Reborn In Naruto World/C5 Lee Rock Was Touched
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Reborn In Naruto World/C5 Lee Rock Was Touched
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C5 Lee Rock Was Touched

In a mere instant, Tenno had all three students sprawled on the floor.

The entire classroom was stunned by the display.

Even Hyuga Neji, regarded as the top student of their year, couldn't help but give Tenno a few extra glances.

Having dispatched the troublemakers, Tenno nonchalantly made his way back to his seat as if it were all in a day's work.

Indeed, for Tenno, it was nothing more than a trivial matter.

Even those hailing from the prestigious Great Ninja Tribe couldn't stand their ground if they lacked the strength, ultimately ending up defeated just the same!

"Tenno is so awesome!" Lee's eyes brimmed with admiration.

Both from humble backgrounds, yet Tenno was leagues ahead in strength!

"My brother is definitely amazing!" Tiantian agreed, nodding with pride.

"I've made up my mind! From now on, Tenno is my role model! I will become as strong as him!" Lee Rock declared, his face alight with excitement, fists clenched in determination.

This time, no one in the classroom dared to mock Lee Rock. Tenno's prowess was witnessed by all.

Just then, Tenno's mind echoed with the familiar voice of the system issuing a new task.

"Mission issued: Master Shuriken Projection with a 100% hit rate."

The reward was a blueprint for a primary storage ring.

This mission posed a greater challenge than the previous ones.

Tenno was to perfect his Shuriken Projection, achieving flawless accuracy.

Shuriken Projection was a crucial skill taught at the Ninja School.

Typically, students would master this technique to perfection by their sixth year.

But Tenno, undeterred by the lack of a deadline, was determined not to wait until then, especially with the storage ring at stake—a vital asset for him.

He had recently crafted over sixty Kunai, but a standard Ninja tool bag could barely fit a dozen.

Carrying all his Kunai would mean lugging around a cumbersome backpack—a hassle he'd rather avoid.

The storage ring was the perfect solution to his predicament.

He absolutely had to finish this mission as quickly as possible!

For now, he had a sufficient supply of the three types of Kunai, so there was no need to forge any more.

He would pour all his time and energy into mastering the Shuriken Technique to complete the mission posthaste!

After classes, Tenno and Tiantian left the Ninja School side by side.

"Big brother, aren't we going home?" Tiantian inquired.

"I'm heading to the training grounds to work on my Shuriken Technique. Do you want to go home, or will you come with me?" Tenno replied.

"I'll go wherever you go, of course," Tiantian said with a sweet smile.

Tenno nodded. "Good, then let's train together."

They made their way to the training grounds in no time.

But they soon ran into a snag.

The training grounds were swarming with people.

Tenno and Tiantian hadn't reserved a spot in advance and were informed that there were no available spaces.

Disappointed, it seemed their training would have to wait for another day.

Out of the blue, a familiar face called out to them.

"Tenno, Tiantian, are you here for training too?" Lee Rock asked, waving excitedly.

"Yes, but there aren't any open training grounds available," Tiantian replied with a sigh.

"No problem! You can share the one I reserved. It's pretty spacious, so there's enough room for all three of us to practice," Lee Rock offered with enthusiasm.

"Really? That would be awesome!" Tiantian's eyes sparkled.

"Thanks a lot," Tenno said with a smile, forgoing any formalities.

With that, Tenno led Tiantian to Lee Rock's training ground.

Once there, Tenno got straight to practicing his Shuriken Throwing Technique.

Tiantian, eager to learn, mimicked Tenno's moves and practiced alongside him.

"Tenno looks so professional, just like a true ninja!" Lee Rock marveled to himself.

Lee, hailing from a humble background, was still clueless about Body Technique, Ninjutsu, and the use of Ninja tools.

Despite his efforts, for now, he was limited to basic physical training exercises like jumping rope and push-ups to build his strength.

"Do you want to give it a shot?" Tiantian offered the shuriken in her hand to Lee.

"No, I'm good," Lee declined with a wave of his hand and a shake of his head. "I'll stick to my punches. Tenno looked so cool today in the classroom taking on those guys!"

Despite his words, a hint of envy shone in Lee's eyes as he glanced at Tiantian's shuriken. Tenno's family owned a ninja tool shop, making it easy for them to acquire a plethora of shurikens.

Lee's gaze shifted to Tenno, who was intently practicing his shuriken technique. Tenno had already surpassed using twenty shurikens, each likely costing over a thousand taels—a sum Lee Rock's family couldn't dream of affording.

Three hours later, the sunset painted half the sky a fiery red. As the sun dipped below the horizon, darkness crept over the land. Tenno ceased his training only when the distant targets became indiscernible.

Cultivation is all about technique. If he couldn't lock onto his target, further throws would be pointless. So, he decided to halt his training, rest up, and fully assimilate the day's progress.

Before leaving the training grounds, Tenno handed his ninja tool bag to Lee. Lee Rock, taken aback, asked, "Tenno, what's this about?"

"This ninja tool bag is for you."

"No, I can't accept this—it's too valuable," Lee Rock tried to refuse.

"Come on, we're friends, aren't we? You let us use your training space, so consider this a token of appreciation," Tenno said with a hearty laugh. "My family owns a weapon shop; these ninja tools are just a drop in the bucket for us."

Tiantian chimed in with a nod, "Exactly, take it! And thanks again for today."

"Th-thank you so much!" Lee Rock, deeply moved by receiving the ninja tool bag, felt elated. He finally had a true friend, and it felt wonderful.

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