Reborn In Naruto World/C33 The True Power of the Mangekyo Sharingan
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Reborn In Naruto World/C33 The True Power of the Mangekyo Sharingan
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C33 The True Power of the Mangekyo Sharingan

A massacre began within the Uchiha clan's territory, where the superior Sharingan reigned with absolute suppression over its lesser counterparts. Itachi Uchiha, his Mangekyo Sharingan activated, effortlessly commenced the slaughter.

However, the escalating commotion caught the attention of the Uchiha security department.

"Itachi Uchiha, what are you doing?"

"You dare attack your own kin? You're a traitor to the Uchiha clan!"

"Kill him!"

The security department's ninjas, the elite of the Uchiha, each wielded the Three Magatama Sharingan and boasted Jonin-level skills. Together, they could have been a formidable force against even Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan.

But as they braced to assault, the space around them warped, and Obito Uchiha, donning a mask, appeared before them. They were met with the gaze of the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Obito let out a sinister laugh and stated, "I will be the one to end you."

To him, the once precious clan and friends were now nothing but obstacles to his grand Eye of the Moon Plan.

Inside the Uchiha's Ancestral Hall, the Great Elder, surrounded by Uchiha ninjas, glared at Itachi with intense fury. "Itachi Uchiha, why have you betrayed our clan?"

Facing the man who had watched him grow, his grandfather, Itachi replied with calm resolve, "I haven't betrayed the Uchiha. I'm simply saving our clan in my own way."

"The Uchiha's strength is no match for Konoha. If you revolt, our name will forever be marked as traitors in Konoha's history, forever looked down upon."

"I'm just seeking a way for the Uchiha to survive on my own terms. For that, I apologize to all of you."

As Itachi's words concluded, his demeanor shifted to one of chilling resolve. He unleashed the full might of his Mangekyo Sharingan.

The room's atmosphere changed in an instant as the ninjas realized the extent of his power.

"Is that the Mangekyo Sharingan?"

"Such a formidable ocular jutsu!"

With his power fully unleashed, not even the Uchiha Great Elder could hope to overcome him.

Itachi had fully activated his ocular power, and now, not even the Great Elder Uchiha could best him. After a brief exchange of over ten moves, the elder's throat was slit by Itachi, leaving his lifeless body on the ground.

The remaining ninjas were no match for Itachi either. Their blood spurted out as they fell to the ground, defeated.

Wielding his kunai and casting illusions relentlessly, Itachi cut a bloody swath through the heart of the Uchiha clan's territory. He was heading home, to the residence of the Uchiha clan head, Fugaku Uchiha.

Covered in the blood of others and with tears of blood streaming from his Mangekyo Sharingan, Itachi held his kunai and whispered an apology with a heavy heart. "Dad, Mom, I'm sorry," he said, before taking their lives.

"Daddy! Mommy! Brother, what are you doing?" The innocent voice of Sasuke Uchiha, who had just returned from Ninja School, pierced the silence.

He took in the sight of his clan members' bodies scattered across the ground, including his parents, with his beloved brother as the perpetrator.

"Sasuke, come to despise me."

A flicker of pain crossed Itachi's face, but it was gone in an instant. His Mangekyo Sharingan began to spin as he whispered, "Tsukuyomi!" Sasuke's scream of agony filled the air before he collapsed.

A single tear escaped from the corner of Itachi's eye.

Finally, it was over.

Outside the Uchiha domain, Tenno hid in the shadows not far from Danzou Shimura. He had witnessed the night's massacre and couldn't help but think of Itachi Uchiha as a monster. Despite Itachi's belief that he was acting justly by killing his own parents and clan members, such actions were inconceivable for any normal person.

Tenno did not approve of Itachi's methods. Nonetheless, this was a matter between the Uchiha clan and Konoha, and he had no place to interfere. His visit was merely opportunistic, hoping to acquire the Sharingan for himself. To him, the slaughter was nothing more than a dramatic spectacle, and as a spectator, he had savored the view.

Now, he needed to remain alert and proceed with caution.

Meanwhile, Danzou Shimura, close by, had also witnessed the carnage unleashed by Itachi Uchiha and the masked man in the black robe upon the Uchiha clan.

Tenno did not agree with Itachi Uchiha's methods. Yet, this was ultimately a matter between the Uchiha family and Konoha, and he had no real reason to intervene. His visit was merely to see if he could opportunistically acquire the Sharingan. The recent massacre was nothing more than a heated spectacle to him, and as a spectator, he had thoroughly enjoyed the show. But the events to come were where he needed to be on high alert and tread carefully.

Meanwhile, not far from Tenno, Danzou Shimura witnessed the slaughter within the Uchiha clan by Itachi and the masked man in black robes. He was deeply shocked by the scene. Was this the true power of the Uchiha's Sharingan? It was terrifying indeed! A brief sense of gratification flashed in Danzou's eyes as he watched the Uchiha being cut down, but it was soon replaced by a deep-seated fear. His joy came from finally fulfilling his mentor's last wish—to thoroughly uproot the Uchiha, a cancer within Konoha. The fear, however, stemmed from the terrifying strength displayed by Itachi and Obito Uchiha. After already having killed Shisui Uchiha, the appearance of two more powerful figures within the Uchiha was deeply concerning. The power of the Sharingan was too great! And it was a power that Danzou was intent on seizing for himself.

"Thank goodness Itachi Uchiha has such resolve. Otherwise, the Uchiha's strength would indeed be a formidable threat to Konoha," Danzou thought to himself. "Once I obtain the Sharingan from these bodies, their power will become mine! And with the Sharingan's power, I'll be able to eradicate any remaining cancers within Konoha!"

With this in mind, Danzou watched as Itachi and the masked man had almost finished off the Uchiha's main fighting force. It was time to act. He gestured, and the Shade ninjas immediately began to dismantle their barriers.

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