Regal Guard of Dragon/C4 I will Not Let Her Regret It!
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Regal Guard of Dragon/C4 I will Not Let Her Regret It!
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C4 I will Not Let Her Regret It!

Xia Mengyao clenched her lips, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. She knew her mother was right; Chen Feng really didn't have much to offer, and logic dictated that she should have left him long ago.

Yet, every time she recalled the tender, indulgent way Chen Feng looked at her, Xia Mengyao's resolve melted away.

Indeed, he wasn't a man of great ambition, but he was the man who, without fail, rose early each morning to cook porridge for her whenever she mentioned a slight stomachache. He had done this daily for three years, without a single break.

He might not have been skilled, but come rain or shine, he faithfully picked her up and dropped her off at work every day, only leaving once he saw her safely inside the building.

Over these three years, he had done so much for her...

Before she knew it, Xia Mengyao's face was streaked with tears.

"Mengyao, you've fallen for Chen Feng, haven't you?" Lin Lan asked, her face a picture of incredulity. Was this the same daughter who once carried herself with the pride of a peacock?

Xia Mengyao couldn't speak; she was overwhelmed by her tears.

She was at a loss.

Lin Lan's heart was in turmoil as she watched Xia Mengyao cry her heart out. She had never expected this. When Xia Mengyao and Chen Feng got married, Lin Lan had been vehemently against it, but she couldn't overrule Xia Weiguo and had reluctantly accepted their union.

Lin Lan knew her daughter—proud and headstrong, even more so than she had been. Lin Lan was confident that Xia Mengyao would never settle for a man like Chen Feng, whom she considered a weakling. She believed that once Xia Mengyao saw Chen Feng's true colors, she would leave him of her own accord, without any prompting.

But now, Lin Lan's expectations had been turned on their head.

Her daughter hadn't left the man she deemed unworthy; instead, she seemed to have deeply fallen in love with him.

"Mengyao, I know Chen Feng is good to you, but you must understand that when two people commit to a lifetime together, there's a lot to consider. It's not enough to focus solely on how well your partner treats you. With your qualities, you could find someone who is not only good to you but also comes from a wealthy background..."

"Mom, please, no more. I trust Chen Feng," Lin Lan attempted to persuade her once more, but was abruptly cut off by Xia Mengyao.

In that moment, Xia Mengyao's resolve solidified. Regardless of how inadequate Chen Feng might seem, she was determined never to leave him. It was her destiny.

"Oh, Mengyao, you're going to regret this..." Lin Lan sighed deeply. One glance at Xia Mengyao's resolute face told her that further words would be futile.

Regret? No, never! I will never let you regret this!

Outside the door, Chen Feng's fists were tightly clenched.

I trust Chen Feng.

He had waited three long years for those words.

Mengyao, thank you. From this moment forward, even if the world tries to bring you regret, I, Chen Feng, will ensure you never feel it.

With that, Chen Feng turned and strode away. He now had a new purpose—to make Xia Mengyao the happiest woman on earth.

He was determined to show Lin Lan that even an underdog could bring joy to the woman he loved.

"Young Master, are you available right now?" Chen Feng had barely stepped out of the hospital when Chen Zhong's call came through.

"What's the matter?" Chen Feng asked with a frown. He had made it clear to Chen Zhong the day before that he didn't want to be disturbed unless it was urgent. He wanted to maintain the tranquility of his life.

"Young Master, I noticed you don't have a place of your own in Efoford, so I took the liberty of purchasing a villa for you from Shen Hongchang last night. It's located on Jade Hill. If it suits you, you're welcome to come and see it," Chen Zhong said, his voice tinged with eagerness to please. After speaking to Chen Zhennan the previous night, Chen Zhong understood that Chen Feng, despite being an illegitimate son, was not someone he could afford to cross. Thus, he acquired the finest villa on Jade Hill as a peace offering to Chen Feng.

A villa? Chen Feng's initial instinct was to decline. Despite inheriting a fortune, he had no desire to flaunt his wealth. He much preferred a low-key lifestyle, opting to be known as the Xia family's son-in-law rather than Efoford's wealthiest man.

But upon hearing "Jade Hill," Chen Feng reconsidered.

Xia Mengyao had once expressed her fondness for the environment of Jade Hill, dreaming of one day earning enough money to buy a house there, where she could wake up early each morning to hike the mountain and watch the sunrise.

At the time, Chen Feng certainly couldn't afford a house on Jade Hill. In fact, his salary wasn't even enough to buy a bathroom there.

Jade Hill's stunning location, backed by mountains and offering enchanting views, coupled with its excellent Feng Shui, made its houses the most expensive in all of Efoford. The price for an ordinary residence started at 100,000 yuan per square meter, and that's not even considering the luxury villas.

Without the support of the Chen family, Chen Feng would never have been able to afford a home on Jade Hill in his lifetime. But with the Chen family's backing, Chen Feng didn't even have to lift a finger to buy one; Chen Zhong had already presented him with a purchased villa.

Well, he thought, I might as well accept it as a gift for Xia Mengyao. Chen Feng sighed internally, though he pondered how to get Xia Mengyao to accept such a gift.

"Alright, I'll come over," Chen Feng decided after some thought.

"Young Master, I'll dispatch a car to pick you up immediately."

"There's no need, I'll make my own way there," Chen Feng replied. Jade Hill wasn't far from the hospital, and he preferred not to draw attention.

"As you wish, Young Master," Chen Zhong responded, not daring to press further.

Chen Feng rode his scooter along the road all the way to Jade Hill. Known as Efoford's most prestigious affluent area, Jade Hill's security was top-notch. Even the ordinary residential area halfway up the hill was heavily guarded, offering its residents complete peace of mind regarding their safety.

Upon reaching the villa district at the summit, the security measures intensified. While the mid-hill residences housed Efoford's wealthy, the summit villas were home to more than just the rich; they were the domain of the city's elite. Only nine villas graced the mountaintop, each one home to a major Efoford figure, including the likes of Mayor Lee Juncheng and the city's wealthiest man, Shen Hongchang.

This location was the epicenter for the elite of Efoford, a place where the city's most influential figures converged.

It goes without saying that purchasing a villa here would come at a steep price. Money alone wouldn't suffice; one would also need considerable clout.

Chen Zhong certainly possessed such strength. As the head butler of the Chen family, Zhouis' foremost affluent household, Chen Zhong only displayed his subservience to Chen Zhennan and Chen Feng.

Yet, in the outside world, Chen Zhong's status was second to none, even surpassing some of the top dignitaries, given that he had the backing of the Chen family.

The Chen family, renowned for its dominance in the power-laden city of Zhouis, wielded extraordinary influence.

"Hey, you there, stop!" Chen Feng had barely reached the gates of the villa complex when he was halted by a commanding voice.

A squad of security guards, clad in black uniforms, quickly encircled him.

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