Red Alert: Calamity Era/C4 Transfer
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Red Alert: Calamity Era/C4 Transfer
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C4 Transfer


The shabby door was closed by Lee Meng.

He had to clear the scene!

Although the "Visceral Valley" was a mess, there was still order. Although the "Visceral Valley" people disappeared soundlessly every day, there was already a enforcement team here, near the bottom of the valley.

Killing an sheltered "owner" in broad daylight was a provocation to the enforcement team.

To have a shop in this position was not something an ordinary person could do. Zhang Meng might even have a power group of 'Visceral Valley' backing him.

Everything had to be careful.

Hiding Zhang Meng's body in the corner of the storage room, it had to be said that Lee Meng's technique was very good. From the moment he died until now, not a single drop of blood flowed down, and half of the sharp iron rod had sunk into his throat.

After cleaning everything up, Lee Meng turned around to take a look at the messy shop before he left. Other than the nuclear crystal, Lee Meng had not touched anything else and didn't know what Lee Meng's look meant.

When the faint light outside the door slightly illuminated the dark interior of the shop, Lee Meng's figure was nowhere to be seen.

The only thing left was that "Geji!" Creak * The wooden door creaked as the noise from the outside echoed.

After leaving the shop, Lee Meng didn't stay outside at all. He went straight back to the "home" that he had lived in for more than 20 years.

The environment here wasn't comfortable, but Lee Meng could feel at ease here.

"Master!" The teleportation of dimensions will cause space to tremble, please leave the teleportation point and travel to a safe distance! "

Lee Meng did not dare to ignore the main brain's words. After placing the nuclear crystal on the floor, Lee Meng slightly retreated to the door.

"Master's environment is fraught with danger. The base has enough energy to teleport once. Master, please teleport the armed men to ensure your safety!"

"Master!" However, teleporting far away requires a huge amount of energy. According to our calculations, the energy transformed from radioactive material can be transferred back and forth twice, and the size of the teleportation item is limited to within five cubic meters. The larger the volume, the more energy it requires! "

Spatial transportation?

Lee Meng was a little disappointed. If humans had technology of the same level, all the Pollution Beast would have been wiped clean. Perhaps in this harsh environment, they could use technology to help restore nature.

It was useless to think too much about it. He should think about it after the crisis before him.

"Armed personnel? Is there anything I need to pay attention to? "

Lee Meng asked!

"Master can choose two different types of troops for the division selection. Their weapons and equipment are different!" The skills you're proficient in are also slightly different. "

"The equipment is cheap, but the Mobilization Soldier has a strong physique."

"The well-equipped and highly motivated soldiers of the Allies!"

"Master!" You can take a look at the price list of each item. Equivalent exchange is a rule that cannot be changed. If you want to obtain it, you must first pay! "

This was a very magical thing. A list of items filled with the aura of science fiction appeared in Lee Meng's vision as if it was projected in front of his eyes!

This was something invisible to outsiders, only Lee Meng could see it!

The items on the list were densely packed together. Lee Meng could only see the first page, and it was also divided into two categories, one was military, and the other was civilian!

The price was very expensive!

The price displayed on the Mobilization Soldier was 100 Energy Point s. The equipment and weapons worn were all described in detail!

The price of the allied army was twice that of the Mobilization Soldier. Just from the weapons they were carrying, it could not be seen that there was any difference between the two!

The Mobilization Soldier was equipped with the AK series large caliber rifles. In terms of might, the M series weapons of the Allied soldiers could not be compared to it!

The reason why the Allied soldiers were more expensive than the Mobilization Soldier was probably because of the equipment on their bodies!

Mobilization Soldier only wore a military coat, anything on his body could not escape the word 'cheap'!

The Allied soldiers were fully armed. Not only were they well-equipped, their coverage was astonishing. They were practically armed to the teeth!

It was a list of items. If Lee Meng wanted to obtain them, he would have to pay a heavy price!

This price is the Energy Point!

At the corner of the list, there was a Energy Point, which was Lee Meng's current Energy Point!

The current Energy Point is 1000, the initial Energy Point!

Lee Meng had the authority to use the initial Energy Point!

"The transmission array is about to activate. The energy reserve at the Empire's forward base is about to activate. Energy transfer in progress... 5%, 15%, 45%, 85%, 100%!"

"Transfer array activated!"

As the main brain's last words faded, a current of air suddenly swirled through the dark space.

The airflow formed a whirlpool that could be seen by the naked eye, and a tiny ray of light then appeared at the center of the whirlpool.

It also made a "crackle" sound, the sound of electricity.

In that instant, the light suddenly expanded, forming a spiderweb of electricity. "Crackle crackle" sounds continuously reverberated in the narrow space.

The dark space was illuminated as bright as day by the electric currents dancing in the air like a group of snakes.

A few breaths later.


As if time had stopped, the chaotic current suddenly disappeared, just as suddenly as it appeared.

Along with the disappearance of the electric current, there was also the radioactive crystal that was originally placed on the ground.

"Consumption: 500 Energy Point. Obtained 2000 Energy Point!"

And then, the main brain's prompt sounded out in his mind!

The initial Energy Point cost 1000, the teleportation cost 500 Energy Point, and the teleportation cost 2000 Energy Point was exchanged for the radiating substance. That was to say, Lee Meng now had 2500 Energy Point!

Lee Meng lowered his head in thought!

The 2500 Energy Point were not rich, if all of them were used to recruit Mobilization Soldier, they could only recruit 25 of them!

There were even fewer Allied soldiers that could only recruit a single squad!

Furthermore, Lee Meng must keep the most basic 500 Energy Point. Only by doing this can they not affect the next teleportation!

In other words, the Energy Point that Lee Meng could use was only 2000 points!

"Master!" "You must ensure the soldiers' logistics, food, water, daily necessities, and the necessary ammunition storage!"

The main brain's reminder did not make sense!

Although Lee Meng didn't know where the soldiers coming from, they were undoubtedly living people who needed food and water!

The weapons that were used also needed maintenance. They needed various parts to ensure that the weapon was in a good state of combat. Ammunition was even more important!

After all, a soldier could only carry a few hundred rounds of ammunition at most. Once the bullets ran out, a firearm without bullets would be no different from a poker!

After some thought, Lee Meng came up with an idea!

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