Red Alert: Calamity Era/C16 Stupid Man
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Red Alert: Calamity Era/C16 Stupid Man
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C16 Stupid Man

The young man frowned, as if he was displeased with Fatty's tone!

"Fatty Zhang!" Don't think that just because you have the Valley Master's support you don't put us in your eyes! "

"Yes, yes, yes, how could I dare!"

The fatty said in a bored manner. It was obvious from his expression that he did not take the words of the young man seriously!

"Speak!" Do you want to stay or eat! "

Fatty could not be bothered to waste his breath!

An orange stone the size of a small fingertip was pulled out from the young man's chest and placed onto the surface of the bar!

"Eat!" I want to see Xiao Yu! "

Towards the young man's special orders, Fatty did not even lift his head as he said, "This depends on Xiao Yu. As I should have said before, they are free to do anything that concerns them. They have the right to make decisions!"

Carefully placing the orange rock in the bottom drawer, Fatty raised his head and looked at the young man who had not left yet!

"You're really annoying. If I were Xiao Yu, I wouldn't have any contact with a guy like you!"

He appeared gentle and gentle, but his heart was dirty. This kind of person was too eye-catching. No matter how hard he tried to conceal himself, he couldn't wipe away that rotten and disgusting aura!

The young man's eyelids twitched. With a gloomy face, he turned around and left. How could he not know that the fatty was blatantly insulting him?

However, Xu Qiang really couldn't do anything to that fatty!

In the Visceral Valley, the power system was very clear. The one at the top was the "Valley Master", the Master of the Visceral Valley in name!

The second level of the committee were the five great committee members, they worked together to manage various large and small affairs of the Visceral Valley. The five great committee members had a lot of authority, and each of them had a lot of guards in their hands!

Xu Qiang's father, Xu Weida, was one of the five great committee members. Although he had the power, he did not dare to disobey Valley Master's words!

As the son of Xu Wei Da, Xu Qiang wouldn't cause trouble for his father at such a tense moment.

While scanning the hall, Xu Qiang was looking for a suitable location.

Xu Qiang's eyes lit up as he found a good spot.

The position was good, but the group of Hunter not far away was a bit unsightly.

"What are you guys doing here instead of guarding the farm? Is False Words House something that you all can come with? "Scram, get lost now!"

In the hall, Xu Qiang's voice could be said to be very loud!

Not only did it attract the attention of the other customers, it also caused Fatty behind the bar to sigh!

Damned Second Generation Authority!

"Wait! "Xiao Yu, you don't need to show your face in this matter!"

The fatty called out to Xiao Yu, who was about to go to rescue him.

"But! Uncle Zhang, Xu Qiang is Xu Wei Da's son. If something were to happen here, it would be hard for Uncle Zhang to explain himself! "

Fatty was stunned for a moment before bursting out laughing!

He had underestimated this little girl. He had thought that Xiao Yu was going to help him because of Hunter!

He didn't expect the little girl to have such sharp eyes. She had already noticed that Hunter was out of the ordinary!

Those fellows were not kind people. One could tell from their eyes that their hands were covered in blood!

"Watch first!" I really hope that those guys can teach Xu Qiang a lesson so that he won't show up in front of me everyday! "

Xiao Yu was speechless. So the culprit was herself!

However …

Xiao Yu was also looking forward to it!

How would those Hunter react?!

Obediently leaving?

Resistance? Unmoved!

Ignoring what Xiao Yu was thinking, Lee Meng was extremely depressed!

The sweet and tasty cake was right in front of him. He had already picked up the tableware. In the next moment, his tongue could taste the incomparable deliciousness!

However, in this sacred moment, it was interrupted!

Lee Meng put down the tableware with a dark expression!

Xu Qiang was still provoking Mobilization Soldier, his mouth was foaming Mobilization Soldier's face!

Mobilization Soldier sat up straight, he did not move at all and remained seated, completely indifferent to the teasing and provoking voices beside his ears!

It was unknown where such an oddity had appeared from!

"Don't you know who I am? "I am Xu Qiang, the son of Commissioner Xu Wei Da. With just a word of mine, all of you dirty fellows will be arrested!"

Mobilization Soldier's indifference made Xu Qiang feel like he was being ignored!

This made him very angry!

Very angry!

"And you! Look at your small body, you can still become Hunter like this? This is ridiculous! Trash is trash, even if he became Hunter, he would still be trash! "

Xu Qiang once again stared at Lee Meng who was sitting alone at the table. At the same time, he mocked Lee Meng. Perhaps it was because Lee Meng looked weak, but this made Xu Qiang more daring!

He actually reached out his hand, wanting to poke Lee Meng's head!

Just when that hand was about to poke Lee Meng, a hand stretched out from the side and grabbed Xu Qiang's wrist!

"Pain!" Pain! Let me go! "

Xu Qiang snapped!

The person was very strong. Just holding Xu Qiang's wrist, he could make Xu Qiang feel a burning pain!

Mobilization Soldier firmly gripped Xu Qiang's wrist like a small chicken. No matter how Xu Qiang struggled, he couldn't break free!

On the contrary, the more he struggled, the more his wrist would hurt!

"Let me go!"

Xu Qiang snapped!

Mobilization Soldier was not moved, he was only questioning the commander!

Forget it, why fight over a lunatic!?

After Lee Meng thought it through, he picked up the tableware again!

"Just don't kill me!"

This is a command, and it's the same for Mobilization Soldier!

But to Xu Qiang, he was a little scared!

"You dare!?" "You guys dare to hurt …"

Before he finished his sentence, Xu Qiang's eyes were filled with a huge rifle butt in front of him!


The sound of flesh being ripped apart, blood flowing out, and bones shattering could be heard!

"Blood, blood!"

Due to the intense pain, Xu Qiang covered his face and squatted down. The bright red color on his hands almost made Xu Qiang, who had never seen blood before, faint!

At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten the pain!

No one dared to disobey his words. Even if they were walking outside, everyone would bow their heads and show goodwill to him whenever they met him. But today, there were actually people who dared to hit him, ruthlessly causing his blood to splash all over!

"I won't let you off, I definitely won't. You dare to hit me, you piece of trash!"


Mobilization Soldier kicked it, with a very strong kick, countless of bones were broken!

"He can't really be an idiot, right!"

While eating the cake, Lee Meng listened to the cursing sounds behind him and the sounds of punches hitting flesh!

Don't you know that a wise man doesn't eat the wrong thing?

No matter how much power and influence you possess, in this place, with the current False Words House, no one can help you. You're alone, and even under such obvious circumstances, you're still clamoring!

What a fool this was!

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