Red Alert: Calamity Era/C14 Xiao Yu
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Red Alert: Calamity Era/C14 Xiao Yu
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C14 Xiao Yu

In the "False Words House", Lee Meng felt as if he had returned to another world, whether it was the tavern's layout, or its decor that could not be considered luxurious!

Compared to the calamitous world outside, it was like a completely different world!

Under the lead of that beautiful figure, Lee Meng and company sat down at a table in the hall!

The Mobilization Soldier was at the other tables while Lee Meng and Morgan were sitting together.

"What do you need? We have snacks, meat dishes and vegetarian food! "

Lee Meng took the menu from the waiter whom the fat guy at the bar called "Xiao Yu"!

After glancing over the menu, Lee Meng put it down and asked Xiao Yu who was sitting beside the table: "Can I ask you a question?"

Xiao Yu smiled and nodded slightly, "Mister! Say, as long as I know, I will tell you! "

Lee Meng said: "Vegetables speak of the past, Visceral Valley's farms not only grow wheat and rice, but also some vegetables!"

"But where did you get the meat that is needed for this meat dish?" This menu indicates that the types of meat are "pork", "beef", and lamb. I don't remember anyone in Visceral Valley raising these animals! "

Xiao Yu was still smiling when she heard Lee Meng's question. She patiently explained, "Sir, you can rest assured that there won't be any problems regarding the origin of the meat!"

Perhaps it was to make Lee Meng believe her more, she continued: "Sir should know that every three months, a bus will pass by here on Visceral Valley. Our False Words House has a good relationship with the Bus Association, sometimes they will accept our request to bring something along the way!"

So it's like that!

So it was imported!

That was reasonable!

"Morgan!" What would you like to eat? "

Lee Meng asked Morgan, who was sitting opposite of him!

"Ah... that! Anything is fine! "

Startled, Lee Meng's question seemed to give Morgan a fright!

This reaction was not normal!

Glancing at Morgan, who had his head buried in his chest, Lee Meng retracted his gaze and picked up the menu again!

"Broth soup, mixed grains bread, cured meat!"

Lee Meng looked at Mobilization Soldier on the table and said to Xiao Yu: "Twelve portions! The quantity must be sufficient! "

Each of the Mobilization Soldier's were tall and sturdy, corresponding, in order to supplement their nutrition, their bodies had to remain in a healthy condition, and they had to be able to "eat"!

"A bowl of lean meat porridge and a tomato cake!"

Morgan's body could not eat too much nor too little. A bowl of lean porridge was enough for him!

Lee Meng, on the other hand, had even more harsh requirements on the diet due to his fragile body!

He ate huge mouthfuls of meat and drank huge mouthfuls of wine. He probably wouldn't be able to meet Lee Meng again in this life!

"Wait a moment!"

With that, Xiao Yu turned and left!

When Xiao Yu's figure left, Lee Meng's gaze returned to Morgan!

Lee Meng cared a lot about some things!

The Mobilization Soldier s did not make a sound as they quietly sat in their seats, puffing out their chests and waiting for the food to come.

"From the moment you entered the False Words House, your eyes had been floating, Morgan! "Since there are some things that are inevitable with me, you have to face them!"

Without knowing what Morgan meant, Lee Meng said to Morgan!

Lee Meng was not a deity. Of course, he did not know what Morgan was thinking!

He only faintly felt that Morgan had something on his mind. Ever since he entered the False Words House, his heart had become heavy and his expression was a little absent-minded!

Lee Meng's words made Morgan's body shudder. She didn't dare to meet his gaze, because Morgan's heart was in chaos right now!

She was worried that Lee Meng would not accept her sister!

What would she do if she refused?

No matter what, she couldn't separate from her sister!

The unknown result scared Morgan so much that he didn't dare to confess everything. He didn't even dare to confess to the man in front of him that he had a sister!


Morgan knew this, and he also knew that he would have to face this sooner or later!

Furthermore, it was already getting late. Aris would probably worry if she did not go back soon.


Morgan lowered his head and muttered a few words!


The sound was too soft, Lee Meng couldn't hear it clearly!


Morgan said again and raised his voice a lot. At the same time, he raised his head and looked Lee Meng in the eye!

"I also have a sister. Her name is Aris? "Pendragon, I can't leave her, and I can't leave her!"

The sound became softer and softer, and when Morgan finished his last word, he lowered his head again!

So it was like this!

Lee Meng finally understood!

It was because he had a little sister in the Visceral Valley.

"I told you! You are free to go. I will not stop you when you want to leave, and no one will dare to stop you in front of my eyes! "

This wasn't what Morgan wanted. Freedom was indeed something to yearn for, but in this calamitous world, even surviving was so difficult, so how could one talk about freedom!

Morgan raised his head again. This time, her eyes were firm: "I don't want to be an outsider to you. I want to become a member of your team!"


Lee Meng was surprised!

No matter what, Mobilization Soldier and Morgan were completely different. Mobilization Soldier and Lee Meng were one and the same, and they were an existence that no one could separate from each other. And Morgan, she was a person of this world, she wanted to become a true member of Lee Meng's side!

Is that possible?


Whether it was now or in the future, in the eyes of the people around Lee Meng, the people of this world were outsiders, and it was impossible for them to become an inseparable member of this team!

Lee Meng did not say "no". Instead, he looked thoughtfully into Morgan's eyes!

After a long while, Lee Meng finally said under Morgan's expectant gaze: "Morgan! What do you want? "

Humans were selfish. No matter what strange behavior they had, or what inconceivable things they had, they all had their own purposes!

Lee Meng was very clear about this!

Morgan did not think about it, nor did he hesitate. She replied very straightforwardly: "I want to change my life, I want to live a better life. I want to make sure that my sister won't be troubled by hunger and cold. And the only one who can give me what I want is you! "

Lee Meng's expression was indifferent, although these words were a bit …

However, this was probably what all the ordinary people in this world yearned for.

"The number of people who wield power for 'Visceral Valley' is innumerable. My current strength cannot be compared with theirs, and perhaps some of them are your best choice!"

Lee Meng's words made Morgan sneer: "Those guys are all useless. They only have a treasure mountain, but they are content with the present situation. Once it falls into their hands, anyone will lose their true freedom, especially to women! "

This girl might be young, but she had a good understanding of human nature!

It seems like surviving on Visceral Valley without anyone to rely on with his sister wasn't solely reliant on luck!

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