Regal Guard of Dragon/C15 Like a Happy Child
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Regal Guard of Dragon/C15 Like a Happy Child
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C15 Like a Happy Child

"Xia Mengyao, you b*tch!" Xia Hao seethed with venomous resentment, his teeth grinding audibly. He had never experienced such humiliation in his life. At the family meeting, he was slapped by Xia Yunsheng in front of a crowd of relatives. Now, Xia Hao was so furious he could barely contain his desire to tear Xia Mengyao apart to quell the rage burning inside him.

"Hao," Xia Qichao entered, pushing the door open.

"Dad." Xia Hao hung his head in shame. He had intended to wrest control of the construction team from Xia Weiguo and hand it over to Xia Qichao, but Xia Mengyao's meddling had not only thwarted his plans to secure Xia Weiguo's team, but he had also inadvertently caused the loss of Xia Qichao's team. Xia Weiguo ended up with more, while he was left with nothing, having lost even what he had originally possessed.

Xia Qichao sighed deeply and asked, "Do you understand where you went wrong?"

"Dad, I shouldn't have demanded the construction team from Third Uncle during the family meeting," Xia Hao admitted, filled with regret. If he hadn't set his sights on Xia Weiguo's construction team, Xia Mengyao wouldn't have borne a grudge against him and wouldn't have targeted Xia Qichao's team.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong there. In fact, you did exactly what you should have," Xia Qichao corrected him, shaking his head.

Xia Hao looked at his father, puzzled.

"In our kind of large family, we don't prioritize brotherhood over profit. Xia Weiguo lacked the capability to manage those construction teams effectively. It's only right that they should be under our control – yours and mine – to maximize their potential," Xia Qichao explained. "I'm relieved that you understand this."

"Dad, then where did I go wrong?"

"Your mistake was in talking back to your grandfather. He is the helmsman of the Xia family. He has the final say in all our affairs. By contradicting him in front of everyone, you undermined his authority. Where does that leave his dignity?"

Xia Hao then grasped the gravity of his error. At the moment, his rage had blinded him to the consequences of his actions.

"However, it's not the end of the world. Once your grandfather's anger subsides, go and apologize to him. Make sure you're sincere."

"Yes, Dad."

"Hao, always remember that in this house, you can do anything, but you must never talk back to your grandfather," Xia Qichao advised once more.

"Yes, Dad. I won't do it again. But this time, Xia Mengyao took over the construction team. What are we going to do going forward?" Xia Hao asked, his concern evident. The construction team was the cornerstone of the Xia family's strength and their sole source of profit. Without it, he and his father would be powerless.

Xia Qichao shook his head, a knowing smile on his face. "Hao, you're still not getting my point."

"Even if Xia Mengyao has those construction teams, what of it? They need work to stay relevant. Without it, they're just a group of idle hands."

"But Dad, didn't that witch, Xia Mengyao, just strike a deal with Scussa? Isn't the Jade Hill project big enough?" Xia Hao questioned, puzzled.

"Hao, do you recall what I just reminded you about not talking back to your grandfather?" Xia Qichao asked.

"Dad, are you saying..." A spark of realization flickered in Xia Hao's eyes.

Xia Qichao nodded, explaining, "Xia Mengyao may have partnered with Scussa, but who executes the project is up to your grandfather."

"No matter how competent Xia Mengyao is, she's still a woman, and she has that good-for-nothing husband. Your grandfather would never entrust the Jade Hill project to her."

"But you, you're different. You're the only male of the Xia family's third generation. The future of the Xia family will inevitably be placed in your hands. Regardless of any dissatisfaction, your grandfather will choose you to lead the project, because you are the true successor of the Xia family!"

"Haha, Dad, now I get it!" Xia Hao exclaimed, his face alight with excitement. "So, Xia Mengyao, that witch, is just doing the legwork. She may have secured the Jade Hill project, but in the end, I'm the one who will execute it. Should I actually thank her? Without her, I wouldn't have landed such an incredible opportunity."

Xia Qichao gave a slight smile. "Indeed, you should thank her."

"Dad, I'll call that witch right now and make her see sense. She needs to hand the construction team back to me," Xia Hao said eagerly, itching to reclaim the team and start work on Jade Hill.

Xia Qichao shook his head and advised, "You mustn't rush to reclaim the construction team. You can't just ask Xia Mengyao for it, especially since you've made a bet."

"But if I don't have the construction team, who's going to work on Jade Hill?"

"The construction team will inevitably return, and it will be Xia Mengyao who voluntarily hands it back to you," Xia Qichao asserted with confidence.

"Why is that?"

"Consider this: there are nine construction teams, with over three thousand workers currently idle. Their monthly wages amount to seven or eight million yuan. Do you really think she can sustain that?" Xia Qichao said with a sneer.

"The Jade Hill project is our top priority at the moment. The Xia family must dedicate all its resources to it, including Xia Mengyao's construction team. Grandfather won't allow her to accept any private contracts. Just wait a few more days. Once the Jade Hill project is delayed and can't commence, the family's pressure will mount on Xia Mengyao. She'll have no choice but to capitulate and hand the construction team back to you."

Xia Qichao had everything calculated like a cunning fox.

Xia Hao's excitement was palpable as he clenched his fists. He hadn't anticipated the depth of strategy involved.

Xia Mengyao, you conceited fool! You may have secured the Jade Hill project, but ultimately, you'll have to hand it over to me.

Naive as she was, Xia Mengyao hadn't considered all these angles. She had just returned home and immediately inquired whether Chen Feng was connected to Lin Zongwei.

Chen Feng was ready with his response. He and Lin Zongwei were college friends and had been close during their university days.

Xia Mengyao took his word for it without question, and even Lin Lan regarded Chen Feng with newfound respect, warming up to him slightly.

This good-for-nothing, after being with the Xia family for three years, had at last accomplished something worthwhile.

Xia Mengyao was beaming with joy. Chen Feng's assistance meant the world to her, and for the first time, she relished the sensation of being protected by a man.

Chen Feng was equally content, watching Xia Mengyao's childlike glee. At long last, he had managed to bring her joy.

After freshening up, Chen Feng returned to his own bedroom. He and Xia Mengyao had been married for three years, and throughout that time, they had maintained separate sleeping quarters.

Chen Feng was well aware that if he expressed a desire to be intimate with Xia Mengyao, she wouldn't turn him down. However, he chose not to pursue that path. His restraint wasn't due to an overly chivalrous nature; rather, it stemmed from his genuine love for Xia Mengyao. He believed that any physical intimacy should wait until she reciprocated his deep feelings.

But did Xia Mengyao love him? Chen Feng couldn't be sure. She might have been touched by his actions or even harbored some affection for him. Yet, Chen Feng suspected that her feelings were more likely rooted in gratitude than in love.

This very uncertainty was why Chen Feng had always held back, never crossing that invisible line. He harbored the hope that Xia Mengyao would one day fall deeply in love with him. To Chen Feng, only then would their physical union hold true significance.

Just as he pondered these thoughts, a series of knocks at the door interrupted the silence.

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