Record of Strange News in Northeast/C12 Natural Severe Species(2)
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Record of Strange News in Northeast/C12 Natural Severe Species(2)
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C12 Natural Severe Species(2)

Great Grandma Hu once told me that her blood would bring me many benefits, giving me many skills that surpassed ordinary people. I also have a deep understanding of it myself, the first is that my physical fitness has increased by a lot, no matter how tired I am or how injured I was the day before, I would recover on the second day. Furthermore, I only need to sleep for a few hours at night.

This time, I wanted to see what kind of ability I had. I ran over to Diao Yang's house and called him out, and his parents were not at home, Diao Yang was lying on the brick bed snoring, and the moment I slapped his butt, he immediately stood up and shouted: "Mom, what are you eating for?" I noticed that his eyes hadn't fully opened. "I'll widen your eyes. Who's your mother?" He rubbed his eyes, "Ah, Hao Zi, why are you here?" I replied, "There's a murderer in our village, you know? He ran up the mountain and even the village chief went out to capture him. Let's go and look for him." Actually, I don't want Diao Yang to risk his life with me, but this guy is more familiar with the mountain than me, and I think that I can protect him.

Diao Yang asked: "What murderer, why did you go up the mountain?" I repeated the story to him. He was scared and said, "That Wan Lai Chen is like a calf. What's the use of us finding him? Let him chop him off for us." I said, "Don't be afraid. Didn't you know that I've practiced martial arts before?" He asked, "When did you practice martial arts? How come I didn't know about it?" I perfunctorily replied, "I practiced it last night. Come with me. It's fine." "Oh," the kid said, and followed me out.

The village chief led his men to the west mountains, and we headed east, where the trees were so thick that even the biggest trees couldn't be carried. It was too easy to hide a person, but I had a way to cut my finger a little with a knife and rub the blood under my nose. With fox blood, my sense of smell was greatly improved, and I could definitely smell the blood all over Wan Lai Chen.

Diao Yang also wanted it, so I said, "If you don't have any fox immortal blood on you, wiping off your blood will be useless." Seeing that I wasn't giving it to you, Diao Yang didn't say a word. We searched here and there, afraid that if we didn't find it before sunset, we'd be able to run away in the dark, and no one would be able to do anything about it.

Suddenly, I smelt a smell of blood in front of us, and it wasn't even a smell of blood, so I was sure that Wan Lai Chen was there. Diao Yang and I slowed down our steps and touched the place, and sure enough, Wan Lai Chen was sitting under a big tree, resting with a red and white face and holding a kitchen knife in his hand. He was dozing off, and I thought to myself, This is really a good opportunity, Diao Yang picked up a tree trunk, intending to knock him unconscious. As I finished speaking, I cut off the middle finger of my left hand and blew on the fox blood towards Wan Lai Chen. The scent of the fox blood flew through the air towards Wan Lai Chen, and as humans have the lowest resistance to the outside world, it was easy for them to be struck by evil spirits, and fox blood had the greatest control over people. I thought to myself: Get up, if Wan Lai Chen stands up, his eyes will open, but his pupils will dilate, I know that he is controlled by the fox blood, so he will listen to anything I say.

I imitated the adults and said to him, "Old Wan, come to my house and kill a pig. I'll give it to you underwater." Wan Lai Chen said in a daze, "Ah, alright. Let's go." So I let Diao Yang lead the way, and I led Wan Lai Chen to follow behind.

When they returned to the village, all the villagers were standing at the entrance waiting for the village chief, but before the village chief could wait for us, when he saw Wan Lai Chen behind Diao Yang and I, he exclaimed in shock. The few people who came up quickly tied up Wan Lie Chen, and when the village chief returned, Wan Lie Chen was still confused. The big guy went up and beat him until he was badly mutilated. He then locked him up on the village committee and sent a few people to watch over him. They were going to send him to the police station in the city tomorrow morning.

In the evening at the village committee, when the village chief was being interrogated about why he wanted to kill someone, Wan Lai Chen chuckled and said, "It's nothing serious. I wanted to get married and let my parents take the money, but not only did they not take the money, they also scolded me, saying that I knew all day long what it would be like to mix with pigs and sheep, which made me angry, so I chopped them both into two, dragging the corpse to the back room with the sheep I killed yesterday. So I sewed it up until the sun rose. I thought that sooner or later, someone would find out and run away, but who would have known that I would be caught again. "

His words made people scared, how is this a human, even animals can't do such a thing, I thought about Grandma Liu's words, it seems that Wan Lai Chen was such a ruthless person, this kind of demon could only send him back to hell.

After that, the Grandma Liu heard about it and sighed. "Do you know why the Great Grandma Hu wanted to exchange blood with you? I said, "I don't know." Old Madame Liu said, "She can see that not only do you have a special physique, but your heart is also pure and good. Humans are always affected by all kinds of influences, and can easily turn bad, the blood of people that get bad is dirty, and the heart that gets dirty can't be saved. The fox immortal blood can protect your blood, and your heart won't turn bad.

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