Red Alert: Calamity Era/C18 Eerie
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Red Alert: Calamity Era/C18 Eerie
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C18 Eerie

"Let's go!"

Seeing that Aris and Morgan had already finished their meal, Lee Meng said something!

Everyone stood up and prepared to head to the second floor!

At this moment, a beautiful figure walked over.

If it wasn't Xiao Yu, who else could it be?

"Everyone! Please follow me! "

Being led by a beautiful woman was definitely a good thing. After all, including Lee Meng, everyone present was unfamiliar with False Words House, if they made a joke out of it, it would be awkward.

Under Xiao Yu's lead, Lee Meng and the others left the restaurant.

After walking up a circular staircase, Lee Meng and the others arrived at the second floor.

There was a long corridor with a row of rooms on both sides. The doors were all purple and seemed very grand.

However, there were still flaws. After all, the False Words House was a large-scale cave, and no matter how much it was decorated, it could not conceal its original appearance.

Whether it was the floor or the ceiling, they were all made of a layer of wood.

Perhaps it had been a bit too long, but it also lacked maintenance. Be it the ceiling or the floor, one could see some signs of decay.

When you step on a plank, you can also feel the plank being loosened.

However, in such a vile environment with a lack of corresponding resources, this kind of result was already amazing.

Mobilization Soldier's room was next to each other. On the purple door hung the numbers 205, 206, and 207 respectively.

This was the four-man room. Without waiting for Xiao Yu to speak, the Mobilization Soldier with the key had already opened three purple doors. After that, he split into three groups and entered his own room.

However, there were two Mobilization Soldier s who did not make any movements and quietly followed behind Lee Meng.

To Mobilization Soldier, at any time and at any place, they must not lower their guard. Only by doing this could they guarantee the safety of their commander.

Xiao Yu paid no attention to him and continued walking forward.

Not long after, Lee Meng and the others arrived at the third floor.

The third floor was different. Compared to the narrow hallway on the second floor, the hallway on the third floor was wider. The rooms on both sides of the corridor were much less crowded.

When she reached a door, Xiao Yu stopped and said, "This is a single room, there won't be any problems settling the two ladies here!"

Morgan and Aris looked at each other. While Morgan was hesitating, Lee Meng spoke up.

"Go on, both of you need to rest!"

Morgan lowered his head without saying a word. He pulled his sister into the room.


When Lee Meng left, Morgan's voice came from the gap between the door and door.

Lee Meng paused for a second, then turned around and asked: "What's wrong?"

"That …"

The voice was nervous.

"I'll come find you later!"

With that, Morgan immediately retracted his head.

Mobilization Soldier had no reaction, his expression still solemn as he looked straight ahead.

Xiao Yu was slightly startled, and looked strangely at Lee Meng. However, in Visceral Valley, although there weren't any so-called slaves, there were still people who called people 'masters'.

What Xiao Yu cared about was not the fact that Morgan called Lee Meng his master, but rather the quiet night. A girl barging into a man's room alone …

She was too young!

Due to the malnutrition in addition to Morgan's small physique, he was at most in his teens.

The way Xiao Yu looked at Lee Meng changed. She became very unfriendly. Although it wasn't as if she hated him, her attitude towards Lee Meng became much colder.

Lee Meng was stunned for a moment. Lee Meng also felt the change in attitude towards Xiao Yu. However, Lee Meng didn't explain more than he did, so he didn't need to explain.

The rest of the trip seemed a little awkward. Although the VIP room was also on the third floor and would arrive in a few turns, the atmosphere on the way was quite uncomfortable.

Reaching the door of the VIP room, Xiao Yu coldly said: "This is your room. Although one day is twenty-four hours, you all must leave by tomorrow night. If you wish to continue staying here, please pay at the bar. "

His tone was a bit cold, but Lee Meng didn't feel anything. Since it was the owner's rule, then he will obediently follow it.

Anyway, Lee Meng didn't plan to stay that long.


Just as Xiao Yu was about to turn around and leave, Lee Meng suddenly shouted!

"What is it?"

His tone was still very cold.

Lee Meng turned around and said to Mobilization Soldier behind him, "Give me five bullets."

Mobilization Soldier moved and took out a magazine from his waist. From it, he took out five yellow bullets.

Taking the bullets from Mobilization Soldier, Lee Meng turned around and stuffed them into Xiao Yu's hands.

Facing Xiao Yu's puzzled gaze, Lee Meng said, "You saw those two girls' bodies are in tatters. They need some clean clothes, don't be too particular and don't wear the kind of clothes like you guys do. You need clothes that don't affect people's movements and can freely use their limbs."

Lee Meng looked at Xiao Yu deeply and said seriously, "Sorry for troubling you!"

Xiao Yu looked at the bullet in her hand and then looked at the serious expression on the man's face. For some reason, Xiao Yu's expression suddenly became confused and she subconsciously nodded her head.

The clothes worn by those two girls were indeed a little terrible. They were out of place when compared to the man in front of them and the people who seemed to be his subordinates.

No matter how you looked at it, they did not seem to belong to the same group.


The sound of the door closing echoed in the corridor and entered Xiao Yu's ears as she walked down the corridor.

Xiao Yu's body shuddered as her eyes regained their clarity.

Stopping in her tracks, Xiao Yu asked with a thoughtful expression, "What happened just now?"


Xiao Yu seemed to have thought of something.

Looking at the bullets in her hands, Xiao Yu thought to herself, "I'll remember the sizes of those two girls. It won't be difficult to prepare clothes for them."

"But why should I?"

"Sigh!" I don't want to! Get ready! Don't let him down! "

Seemingly suddenly enlightened, Xiao Yu smiled and left with quick steps.

Xiao Yu's change in expression was noticed by the two Mobilization Soldier s guarding the door. The aura on her body was a little unusual, she clearly hated the commander a little before, but her attitude suddenly changed just now.

"This woman is a bit strange!"

"Hm!" We have to keep an eye on them! "

"Should we inform our comrades?"

"There's no need for now, we're more than enough. Let's wait for the comrades who have changed shifts to come and tell them!"

"That's fine too!"

The Mobilization Soldier guarding the door was communicating with each other.

Xiao Yu's sudden change in attitude revealed a trace of strangeness, causing Mobilization Soldier to be more vigilant.

After all, in this world, no place was absolutely safe. No one could be 100% sure. In order to ensure the safety of their commander, they had to think more!

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