Record of Strange News in Northeast/C14 Hospital
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Record of Strange News in Northeast/C14 Hospital
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C14 Hospital

How could this be? Why is there a morgue here? My scalp tingled. There seemed to be something moving in the dark room, but I couldn't hear anything, and I couldn't see anything in the darkness, but it was an instinct, an instinct for fear of the unknown that made me shift my feet and remind me to leave and not to stay a second longer.

I felt cold all over my body. The clothes on my back were soaked in cold sweat, as if a soft hand was pressing on my back. I didn't dare to make a sound as I slowly moved towards the elevator.

When I reached the elevator, my whole body went limp, and I pressed the elevator with my trembling hand. I wanted to go back to my room and never come out again, to get into the elevator, to press on the tenth floor, to feel a little more at ease when the elevator started, to "Beep" the elevator stopped, and I walked out, feeling a surge of despair. It was there again, the peeling walls, the dim light, and the sound of water dripping from somewhere.

I don't know why, but even though my heart was filled with fear, I still couldn't control my footsteps as I walked step by step into the morgue. There weren't any lights in the room, so my eyes gradually adapted to the darkness.

The room was large, with drawers on both sides of the wall. There were tables in the middle of the room, covered with white cloth, and the outline of the bodies was clear. The room was filled with a cold air that seemed to be able to penetrate my skin and freeze my insides.

My hair stood on end. My footsteps seemed disobedient to my command. I was completely unable to move. I couldn't even hear the sound of my own breathing.

Suddenly, a sound of panting came from behind me. "Hu …" Phew... "Phew." It sounded like the breathing of a patient with asthma, and at the same time, something slipped. I wondered if the corpse on the table was being dishonest and wanted to get close to me because I was so cute. I couldn't help but grumble inwardly. It turned out that the most terrifying thing wasn't being called by the teachers. Being alone in the morgue in the middle of the night was even more terrifying.

At this moment, a blue figure appeared in front of me. It was the little girl that I had just dreamt of. She slowly floated towards a table near me and sat on it.

That little girl, no, that little ghost girl, used her fingers to slowly open her eyes, revealing two dull and lifeless big eyes. She seemed to want to see me clearly, so she stretched her neck towards me. I was trembling with fear. It didn't matter if I was dead or alive. I just wanted to faint. This scene was too excruciating.

Right at this moment, my hand suddenly touched something, and I instantly became overjoyed, it was the Talisman paper that the Old Madame Liu gave me when I came out, allowing me to protect myself when I meet something dirty. I took a deep breath, and fiercely pulled out the Talisman paper, and a feminine yet warm feeling immediately enveloped me, the little ghost girl seemed to be stimulated by light, as she tightly covered her eyes, and floated to the furthest corner.

Although I was still very scared, I had the courage and confidence. I used my trembling hands to grab onto the top of the Talisman paper and urged my useless legs to slowly move towards the door.

The female ghost saw that I was about to run, and seemed very unwilling to face the Talisman paper head on. However, she still struggled as she approached me, while making hissing sounds from her mouth.

When my feet finally gave out, I summoned up my courage and ran for the stairs because I didn't dare take the elevator anymore. I didn't have to look back to hear the female ghost's hissing voice, and I knew she was still in hot pursuit, so I just kept running.

I ran to the nurse's duty room on the third floor. I looked through the window and saw a nurse sleeping on a table. I knocked on the window and the nurse woke up. She came out and saw me and said impatiently, "What's wrong? Why are you running around so late at night?" Before I could say anything, the ghost girl floated up to the back of the nurse and covered her eyes with her hands. I couldn't help but think that the ghost girl wanted to use the nurse's body to kill me.

I had no choice but to turn around and run. In front of me was the window at the end of the corridor, and I had nowhere else to run to, so the possessed nurse rushed at me like a madman, and I had no choice but to gamble with the Talisman paper in my hand. She fell out of the window, and I, too, fell unconscious from exhaustion and shock.

The next time I woke up, it was already noon of the second day. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw my parents by my side, both of them looking nervous and worried, I raised my hand, realizing that I had no strength left in my body, opened my mouth, and the sore throat made me unable to speak, so I could only let out a sound of "ah ah". When my parents saw me, they were pleasantly surprised.

Then I learned that the nurse hadn't died, she had only broken her leg, and after that, my parents quickly transferred my grandmother to the hospital and sent me home.

After returning home, I went to see Old Madame Liu and told her about this matter. She repeatedly said that I was stupid, that I wouldn't be able to unleash much power unless the Talisman paper was burned, and that the ghost girl was only afraid because of the runes' urgency to get rid of a few Yang Qi.

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