Red Alert: Calamity Era/C9 Morgan
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Red Alert: Calamity Era/C9 Morgan
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C9 Morgan

"You guys are soldiers with a lot of combat experience. You should know a lot about the structure of the human body. Are you confident?"

Lee Meng asked the Mobilization Soldier!

The Mobilization Soldier obviously understood the meaning of his command. He nodded and replied, "It's not difficult to make the dislocated bones return to their original positions, but it's hard to find that in the following process, the broken bones need sufficient nutrition to slowly recuperate. If the bones can't keep up with the nutrition, and there's no quiet environment, once there's intense movement, the broken bones will still dislocate and grow.

This wasn't easy to do!

Looking at that little guy's life, it seemed like it was going to be very difficult, or else he wouldn't have come out and "taken advantage of the situation"!

Sufficient nutrition? A quiet environment?

How could he have such conditions!?

It was likely that even some rich and powerful people of Visceral Valley did not dare to say that they had such conditions!

This was simply impossible!

The words of Mobilization Soldier and Lee Meng, not only did Hunter, who was still spectating, hear it, but also the little figure who was still curled up on the ground!

Hunter and the others were surprised!

He originally thought that the little fellow was in for a hard time. He didn't expect that the team wasn't here to cause trouble for the little fellow. On the contrary, they were here to help the little fellow!

There was no point in continuing to watch. As long as that team was still beside the little guy, no one would dare to cause trouble for Hunter on the platform!

The surrounding Hunter began to disperse in a scattered manner!

Lee Meng was thinking!

This incident could be considered an accident. With such a delay, the meeting might have already begun!

But I can't leave him alone!

Even though Lee Meng couldn't bear to interfere in this matter for a while. After all, in his memories of peace, Lee Meng's hands were also covered in blood, but what Lee Meng hated the most was bullying the weak!

Lee Meng would never back down when he wanted to do something, nor would he ever think too much about it. It was just wishful thinking!

For Lee Meng, everything he did was too simple. The only thing he paid for was a little bit of time!

However, to her, who was curled up on the ground, what she had encountered today was a nightmare and also an opportunity!

It might be the only chance to escape the hardships of life and be reborn!

Who is he?

Morgan didn't know that he said he knew her, but Morgan didn't have any memories about him. Every day, she would "bump into" a lot of people.

He was different. Up till now, none of the people she had met could be compared with him!

Although he was looking down on her from high above, there wasn't a single trace of malice mixed in his gaze. His gaze was very faint, as light as a sheet of paper. It wasn't like the others, where there was more or less distracting thoughts!

And his men, white men like her, groping all over her body!

Morgan was sure that his appearance was a little messy and he didn't look like a girl, but that guy definitely knew it!

From his actions, Morgan could tell that he had been touching her without restraint at first, but in the end, he seemed to have sensed something and his movements became more careful, avoiding touching the most important parts of a woman's body at the same time!

Whether it was him or his subordinates, they gave Morgan an unusual impression!

If there were only good and bad people in this world, they would undoubtedly belong to the good side!

For Morgan, this was enough!

It had been five years, and she could no longer hold on. Be it her or her most important sister, she had to rely on someone!

Only then would he be able to survive inside the Visceral Valley!

With what little strength he had left, Morgan propped himself up on the ground. She raised her head and faced Lee Meng with her dirty face!

Her mouth was slightly agape as she said, "I can't die yet! Help me! I am yours! "

Her gaze was firm as she stared fixedly at the frail looking man before her.

Lee Meng was still thinking, with a thoughtful expression!

However, her words caused Lee Meng, who was deep in thought, to be stunned!

Her gaze was filled with astonishment as she looked at her son who was lying on the ground in front of her!

Was this the legendary act of selling one's body?

Ye Zichen glanced at "him" on the floor, while Lee Meng was rather interested!

Looking at the surrounding Mobilization Soldier, Lee Meng said to him who was on the ground: "They have a strong physique, rich combat experience, and absolute loyalty, what about you! What can you do for me? "

Looking at him, then looking at those tall and sturdy members of his team, Morgan was speechless. Indeed, she couldn't help him too much in combat, and Morgan had no right to refute that!

However, there are some things that a man can't do. A man may be able to do it, but he can't do it as meticulously as a woman can!

Although Morgan was young, his many years of experience and childhood gave her the ability to clearly see the essence of human nature!

Observing the looks of the crowd, this was Morgan's specialty!

His face was pale, and his breathing was ragged. His chest rose and fell, sometimes faster, sometimes slower. This was a sign of his weak physique!

In this era, the weak physiques would produce all sorts of diseases, and the flaw in immunity would lead to no resistance to radiation.

If it was an ordinary person, they would be able to survive in an environment with radiation intensity of '5' by relying on their immunity!

He could only survive in the radiation environment with a strength of '3' at most. Once that strength was exceeded, his body would not be able to withstand the invasion of the pollutant and would be afflicted with various diseases!

"I can do a lot of things! Especially for you, your teammates are your hands, your feet, can fight for you, can destroy the enemy for you, and I am just one of your clothes. Although I cannot fight for you, I can take good care of you! "

What a strange answer!

When she finished speaking, Lee Meng's indifferent expression changed to shock. At the same time, he was a little confused!

Since when had he reached a point where he needed special care?

Although his body was in a terrible state, it had yet to reach the level of a 'trash'!

Furthermore, Lee Meng wasn't used to being taken care of by a man!

Thinking about that scene, Lee Meng felt goosebumps all over his body!

He had to refuse!

There was no doubt about it!

"Everyone is free, everyone's freedom should be in their own hands. I don't like to give up halfway, and my people have their own principles too. I believe they won't agree with me leaving you alone!"

"Take good care of your injuries!" Do not be a "thief" after your injuries have healed, Visceral Valley's Hunter is at the edge of life and death, and after a long period of oppression, most people have lost their most basic of humanity, and do not beg for their pity. If you meet such a situation the next time, you should understand what will happen! "

Lee Meng was reminding him, but at the same time, he was also warning him!

Happy to help?

No matter if it was Lee Meng from another world or Lee Meng from this world, neither of them were open-minded and helpful people. In another world, Lee Meng was someone who walked in the dark, so how could he have the heart to help others!

There was no need to talk about Lee Meng of this world. He had been troubled by hunger and cold since he was young. Even if he had that kind of heart, he didn't have that ability!

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