Record of Strange News in Northeast/C4 The Wild Man in the Old Forest
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Record of Strange News in Northeast/C4 The Wild Man in the Old Forest
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C4 The Wild Man in the Old Forest

After seven or eight days, the village chief sent someone to my house to look for my father for a meeting with the organizing committee. My father came back to tell us that the village chief had gone to look for the young men of the village. It turned out that two hunters had gone hunting in the village. According to the hunter, they originally wanted to catch a rabbit to drink with. The two brothers didn't know what was going on that day, they weren't satisfied even after catching two rabbits, they just wanted to catch a big guy, and in the words of now, if they didn't kill themselves, they wouldn't die.

The injured hunter was called Chen Huaizi, a member of the Hui clan, but he didn't seem to feel any restraints. He was bitten by the savage and had three deep cuts on his thigh, saying, "Aiyo, hey, luckily I didn't bite upwards, otherwise my life would have been taken. My dad would have beaten me to death." It seemed as though his father was much more terrifying than Savage.

He had to sit on the kang with a thick blanket around him, and his hands were still shaking when he came back. According to him, one of them had slipped away to a rabbit, but just as they were walking, they heard a sound in front of them, like a slow wild boar, and they were overjoyed, thinking that they had met this good opportunity, it must be a sick wild boar.

Wild boar meat was worth a lot of money, but few hunters dared to catch a wild boar. When a wild boar was ferocious, it could kill people with its fangs. It was a rare good thing to meet an old boar, a sick boar or a young boar alone. So, the two of them set up an ambush while the shotgun also went in. Their minds were filled with thoughts on how to eat the wild boar meat.

Ah, but after waiting for a while, he couldn't see the pig coming out. The grass was thicker, so he said, "Big brother, can you catch the pig? Let's go take a look." He thought to himself, "How could a wild boar not groan after being pinched?" The two of them didn't think too much and walked towards the bush.

The thing in the grass was dark, and when it saw the person, it suddenly jumped up. However, as if its legs had lost its strength, it didn't jump very high, and Chen Huaizi, who was walking in front, immediately saw the black flash, and heard the huge monkey sitting down on the ground, followed by a sharp pain in his thigh. As he looked down, he saw a huge monkey pouncing on his thigh, biting it with all his might.

One of them was injured in the leg and the other was scared out of his wits. The two carried him back to the village with great difficulty, only to end up paralyzed at the village entrance.

The whole village has gone into an explosion. There has always been a legend about savages in our village, about how brutal they are, how they eat people, and how they hurt the two of them today. Who would dare to go hunting in the future? When the village chief heard their descriptions, he thought that if this thing didn't kill them all, then when the villagers didn't stop, they would say that the savage was willing to eat children. Unless this savage was eliminated, wouldn't the entire village tremble in fear every day? Moreover, the barbarian was not afraid of people. There were many people in the village who relied on hunting to survive. Who would dare to hunt in the mountains in the future?

He said to the village chief, "Chief, when that thing ran away, I saw it. It didn't have a single hair on its hand, and its ears were exactly the same as a human's, so I don't know what it was. It's pretty weird, but I think we better not mess with it, or else we won't go too far in the future as a hunter." The Village Chief stared at him and said, "Do you think that everyone else is as weak as you? If you don't kill it, it will cause trouble. You can just rest and recuperate, there's no need for you." Thus, they prepared to bring the entire village's labor force to the mountains to search for the barbarians.

Logically speaking, with so many people going together, all the animals were scared off. However, they were still able to reap some benefits. That night, the village chief brought his men back. The village chief went to find Old Madame Liu with a darkened face. Upon seeing him, he said, "Aunt Liu, you have to help me with this matter." Who knew that the barbarian was not afraid of humans? He was caught in the net by everyone and was torn apart by the net. After a while, everyone realized that the beast was not a big monkey, but a human. However, it let out a roar like an animal, and everyone knew what was going on; it was not something that could be solved by human means.

Old Madame Liu frowned, "Could it be that a dead person came out to hurt people?" The Village Chief replied, "I don't know what it is, but it's definitely a human. No, it's not a human. How could a human be like that?" Old Madame Liu said in his heart that many people knew about the fraud of corpses, but it was strange for this corpse to not be afraid of people running around, it was definitely a tough nut to crack. He said to the village chief, "Go back and inform everyone to close the door at night. The dogs will all be locked up. I know what to do. Don't worry."

She guessed that this thing should be a zombie, with all of its abilities, it could be considered a master that came from the northeast, but she really did not know how to deal with this zombie. After wandering around the house for a while, she could not think of a way to deal with it, so she sighed and entered the most remote warehouse in the courtyard. After about half an hour, a little fox jumped out of the window of the warehouse and ran off into the distance.

The village chief and the people from the village committee informed everyone not to go out in the evening. Since the animals in the house were all tied up, there was no need to keep it a secret, so they just told everyone to be careful and not let the zombies catch them and kill them. After scaring them, the effect was really good.

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