Record of Strange News in Northeast/C13 Hospital
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Record of Strange News in Northeast/C13 Hospital
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C13 Hospital

For the past few days, Grandma's health was not very good. At first, they thought it was indigestion, but after a few days, she didn't seem to be getting better. The family quickly sent Grandma to the big hospital in the city.

I volunteered to go, so my parents and I sent my grandmother to the hospital. The hospital had a total of 17 floors, and seeing such a tall building for the first time made me extremely excited. I ran around the building until my parents scolded me.

Grandmother's sickness is not serious, but she needs to be hospitalized slowly to recuperate, and there can't be no one at night. My parents and I will take turns to accompany her, and before going to the Old Madame Liu, he gave me a talisman, saying that I have a Yin constitution, and that I might run into dirty things, and that burning the Talisman paper will ensure my safety. I don't think so, how can there be so many dirty things that coincidentally let me meet them.

This hospital is at the edge of the city, and there weren't many buildings nearby, it was rather quiet. The Old Madame Liu had told me before, that most hospitals would be in full swing because there were more dead and sick people in the hospitals, making it easier to stir up trouble here, so during the nights at the hospitals, it was best not to wander around. There were people moving around during the day, and the sun had shone in, causing the Yang Qi's yin aura to be overshadowed, but the hospital's yin aura could not be completely eliminated during the day.

When it came to my care, my parents were worried and told me not to fall asleep at night. I repeatedly promised them that I would immediately lie down on the floor of my grandmother's room. Looking at my grandmother's haggard appearance, they felt very upset and thought to themselves, everyone has their life and death, although this is the law of nature, how many people can actually bear to leave their loved ones? What was the point of living if people died? As he thought about it, he fell asleep.

Then I noticed a little girl in blue dress and trousers walking down the corridor. Her shoes made a 'ka' sound on the floor, as if she was looking for something, but wasn't she afraid of the huge, dark corridor? She walked up to my door, and for some reason I suddenly felt scared. She opened the door and stuck her head in, and I looked in the direction she was looking at. Isn't that my grandmother's bed? Why did I see myself? I felt a wave of dizziness, suddenly opened my eyes, I had a dream ah, but this dream is so real.

In the dim moonlight, I looked at my watch on the wall. It was about nine o'clock. I told myself not to think too much and went back to sleep.

But then I saw that little girl again, she was still walking along the corridor, walking slowly, her footsteps light and without sound, as if she was like a balloon, her toes would float up when they touched the ground, she walked to the door of my room again, gently opened the door, this time not only extending her head, but also squeezing in half her body, and then she came in, standing there silently at the door, staring at me like that, I didn't know what she was looking at, but an inexplicable fear made me not dare to move.

After that, my vision went dark and I struggled to open my eyes. Phew, so it was just a dream. I looked at the door fearfully. There was nothing there. It was pitch black. I looked at my watch. It was 10 o'clock. I hurriedly tried to sleep.

I don't know how long I closed my eyes, but once again, I saw that little girl, blue pants, floating in the corridor, floating to my door, gently opening the door, this time she walked to within two meters of me before she stopped, I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or not, only then did I realize that I was afraid, the little girl's face was actually deathly pale, only a dead person's face would have this kind of ashen white, and her eyes were closed, and she tilted her head towards me like that, my heart was about to jump out, trying so hard that I couldn't even utter a sound.

Moreover, the dream was still so real. Thinking back to what Old Madame Liu said, I don't know what would happen if the dark energy rampaged in the hospital at night. I decided not to sleep, and sat down to calm my mind. As long as there's no fear in my heart, there's nothing that can scare me.

At this moment, the oxygen bottle beside my grandmother's bed beeped, meaning that there was not enough oxygen, and my grandmother had passed out because of the anesthetic. Without any more oxygen, my grandmother's life would be in danger, so I pushed open the door and went out. The changing nurse was on the third floor, while I was on the tenth floor.

The small space in the elevator woke me up, and only then did I realize that I had actually dared to walk around in such a big hospital by myself in the middle of the night. Furthermore, I even had such a horrible dream just now, so I comforted myself, it's okay, there's going to be a nurse on duty on the third floor, she'll accompany me there.

When I stepped out of the elevator, I noticed that the environment was different from what I'd seen during the day. The walls were much older, the walls were peeling off, the light from the lights was so dim that I didn't know where the tap was still dripping, a beep beep beep beep beep was coming from. Everything felt so strange and desolate, I swallowed and walked on, remembering that the nurse's room on duty was just around the corner.

I looked through the glass, but there was no one inside. I had no choice but to force myself to walk forward until I reached the innermost room, where the door was open, and it was pitch black inside. I saw that there was no one there, and when I was about to leave, I accidentally saw the sign with the words' mortuary 'on it.

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