Red Alert: Calamity Era/C13 False House
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Red Alert: Calamity Era/C13 False House
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C13 False House

They followed the dark main passageway and headed down. As they neared the bottom, they saw a few trading areas scattered around the main passageway!

There was a store selling groceries, and there were also restaurants of various sizes. Night was approaching, and this place was already bustling with noise and excitement!

Along the way, they stopped in front of a tavern that had a signboard that read "False Words House"!

In his memory, Lee Meng knew this place!

That was when he was young. Due to the difficulties in his life, he was sometimes very poor. Usually, Old Li would come out to beg for money in order to survive the difficult days!

Once, Old Li, who went out to beg, brought back a piece of food. It was a sweet taste, a cake with tomato taste. Although it was just a small piece, for Lee Meng, the sweet taste made him miserable for months!

It took Lee Meng a lot of effort to find out the origin of the cake from Old Li!

The origin of the cake was False Words House!

Although Lee Meng never forgot about that taste, how could he, who was in poverty, enter the "False Words House"!

Lee Meng had been eager to see this for many years!

That Lee Meng will not go back, so whether it is Lee Meng or the Mobilization Soldier, they need a place to rest!

As for the "False Words House", it was the most suitable place for meals, and at the same time, it provided lodging!

"Let's go!" This place will be our resting place tonight! "

After saying that to the person beside him, Lee Meng took the lead to walk towards False Words House!

Entering the door, the fresh air rushed towards Lee Meng, causing his expression to change!

This was the first time Lee Meng had truly entered the "False Words House". He never thought that the False Words House would actually have an air purification device!

The unique smell of Visceral Valley had disappeared, leaving behind only the tasteless air. This was the greatest proof!

After a slight pause, Lee Meng continued moving forward!

The bar was not far away, and on the other side was a dining area with round wooden tables and chairs arranged neatly. It looked very beautiful!

The tavern was not bustling and the expected hubbub did not come. Instead, it was quiet!

There were a few people scattered around the wooden tables and chairs. For the spacious hall, it was rather empty!

Behind the bar, there was a fat guy with a bored expression. He just glanced at Lee Meng's group!

He lazily said, "Accommodation? It's still a meal! "

"Eat!" "Add in more lodging!"

The one who said that was not Lee Meng, nor was it Mobilization Soldier, but Morgan!

Lee Meng was actually quite quick-witted. He was actually very pleased inside. Although Lee Meng didn't agree to anything, but that girl quickly entered the corresponding identity!

This was also good, Lee Meng was too lazy to speak!

The agile voice caused Fatty to focus his gaze on Morgan. After a moment, he shifted his gaze and swept his gaze across everyone at the bar counter!

When his line of sight passed Lee Meng and looked at Mobilization Soldier, his gaze slightly widened. As he thought about it, his lazy posture also became straight!

Then he said, "I have a single room, double room, four rooms, VIP room, VIP room, with a bathroom, with clean water, a single room slightly worse, the other rooms are even more expensive!"

This time, Morgan was unable to make any decisions. Her eyes were questioning Lee Meng beside her!

At this time, a Mobilization Soldier stepped forward, and said: "One VIP room, three people's room!"

Oh, it's a big business. Fatty's eyes lit up!

"The currency is bullets, of course! You have other valuable things that you can use as currency! Rest assured that your False Words House will not hide anything of value! "

However, the ADK-45 rifle could not be taken out. Although Lee Meng had the extra ADK-45 rifle, but they were all spare parts, and were used as replacement parts for the damaged parts of the ADK-45 rifle that was held by Mobilization Soldier!

It's not that they can't be assembled into finished products, but when the quantity isn't rich, Lee Meng has to consider some unnecessary consequences ahead of time!

Therefore, he might as well use a common 'currency' bullet!


Mobilization Soldier placed a bullet on the wooden bar, which made a slight sound when it came in contact with the bullet!

"Oh!" A 7.62 caliber bullet! He actually used brass? This is such a waste! "

Holding the brass in his hand, Fatty turned it over and over in his hands!

He even bit into it!

"That's right!" It's really brass! "

Fatty revealed a look of pity!

How incredible it was to make bullets out of brass!

Nowadays, it was extremely difficult even for humans to obtain steel, needless to say, even rarer and more precious bronze!

Fatty clenched his teeth in anger!

It was as if someone had killed his entire family!

However, a moment later, like a deflated balloon, he collapsed!

He returned to his lazy look and spoke in a casual tone, "Brass is precious, but the value of bullets made from it has been greatly reduced. Even if we remelt it again, some of the procedures are not simple!"

"How about this! If you guys can take out … Hmm, fifteen, then go ahead and take out fifteen, as well as the cost of your meals and lodging! "

"How is it? This price is very reasonable! "

Without any nonsense, without even needing Lee Meng's instructions, Mobilization Soldier took out a magazine from his waist. Bullet after bullet fell back from the magazine and landed on the counter with a "Dong Dong Dong" sound.

A total of fourteen sounds!

However, after a short pause, two more bullets fell onto the surface of the bar!

This time, the one throwing the bullets was not Mobilization Soldier, but Lee Meng!

The magazine that was in Mobilization Soldier's hands was now in Lee Meng's hands!

Casually returning the magazine to Mobilization Soldier, Lee Meng said to the fatty behind the bar: "I want to add one more room! No problem! "

"No problem, no problem!"

Fatty nodded in agreement. As he spoke, he quickly collected all the bullets on the bar!

When those fat hands came out from under the bar, there were already a few keys in them!

Putting the keys on the bar counter, Fatty said with a smile, "The four rooms are on the second floor, VIP rooms, and the single room is on the third floor. You can eat at any time. I will inform the waiter!"

"Then let's eat first!"

After a day, Lee Meng felt a little hungry!

Although the sweet taste was delicious, it was not enough to fill his stomach!


Fatty shouted loudly, "Xiao Yu! Quick, come and receive the guests! "

"It's here!" It's here! "

At the same time the voice sounded, a figure suddenly appeared beside the bar!

She wore a light blue dress that reached to her knees, and below her knees one could see white stockings, revealing a trace of a peculiar temptation. Her waist-length black hair was casually draped over her shoulders, and her hairstyle was indescribable.

This outfit really made her look like a maid!

Lee Meng was surprised!

This "False Words House" seemed to be extraordinary, a waiter actually had such an appearance!

She was not ugly. Her face was white and flawless without the slightest blemish. Just based on her appearance …

Lee Meng was stunned!

Lee Meng, in the memories of this world, had never seen a woman that was so-called 'beautiful'. In other memories, none of the women that Lee Meng was familiar with were worse than her!

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