Regal Guard of Dragon/C17 Do You Think I Am Afraid of Him??
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Regal Guard of Dragon/C17 Do You Think I Am Afraid of Him??
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C17 Do You Think I Am Afraid of Him??

Chen Feng was hardly taken aback. He was well aware that in major families, the role of the family head was always inherited by a male descendant.

"Some people really overestimate themselves. Do they actually believe they can get away with anything just because they've shared a bed with Lin Zongwei?" Xia Zilan said mockingly. She then purposefully shot a look at Chen Feng and asked with a smirk, "Chen Feng, you're clueless about how your wife negotiated with the president of Scussa yesterday, aren't you?"

Chen Feng's eyebrows lifted slightly.

"I heard they booked a presidential suite at the Hilton Hotel and talked for two to three hours," Xia Zilan said, stirring the pot.

"And then?" Chen Feng feigned astonishment. He was more aware than anyone of how Xia Mengyao conducted her business with Lin Zongwei. Was Xia Zilan's head filled with concrete?

"Chen Feng, are you brain-dead? Lin Zongwei is so handsome and wealthy, and Xia Mengyao is so beautiful. They were alone in a hotel room. Do you really believe they were just doing homework?" Xia Zilan was beside herself with frustration. Chen Feng, this fool, had been given such clear hints, yet he still didn't get it.

"Of course, I believe it," Chen Feng replied earnestly. "They were indeed working on homework together. Mengyao told me all about it when she got home."

Xia Mengyao couldn't help but laugh. It was clear to her that Chen Feng was playing dumb, making a fool out of Xia Zilan. When had he become so unabashedly shameless?

Noticing Xia Mengyao's laughter, Xia Zilan finally sensed something was amiss. But at that moment, all she could do was clench her teeth and blurt out, "Chen Feng, you fool, Xia Mengyao has been unfaithful. Are you aware of that?!"

"Oh, I'm aware," Chen Feng responded, his face the picture of sincerity.

Xia Zilan was at a loss for words. How could he remain so composed after such a revelation?

"Chen Feng, are you even a man? Your wife cheats, and you're not upset?" Xia Zilan berated him.

"Why should I be upset?" Chen Feng retorted.

"You're truly worthless!" Xia Zilan was left speechless.

"He's not afraid to get angry; he's just afraid to confront Xia Mengyao about it," Xia Hao interjected with a sneer. He had nothing but contempt for Chen Feng, believing he had disgraced all men. He recalled how he had humiliated Chen Feng at the ancestral temple, and Chen Feng hadn't dared to fight back.

"Xia Hao, I heard you got roughed up yesterday. Are you okay?" Chen Feng asked with genuine concern in his eyes, fooling anyone who didn't know better into thinking he truly cared about Xia Hao's well-being.

"Me getting beaten up—how is that any of your business?" Xia Hao's expression twisted with anger. He had been assaulted by Lin Zongwei the day before, leaving him with a psychological scar. Now, the last thing he wanted was for someone to bring it up, and yet here was Chen Feng, rubbing salt in the wound.

"I'm just showing some concern. Why does that make you angry?" Chen Feng sighed.

"I don't need your concern. Your wife cheated on you, and even though you're mad, you're too scared to confront it. What gives you the right to worry about me!" Xia Hao shouted.

Xia Mengyao stood by, her eyes wide with shock. It was as if she was seeing Chen Feng for the first time. Was this the same man who always acquiesced to her? His sharp tongue had managed to infuriate Xia Hao in just a few sentences.

"My wife's infidelity and my concern for you are unrelated. Does her cheating mean I can't care about you?" Chen Feng's face remained earnest.

"Shut your mouth!" Xia Hao was livid. He was so angry he wanted to leap up and kick Chen Feng. He had intended to boast in front of Xia Mengyao today, to shake her confidence, but instead, Chen Feng's remarks had turned the tables on him.

Xia Mengyao's lips curled into a radiant smile. She wondered how she had never noticed this intriguing side of Chen Feng before.

"What's so funny, you harlot?" Xia Hao, already in a foul mood, grew even angrier upon seeing Xia Mengyao's smile.

"Xia Hao, watch your language!" Xia Mengyao snapped, her patience wearing thin.

Chen Feng's face darkened. He could let Xia Hao's insults towards him slide, but attacking Xia Mengyao was crossing the line.

"You think too highly of yourself, don't you? Just because you spent one night with Lin Zongwei doesn't mean you can strut around the Xia family home. You have no say in our family's affairs," Xia Hao spat venomously, his words laced with contempt. Xia Mengyao's breathing quickened, clearly enraged by his comments.

"Try insulting Mengyao one more time!" Chen Feng's face was terrifyingly cold.

Xia Hao, locked in the icy gaze of Chen Feng's unfeeling eyes, shuddered involuntarily. Yet, he defiantly retorted, "I'm her cousin; am I not allowed to scold her? And you, just a live-in son-in-law, are being supported by our Xia family. What's your role? You wouldn't dare hit me, would you?"

With a swift slap, Chen Feng sent Xia Hao spinning, knocking out two of his teeth.

"Sorry to disappoint, but you're right—I do dare to hit you," Chen Feng replied coolly. Xia Mengyao was a line he would not allow anyone to cross.

Xia Hao could insult him, but to insult Xia Mengyao was to sign his own death warrant!

The force of the slap left Xia Hao seeing stars. It took him a few seconds to comprehend that he had been struck by Chen Feng. He could understand being hit by Lin Zongwei, but Chen Feng? What gave him the right to strike him? Xia Hao's anger flared.

"Chen Feng, I'll kill you!" Xia Hao bellowed, lunging at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smirked with contempt. To say he could take on ten Xia Haos was no exaggeration.

Another slap sent Xia Hao spinning like a top once more.

"Chen Feng, what are you doing? Assault is a crime, you know?" Xia Zilan cried out in panic, trying to intervene.

"Shut up, or I'll turn on you next!" Chen Feng snapped menacingly.

Xia Zilan immediately clammed up.

Chen Feng had no interest in showing mercy, especially since he had long found Xia Zilan irksome. If she continued to nag, he wouldn't hesitate to give her a taste of his backhand.

Reeling from the two slaps, Xia Hao was utterly stunned.

Was this the same man, the Xia family's live-in son-in-law, who never fought back or talked back? Why was he so vicious today?

As Chen Feng approached him again, a surge of fear welled up inside Xia Hao.

"Chen Feng, what do you think you're doing? I'm the Xia family's sole heir. If you injure me, Grandfather won't spare you!" Xia Hao threatened with a hollow bravado.

Chen Feng let out a cold laugh and said, "Do you think I'm scared of Xia Yunsheng?"

"Have you lost your mind?!" Xia Hao's eyes bulged in disbelief. Chen Feng had the audacity to address Xia Yunsheng by his name.

"Utterly disrespectful!"

"You're digging your own grave!"

"Kick him out of the Xia family!"

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