Reborn In Naruto World/C7 Twostar Weapon
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Reborn In Naruto World/C7 Twostar Weapon
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C7 Twostar Weapon

"Absolutely no problem!" Guy Might declared with a radiant smile. "Come on, young ones, train with me! This is how we fight for our youth!"

With a loud shout, Guy Might stretched out his hand, pointing towards the horizon as he assigned their training task. "Now, you three have two hours to run a full lap around Konoha and return here!"

In unison, three voices responded, "Yes!"

Tiantian, Tenno, and Lee Rock quickly formed a team and set off into the distance. Tiantian, though a girl, showed no signs of complaining or slacking. She was determined to become a ninja as formidable as Tsunade, refusing to lower her standards simply because of her gender.

As the trio disappeared into the distance, Guy Might's attention was fixed on Tenno. A hint of astonishment colored his voice as he mused, "Has that boy named Tenno and his sister already harnessed their Chakra?"

"And Tenno's Chakra reserves are truly astounding! His abilities could well be on par with those of an experienced lower ninja, couldn't they? Just a kid fresh from Ninja School, and yet he might be a prodigy."

Two hours later, the three had completed their circuit around Konoha. Tenno was the first to cross the finish line, clocking in at just an hour and thirty minutes. Lee Rock came in second with a time of one hour and forty-seven minutes. Tiantian, though not as physically strong, managed to finish in one hour and fifty-eight minutes, just under the wire.

"Nicely done, lads!" Guy Might beamed, giving them a thumbs-up, his eyes brimming with pride. "That's enough for today's training. Tomorrow, same time, you three come back for more!"

"Yes, Senior!"

That evening, Tenno skipped dinner and headed straight for the forge. "Brother's at it again," Tiantian thought, her admiration tinged with concern. "His passion for forging is just insane."

Surrounded by Firestone, Moonstone, Darksteel, and Saltpeter, Tenno was ready to craft. These minerals were essential for making a primary storage ring, and as he stood there, the complete blueprint for the ring's creation unfolded in his mind.

Primary Storage Ring:

Forging Difficulty: Two-star

Required Materials: Firestone, Moonstone, Dark Iron, Saltpeter

Abilities: It can create a 1 square meter space for storing non-living objects.

The two-star difficulty of the Primary Storage Ring sets it apart from the one-star Ninja tools, both in the quantity of materials consumed and the complexity of the forging steps.

Tenno closed his eyes, replaying the forging process in his mind one more time.

Once he was certain he had committed every detail to memory, he opened his eyes.

"Let's begin the forging process!"

With a spark in his eyes, Tenno concentrated intently on the anvil before him.

He placed the Dark Iron on it, and as the metal glowed red-hot from the intense heat, he mustered all his strength to swing his hammer.

The hammer struck the iron, ringing out with a crisp sound.

Surprise flickered in Tenno's eyes.

He was astonished to find that wielding the hammer now required less effort than before.

Previously, he would exhaust all his strength and Chakra after about thirty strikes.

But now, he felt confident he could manage fifty consecutive strikes!

Could this be the result of his recent Body Technique training?

It appeared his earlier hypothesis was correct.

Both Ninja tool forging and Body Technique training were indeed contributing to his growth in strength!

With this realization, Tenno's resolve to learn Body Techniques from Guy Might only grew stronger.

If he could master the Eight Directions Hidden Gates, especially combined with his unique Ninja tools, his prowess would surely match that of any other ninja.

As the forging process progressed, Tenno became acutely aware of the intricacies involved in working with a two-star blueprint.

With each passing second, he had to devote his full attention to the precise control of each hammer strike's force and angle, while simultaneously channeling his Chakra into the ore.

Soon, he was drenched in sweat.

Droplets cascaded down his cheeks, his clothing soaked through from the effort.

Despite this, Tenno's determination never waned.

The recent Body Technique training had significantly bolstered both his physical and mental stamina.

A month ago, he doubted he could even sustain the energy to complete a single forging session. But eight hours later, a cry of surprise escaped him: "I did it!"

Tenno's eyes blazed with fervor, his entire being consumed by immense joy. He gazed at the simple silver ring in his hand—the primary storage ring he had labored eight hours to craft. He had managed to forge it successfully on his first attempt!

The primary Storage Ring's usage details flooded his mind:

Primary Storage Ring:

Grade: Two-star Weapon

Attribute: Space

Function: Offers 1 square meter of storage space, suitable for all non-living items.

Contract: The host has not yet formed a bond with this primary storage ring.

Simultaneously, the system's voice chimed in his ear:

"Congratulations to the host for the successful creation of a two-star spatial attribute primary storage ring. As a reward, the system has increased the host's spatial attribute comprehension by 1 point!"

Such a reward existed?

A wave of ecstatic joy surged within Tenno.

It appeared that the system did more than instruct him in weapon forging; it also enhanced his attributes through the very act of crafting!

Tenno closed his eyes, tuning into the sensation. Indeed, he noticed a heightened awareness of the space around him.

"Since I've forged a Two-star space attribute storage ring, the comprehension ability I've gained is in spatial awareness," he mused.

"If I continue to enhance my understanding of spatial attributes and combine it with my custom Kunai, could I wield Ninjutsu as formidable as the Flying Thunder God technique?"

"And if I craft weapons with other attributes in the future, my insight into those attributes could grow as well!"

His anticipation swelled with each passing moment.

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