Reborn In Naruto World/C29
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Reborn In Naruto World/C29
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The task at hand was to collect the Chakra of the Ninetails.

Was the Chakra of the Ninetails truly something that could be gathered so effortlessly?

Upon encountering the system's assignment, Tenno couldn't help but complain to himself.

In the original narrative, during a mission to the Land of Waves, Naruto first accessed the Ninetails' Chakra in his fight against Minazuki Haku.

That milestone was a whole six years in the future.

Did this mean he had to wait six years to fulfill this mission?

The prospect weighed heavily on Tenno's spirits.

He chose to put the mission aside for now.

Instead, Tenno struck up a deep conversation with Naruto.

Their bond formed quickly over bowls of ramen at Teuchi Ramen, and they soon found themselves in easy camaraderie.

"Tenno, have you already started at Ninja School?" Naruto curiously pointed at the ninja tool bag tied to Tenno's leg.

Tenno nodded in affirmation, "That's right. I'll be a second-year student once classes start."

"You're so cool, Brother Tenno!" Naruto's eyes sparkled with envy, and his face broke into his signature, silly grin.

"I'm going to Ninja School soon, too. I'm gonna become super strong."

Casually, Tenno asked, "Have you managed to extract your Chakra yet?"

"What's Chakra?" Naruto responded, scratching his head in bewilderment.

"It's part of the Ninja School's entrance test."

Naruto's expression turned to one of shock. "The Ninja School has an entrance test?"

Tenno was momentarily speechless.

Naruto didn't even know what Chakra was.

With Naruto's current skill level, passing the Ninja School's entrance exam seemed improbable.

However, Tenno quickly deduced the answer to this puzzle.

The Third Generation Hokage must have been the one to admit Naruto into the Ninja School.

Naruto harbored the Ninetails within him, his Chakra intertwined with that of the Ninetails, marked by the six whisker-like lines on his face.

This fusion made mastering his Chakra several times harder than for an ordinary person.

In the original tale, even after his Ninja School graduation, Naruto had trouble with even the simplest jutsu, like bilocation, ending up at the bottom of his class.

A spark of inspiration flashed through Tenno's mind.

It seemed he had found a way to complete the task set by the system.

Since Naruto's Chakra was already fused with the Ninetails', the system only needed to absorb Naruto's refined Chakra to also capture the Ninetails' Chakra.

Tenno realized he didn't need to wait for Naruto to embark on the mission to the Dazna Kingdom; he could accomplish the system's task immediately.

With this realization, Tenno felt a surge of excitement.

The plan was feasible!

Although using Naruto's Chakra to extract the Ninetails' Chakra wouldn't be a quick process, it certainly wouldn't take six years!

The Multiple Shadow Clone Shuriken was a ninja tool with enough power to be considered Level A Ninjutsu!

"Naruto, I have something for you!" Tenno handed a Ninjutsu scroll to Naruto and explained, "This scroll outlines the method for refining Chakra. You can use it to learn how to do just that."

"The Ninja School entrance exam is approaching, and while you may not learn Chakra refining immediately, your natural talent might just impress the examiners enough for you to pass."

"Tenno, you're amazing!" Naruto's eyes lit up as he gripped the scroll tightly.

Standing up, Naruto said his goodbyes, "Tenno, I'm going to practice refining Chakra right now!"

"I'm going to be Hokage, so I won't let the entrance exam get in my way. Don't worry! I'll strive to be a student at the Ninja School, just like you!"

Tenno smiled and nodded, offering words of encouragement, "You can do it!"

Meanwhile, in the office of the Third Generation Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, located beneath Shadow Rock, something Tenno and Naruto were unaware of was taking place.

He had been watching the scene unfold through a crystal ball.

After seeing Naruto and Tenno part ways, Hiruzen Sarutobi waved his sleeve, turning off the surveillance from the crystal ball.

Taking a puff from his pipe, he glanced at a detailed file on Tenno on his desk.

"This boy is incredibly diligent. Guy Might can't stop singing his praises."

"He has a talent for forging, creating all kinds of ninja tools."

"He's kind-hearted and has a good relationship with Naruto."

A faint smile appeared on Hiruzen Sarutobi's face.

"He could indeed be a valuable asset to me."

After speaking, Hiruzen Sarutobi tucked the file away.

He murmured to himself and cast a glance toward a corner of the room.

"However, my immediate concern is to address the Uchiha clan situation."

He murmured softly to himself before glancing toward a corner of the room.

"Right, Danzou?"

"You've noticed me, have you?" A cold laugh resonated through the space.

At that moment, a man with an eye concealed by a bandage and a cane in hand stepped out from the shadows of the office corner.

"Sarutobi, it's time to deal with the Uchiha situation."

"I've long advised you to eliminate the Uchiha clan. It's your indecision that has made them such a formidable threat now!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi let out a deep sigh, seemingly reluctant to proceed.

"Is there truly no other way to resolve this?"

Danzou Shimura let out a derisive chuckle, "Drop the naivety."

"Itachi Uchiha has agreed to our previous plan. I will send Shade ninjas to join him in annihilating the Uchiha clan, thus removing any threat to Konoha," Danzou Shimura stated, a hint of pride in his voice.

"He has already informed me about the plan," Hiruzen Sarutobi said with a nod.

"The Shade operatives won't need to accompany him. He's confident that we only need to handle the cleanup."

"His only condition is that his brother, Sasuke Uchiha, survives. I have consented to that."

Danzou Shimura frowned, his tone dripping with distrust.

"He doesn't want our assistance? What can he possibly achieve on his own?"

"He plans to use the power of other forces to complete the mission," Hiruzen Sarutobi explained.

"He's an utterly unreliable partner!" Danzou Shimura retorted with a scornful smile. "Don't forget, your former student Orochimaru is also a member of that organization."

"Enough, Danzou!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi's tone became stern, as if touching upon a subject he wished to avoid.

"For now, they are not our adversaries."

"We've already put so much effort into maintaining peace and stability in Konoha."

"We mustn't provoke them at this juncture. Considering Konoha's current situation, we can't afford that kind of risk. Our focus must remain on internal matters for the time being."

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