Record of Strange News in Northeast/C11 Natural Severe Species
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Record of Strange News in Northeast/C11 Natural Severe Species
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C11 Natural Severe Species

It was only until now did we realise that Diao Yang's mother, who was lying on the ground, had already told to come over, and was prepared to possess Hu Yaoyao at any time. Hu Yaoyao walked over and said to us: "It's not easy for a wild immortal to cultivate, I can't bear to hurt its life like this. With that, he turned and left.

Huang Daxian incident passed just like that. From then on, Diao Yang's father never went hunting in the mountains. Every life was noble and precious.

In the blink of an eye, I have also entered primary school. When there are no classes, I would go to Old Madame Liu to listen to her story, or else, I would play crazily with Diao Yang and Liu Xin. Since Diao Yang and Liu Xin still have a year to go to school, I can act as a senior.

That Friday, the last part of the following road was devoted to physical education. I waited for the physical education teacher to announce that he had disbanded and ran back to the village. Who would play ball with them?

When we reached the Old Madame Liu's house, I pushed the door open and entered. This old couple was playing cards and asked me to sit down. When I saw that the two of them had finished playing, I said to the Old Madame Liu: "Grandma Liu, you haven't finished telling me the story you told me yesterday. Continue." Old Madame Liu took off his reading glasses and asked: "What did you say yesterday? I'm old and can't remember anymore. I'll tell you something else today." "Anything is fine, as long as the Grandma Liu speaks properly I will love to hear it." "Alright, I'll tell you a story about Li Kui today."

A powerful general in the Water Margin, nicknamed Black Tornado, whose two big axes took lives from people just by flying around. I have heard the story of the books many times, so I am already sick of it now, so I said: "Grandma Liu, I am more familiar with the story of Li Kui than you, tell me about other things." Old Madame Liu said: "Aren't you listening to Li Kui from the Water Margin, and I'm not talking about the Water Margin. Listen carefully." I thought to myself, This is new. I quickly found a stool and sat down to listen.

Old Mrs. Liu said: "Li Kui was born with a black head and a black face. When he was young, his killing intent was heavy, he grabbed little bunny and killed them all, and when others saw how murderous he was, they advised his parents to send him to the temple to recuperate, or else he would definitely become a troublemaker. His parents did not think so, but when Li Kui was 16 years old, he actually caused trouble, and when he killed, it was all a crime. If I can't beat him, he'll kill me. Isn't that normal? If I can't beat him, then he'll kill me. Isn't it normal that if I can't beat him, then he'll kill me? Let's not even talk about a villager. Even if my own parents were to anger me, I would still chop them down. When the bystanders heard this, they were secretly speechless in their hearts, wondering how could this guy be like this? He looked like a human, but his thoughts were all beasts' thoughts. Li Kui did not have to worry about being captured by the government. Later on, there were some experts who said that Li Kui was born into a severe kind of person, and this kind of person may seem like a normal person, but his thoughts could not be understood according to common sense, and most of them were reincarnated from the next three worlds. In his current words, he was inhumane, and when Li Kui met Song Jiang and was infected by him, he gradually became human.

I asked, "Grandma Liu, did you encounter any powerful plants?" The Old Madame Liu laughed and said: "Li Si's appearance is just like a normal person, sometimes even he himself won't be able to tell that he is different, and outsiders won't be able to."

I stayed at Old Madame Liu's house for a while longer before returning home. On the way home, I passed by the eastern end of the village and saw a lot of people gathering, as if something big had happened.

Wan Lai Chen is a man of our village, a man of great stature, with a beard, copper eyes, a lion's nose, and a mouth big enough to squeeze a fist, and a smile that can frighten a child to tears. He is a man who kills pigs and cows to make up for the lack of a slaughterhouse, because he is the only butcher in the village, so his business is booming.

I asked the person next to me what had happened, and he told me that last night, the neighbor of Wan Lai Chen had heard a shout in his house, but soon there was no sound, and the neighbors didn't care, and the next day someone came to visit and smelled blood outside the door, and he thought Wan Lai Chen was a butcher, and the smell of blood was perfectly normal, and pushing in the door scared him, and it was like cutting a pig and a sheep in half, and Wan Lai Chen's parents were also cut in half, and what was more frightening and disgusting was that someone had the old woman's upper body sewn together with the old man's upper body and the old man's lower body sewn with the pig and the old man's lower body.

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