Record of Strange News in Northeast/C16 Dog(2)
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Record of Strange News in Northeast/C16 Dog(2)
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C16 Dog(2)

Although Old Bao was frightened, he realized that he still hadn't gotten his hands on the money. If he left now, wouldn't that be a waste of his efforts? Thus, he found his master and told him. The old man did not deny it and said that he would only believe it when he saw it with his own eyes tomorrow.

The next day, the old man made his wife prepare more food. Together with Old Bao, they squatted in the back window, waiting to see if the dogs would come to eat. The old man was quite angry, so he found a stick and went in to block the dog. As he was beating the dog up, he scolded, "You beast, you even learn to steal food from humans, no matter how much you learn, you are still a beast. If you dare to steal again, I'll kick you out."

After being beaten up, the dog was much more obedient. Seeing that even Lao Bao was circling around him, Lao Bao thought that it was fine this time. Thus, he thought that the dog was rather smart and didn't take it seriously.

The day before they were almost finished, Lao Bao wanted to speed up his schedule and also worked in the afternoon. It was too late in the day, so the old man let him stay at home, saying that if he didn't come tomorrow, he would have to deal with it this late. Lao Bao agreed and went to sleep in the side room, which almost cost him his life.

It was the big black dog that entered the house, so he did not dare to make a sound as he was afraid of being hurt by the dog. The big black dog had a piece of wood in its mouth, placed it next to him and picked it up, repeated this way a few times, and then went out. As scared as he was, he wanted to see what the big black dog was up to, so he followed it out the distance.

He waited for the dog to leave, then went in to find out what was going on. When he went in, he understood that this was the strangest thing he had seen in his entire life, it turned out that the big black dog had dug a big hole there, the size of itself was similar to Old Bao's size, the big black dog had just caught a log to measure Old Bao's size, and then used the darkness to bite Old Bao to death and bury him. Who would have thought that the dog would bite him to death and bury him again? Lao Bao understood that his heart was shocked to the point of chills, thinking that he couldn't stay any longer, so he hurriedly ran home through the night. Just like that, he didn't dare to go ask for money, and he was even more afraid of when that big black dog would take revenge on him.

After hearing Lao Bao's description and seeing how the big black dog looked today, I thought that the dog was really going to die soon. If I didn't get rid of it soon, it would hurt me sooner or later, so I quickly said my goodbyes and went back to the village to find the Old Madame Liu.

Arriving at Old Madame Liu's house, I hastily told the matter to Old Madame Liu. Old Madame Liu was also surprised by the dog's intelligence and viciousness, she said: "Do you know how long this dog has been raised for?" I said, "I don't know. I don't dare go in and ask." Old Madame Liu said: That black dog has probably been here for a long time, since ancient times it has been a dog for eight years, and the chicken only has been for six years, because these animals have been in contact with people all year round, it listens to everything people say, and things that people do, it will understand human nature sooner or later, so at that time, it would be hard to avoid doing evil things, especially when the black dog's spirit is the most rich, and also the easiest to mature. Then, he took me to the small warehouse.

I said, "Grandma Liu, do you want to invite me?" Old Madame Liu laughed and said, "You don't need to trouble Great Grandma Hu with such a small matter." After shouting at Hu Yaoyao a few times, the little fox came in from the window, landed on the ground and smiled at the two of us, then said: "I'm sleeping right now, why are you looking for me?" I told her about how the black dog turned out to be an intelligent dog, Hu Yaoyao laughed: Haha, you are really stupid, if you call that an intelligent dog, then I will have become an immortal. At most, it is just an old dog, if it had more human nature, it would want to hurt people, see how I take care of it.

After a puff of green smoke, she turned into a lively young lady with two braids tied around her head. I was dumbstruck as I looked at her. She walked over to me with a smile and said, "Take me to see that black dog spirit. It will broaden my horizons."

We went to the neighboring village, we arrived at the old man's house, the black dog was lying on the ground, seeing Hu Yaoyao and I coming over, it first widened its eyes in shock, then immediately turned its head to pretend that it didn't see anything, but who would pretend that it didn't see someone coming over?

Hu Yaoyao laughed, then squatted down and patted the black dog's head: "I already said that cultivation is not easy, and it was so difficult for you to have some cultivation experience, and now you want to hurt others, wouldn't that destroy your own future? When that time comes, forget about cultivation, I'm afraid even the heavens will not forgive you, and when that time comes, do you think you can avoid the three disasters and the five disasters?"

The big black dog seemed to be very afraid of Hu Yaoyao, as it let out a whining sound with its head lowered. Hu Yaoyao said: "The heavens have the virtue of living, I will not take your life, but I will temporarily seal your consciousness, so that you cannot hurt anyone." After saying that, he smacked the black dog on its head. The black dog immediately collapsed onto the ground, black blood flowing out of its ears.

Hu Yaoyao clapped his hands and told me: "Alright, it will be a normal dog in the future. He doesn't have any intention to kill anymore, but don't tease him. This scared me so much that I hurriedly covered my ears, causing Hu Yaoyao to laugh out loud.

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