Reborn In Naruto World/C3 Forging Cultivation
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Reborn In Naruto World/C3 Forging Cultivation
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C3 Forging Cultivation

On the fourth day of forging Clone Kunai, Tenno's mind was suddenly filled with a system notification for a new task.

Mission Announcement: Clay (1000 grams)

Mission Reward: Primary Forging Blueprint, Substitute Kunai.

Tenno surmised that the Substitute Kunai might function similarly to the Clone Kunai, akin to the effects of the Substitute Technique.

The task was straightforward.

Clay was readily available, and Tenno quickly unearthed a small mound of dark brown clay from the garden in his backyard.

Upon completing the task, he received the forging blueprint for the Substitute Kunai.

Details on the Substitute Kunai, including its construction and forging method, instantly flooded Tenno's thoughts.

Substitute Kunai.

Skill: Instantaneous Activation of Substitute Technique

Tenno noted the similarities between crafting the Substitute Kunai and the Clone Kunai.

Having previously forged a Clone Kunai, he found the process for the Substitute Kunai to be much simpler.

With the design of the Substitute Kunai clear in his mind, he set to work on forging it.

However, luck wasn't on his side this time.

After two failed attempts, his third try was a success!

Instructions on how to use the Substitute Kunai materialized in Tenno's mind.

"Substitute Kunai: Infuse the Kunai with Chakra, and you can swap places with it to dodge an attack."

Tenno nodded in understanding.

As he had predicted, the Substitute Kunai shared the same properties as the Substitute Technique.

The Substitute Technique was one of the most practical forms of Ninjutsu in combat, frequently used by lower ninjas and Chionin alike.

Moreover, the Substitute Kunai operated in the same manner as the Clone Kunai. Tenno simply had to channel his Chakra into the Substitute Kunai, without the need for Ninja Mudra, to activate it instantly.

It was clear he needed to forge several more Substitute Kunai!

With renewed vigor, Tenno continued his work in the forge.

The rhythmic clanging of metal echoed from the shed.

Before he knew it, five days had passed.

Tenno had successfully forged 15 Clone Kunai and 10 Substitute Kunai. He was immensely pleased with his accomplishments.

The proficiency in crafting both types of Kunai had increased to 77% and 45%, respectively.

Mission Announcement: Fine Sand (1000g)

Reward: Primary Forging Blueprint for the Transformation Kunai

The voice of the system echoed in Tenno's ears.

The task was quite straightforward.

Tenno quickly completed the mission and received his reward—a forging blueprint for the Transformation Kunai.

He had now collected all three ninja tools necessary to achieve the Three Body Technique.

Ten days had gone by.

Apart from eating and sleeping, Tenno devoted all his time to the forge, tirelessly working on the Kunai.

Though the process of forging was monotonous, Tenno harbored no complaints, viewing it as a way to strengthen his body.

The results were clear.

His physical strength and Chakra were constantly being depleted and replenished.

After just two weeks, Tenno could feel a significant increase in his power.

His Chakra recovery rate had quickened.

He believed his abilities were now on par with those of an average lower ninja.

During this fortnight, he had amassed a considerable collection of ninja tools.

In total, he crafted 30 Clone Kunai, 20 Substitute Kunai, and 15 Transformation Kunai.

Simultaneously, his proficiency in creating these three types of Kunai had reached 100%, 85%, and 55%.

Once his success rate for the Clone Kunai hit 100%, there were no more defects in his forging process.

Moreover, Tenno noticed that as his skill improved, so did his forging speed.

Initially, it took him three hours to forge a single Clone Kunai.

Now, he could produce one in just thirty minutes.

At this point, his system panel displayed the following data:

Host: Tenno

Age: 6 years old

Forging Level: Primary

Unlocked Weapons: Clone Kunai (Proficiency: 100%), Substitute Kunai (Proficiency: 85%), Transformation Kunai (Proficiency: 55%).

Self-created Weapons: None

That day, after concluding his training, Tenno joined Tiantian for dinner.

Instead of rushing off afterward, he lingered and asked her, "Little sister, how are you progressing with the Chakra extraction method I taught you?"

Tiantian stuck out her tongue in frustration and sighed, "Brother, that technique is so hard. I've been practicing for over ten days, but I can only manage to draw out a bit of Chakra now and then, and it's not even stable."

Tenno nodded, unsurprised by her struggle. He gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder and said, "Don't rush it. The fact that you've sensed the Chakra means you've already made contact with Ninjutsu. Just keep practicing."

Tiantian wasn't naturally gifted in Ninjutsu, but Tenno, as her brother, was determined to help her grow stronger.

For a six-year-old, extracting Chakra was no small feat. At Ninja School, the first two years primarily focused on Chakra refinement training. So, Tiantian's progress was commendable.

Tenno presented Tiantian with three Clone Kunai, "These are some neat tools. Have fun with them."

It was a small token of appreciation for her diligent help with cooking and laundry.

Curious, Tiantian asked, "What are these?"

"Channel your Chakra into the Kunai, then throw it, and you'll see," Tenno instructed.

Though puzzled, Tiantian did as she was told. The Kunai transformed into a puff of white smoke, and as it cleared, a clone resembling Tiantian appeared.

"It's a bilocation technique!" Tiantian gasped, her hands covering her mouth, eyes wide with amazement.

How was this happening? She hadn't learned the hand seals or the bilocation technique.

Tenno explained, "I've crafted these special Kunai recently. They can produce an effect similar to the bilocation technique."

"With tools like these, we'll be on par with the Great Ninja Tribe once we start Ninja School."

Tiantian's excitement was palpable. She gazed at Tenno with adoration and exclaimed, "Brother, you're amazing!"

"Then make sure to practice diligently in the coming days."

He had crafted three distinct ninja tools, yet he chose not to present all three to Tiantian simultaneously.

Tiantian's mastery of Chakra paled in comparison to his own.

Thus, Tenno resolved to have Tiantian concentrate on the Clone Kunai first.

Once she fully grasped the Clone Kunai, he would then instruct her in the use of the other varieties.

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