice field.

Suddenly, a man dressed in Konoha's Assassin Force uniform, his face obscured by a mask, appeared before him.

This man was from the Sarutobi-led Assassin Force. Why had he sought out Tenno so abruptly?

Tenno immediately went on alert without showing any outward sign.

The man in front of him took the initiative to remove his animal mask and asked, "Are you Tenno?"

When Tenno saw the man's face, he was momentarily stunned.

Why would Itachi Uchiha be looking for him?

"What do you need?" Tenno asked, his brow furrowed.

Itachi Uchiha's current status was more sensitive and dangerous than that of any other Ninja in the Assassin Force.

As Tenno sized up Itachi Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha was doing the same. He was deeply impressed by Tenno's steady breathing, the flow of his Chakra, and his muscular explosiveness—all signs of Tenno's extraordinary strength.

No wonder Shisui had mentioned seeing a talented young man in the village.

He couldn't have achieved Tenno's level of composure and maturity at such a young age.

It was no surprise that Tenno was a youth who had caught the discerning eye of Shisui, someone to be truly admired.

Although Tenno was only a year older than Sasuke, Itachi Uchiha found it difficult to see him as a younger brother. Instead, he regarded Tenno as an equal.

Itachi Uchiha was the perfect candidate to aid Tenno in completing his mission. "I'm willing to share what I know, but I need a favor from you first," Tenno said, pausing briefly. "What do you need from me?" Itachi asked. Tenno held out a kunai and said, "If you can sever this kunai with your Fire Style jutsu, I'll tell you everything." Doubt flickered in Itachi's eyes, but he kept his questions to himself, finding the request simple. The Uchiha's Fire Style could generate heat in the thousands of degrees Celsius, enough to instantly melt a kunai. "Alright, I'll help you," Itachi nodded in agreement. He set the kunai down and began his Fire Style jutsu. "Great Fireball Technique!" he announced. Yet, the kunai remained untouched, not even warmed to a glow, much less melted. A hint of surprise appeared in Itachi's eyes. "This kunai is better made than those from Nekobaa," he noted calmly, before unleashing a barrage of Fire Style jutsu. "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" "Fire Style: Flame Bullet!" "Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bullet!" As a member of the Anbu, Itachi displayed his skill by executing over a dozen Fire Style jutsu in quick succession. Tenno estimated that Itachi's skill was approaching that of a Jonin. With the Mangekyo Sharingan, Itachi could easily take out three or four Jonin-level ninjas in an instant. His strength was truly remarkable, especially for a thirteen-year-old. He was indeed a prodigious young genius. Yet, Tenno was confident that by the time he reached Itachi's age, his own abilities would far surpass those of the current Itachi Uchiha. "Are you mocking me?" Itachi's face darkened as he caught his breath, feeling drained from the rapid casting of multiple B and C Level Fire Style Ninjutsu. Why else would he agree to help Tenno, this inscrutable young man, if not to uncover the truth behind Brother Shisui's death?

"The quality of your kunai surpasses that of the ones sold by Nekobaa," Itachi Uchiha stated indifferently, before he resumed casting his Fire Style ninjutsu.

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