Record of Strange News in Northeast/C3 Stupid Deer
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Record of Strange News in Northeast/C3 Stupid Deer
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C3 Stupid Deer

After a few years of peace and quiet, my family gradually relaxed. Slowly, I would run away from talking, and when I had nothing to do, I would go out with my friends in the village to play. In the summer, the scenery around our hometown is extremely beautiful. There are many mountains in the Northeast Plains, as is the case near our village. We play in a lot of places, but none of the adults in our family dare to let us go too far away, after all, other than that man-eating beast in the mountains and forests, no one can say for sure.

Children were naturally curious. When they were alone, they might be timid and obedient, but when a few children were together, some strange idea might come up. A four or five-year-old child was the most dangerous time, because their ability to sense danger far surpassed their ability to deal with it.

One of the boys I was especially good with was called Diao Yang, who had two older brothers and two older sisters, so he was also known as Diao Wu. Because he was stuffy, and his older brother and sister were a few years older than him, he rarely played with them, almost always hanging out with the rest of us kids his age, and in his words he said, "They all want to go to school, so I don't know what's the point of it, I don't even know the words." I found out later that he didn't like to read when he was able to read all the words in the book.

This brat looked bored, but in reality, he had a stomach full of the mind of the devil. In the northeastern dialect, he would be called "rotten". When we played together, he would always give us some creative suggestions.

One day, our little friends got together again. After fooling around for a while, they noticed that the sun was a bit dazzling. "Hey, can you not dry yourself out like that fish? Let's go into the woods. It's so cool." I said, "I don't dare, but you guys can go. My mom said there's a man-eater in the woods." He then joined the others to laugh at me, "Look at your guts. We're already so old, who's afraid of scaring the kids?" I was only six years old and he was only five, but he sounded like a silly kid who was getting married.

Seeing that I didn't want to go, they imitated Diao Yang's words and provoked me. Children are the ones who can't stand being looked down upon the most, especially boys. Seeing that they were all so daring, I said, "Isn't it just a forest? Whoever's afraid of who, let's go." Thus, the five of us ran into the forest. Who would've thought that we would get into such a mess this time?

It was much cooler in the forest. We ran and jumped all the way until we finally reached the depths of the forest. At that time, the environment was good and there were all kinds of animals. The deer is a kind of deer, and the outstanding characteristic of it is foolishness. People chase it and run, but when people stop, it also stops and looks back at you. "Why don't you chase me?" So this animal is particularly easy to catch.

As soon as we left, we saw a deer, squatting in an open field. We all knew its characteristics, and without hiding anything, we walked towards it. The child didn't even try to grab it, she only wanted to play with it. When the deer saw us coming over, it looked at us with its eyes filled with confusion. Its mouth was wide open, and saliva was flowing out. I looked at the deer and thought, "This is really too stupid. Maybe it was just a fool in the deer? Otherwise, if it could see so many people, it wouldn't know how to run?" As we spoke, the deer seemed to suddenly wake up. It turned around and ran away. The few of us cried out and chased after it.

After chasing for a while, we were unable to catch up, the deer saw that we were unable to catch up, so it stood down and waited for us, we could also take the opportunity to slowly recover our strength, thus a very interesting chase competition started, we chased, it ran, we stopped, it also stopped, it turned back and drooled as it looked at us.

How could he let it go so easily? Since he couldn't run anymore, he could only walk slowly, and Diao Yang even said: "Aiyah, mom, I'm so tired. Why are you running so fast, tell me, why don't I catch it and ride it like a horse?" I thought, "Don't you have to be as stupid as him when you ride him every day?"

Without waiting for us to catch our breath, the person at the front shouted, "Why isn't this guy waiting for us?" When I looked up, it was true. Why didn't this stupid deer wait for us before running off by itself? We were so stupid, we wasted so much time.

We all stared at each other, thinking, this stupid deer isn't stupid, it was just playing with us, how are we supposed to get home after bringing us all this way? There was no other way. We rested for a while and slowly found our way back. At that time, we didn't know how to be afraid, so we didn't notice that the sun had already set. We kids are in this forest, if there's a bear or a tiger coming out, who knows how many of us could make it back alive.

As we walked, something white seemed to be standing in the woods in front of us, and our curiosity began again, all of us drawn to it. After a while, I couldn't help but feel my scalp tingle. So this was a white tombstone. Everyone was curious and groped around to admire it. They even asked, "What is this bumpkin doing? Does this stone belong to you?" I looked at their faces which were filled with curiosity. I gave a mischievous laugh. "Do you all not understand? This is called a grave? There is a dead person buried here, yet you all don't even know this?" I went with my grandmother when she died, and I ended up buried here. " "He looked pleased with himself, as if his grandmother being buried there was a proud thing to do.

The big guys were all shocked. The youngest child said, "My dad said not to let me into this damn place. I think we should leave quickly." Diao Yang face was full of disdain: "What are you afraid of, with so many of us, why are you afraid of the dead jumping out from the grave? "It's fine, I'm here. Let's rest for a bit. I've never seen such a big, neat stone before." I don't know why he was so confident, but after hearing what he said, the big guy wasn't scared anymore, but my heart was still thumping, but seeing that everyone was happily studying the stone tablet, I felt too embarrassed to show my fear.

Not long later, Diao Yang fished out a neat, brick-like stone from around the grave, making the big guy even more excited, "What is this, why is it so here?" I asked. Diao Yang looked at the big guy as if he was a treasure, and then carefully stuffed it back into his pocket, saying: "This might be a treasure, I have to take it back." I wanted to talk to him. Did you take anything from this dead man? However, seeing his happy expression, he did not say anything.

It was almost evening before we returned. Before we went back home, we couldn't help but ask big guy, Diao Yang took out the treasure and showed it to big guy to touch it, then took it back, saying before he left: "Please don't tell Master, this is our secret." We also solemnly agreed. Who would have thought that the strange thing would happen the next day?

After seven or eight days, the village chief sent someone to my house to look for my father for a meeting with the organizing committee. My father came back to tell us that the village chief had gone to look for the young men of the village. It turned out that two hunters had gone hunting in the village. According to the hunter, they originally wanted to catch a rabbit to drink with. The two brothers didn't know what was going on that day, they weren't satisfied even after catching two rabbits, they just wanted to catch a big guy, and in the words of now, if they didn't kill themselves, they wouldn't die.

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