Regal Guard of Dragon/C7 Wearing a Yellow Robe
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Regal Guard of Dragon/C7 Wearing a Yellow Robe
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C7 Wearing a Yellow Robe

"Mr. Chen, it seems you're not fully aware of the situation at Jade Hill," Shen Hongchang said with a wry smile. "Truth be told, I'm more eager to develop Jade Hill than anyone. It's thanks to Jade Hill that I've reached my current status. To say that Jade Hill has been providing for me wouldn't be an exaggeration."

"However, Jade Hill is vast, and the terrain is steep and treacherous. Even with the full force of the Shen family behind me, it took ten years to develop just a quarter of it. We nearly hit a financial dead end and faced bankruptcy in the late period. So the thought of tackling the remaining three-quarters is something I don't even dare to consider."

Chen Feng simply smiled, saying nothing. He could tell from Shen Hongchang's words that he too was keen on developing Jade Hill, but lacked the capacity for such a large undertaking.

"Mr. Shen, what if I were to join forces with you?" Chen Feng asked with a smile. Shen Hongchang might not have the appetite for such a venture, but he certainly did—or more accurately, the Chen family behind him did.

Chen Feng had also revealed his true intention. Developing Jade Hill was just one aspect; more importantly, he saw this as an opportunity to gauge the limits of the Chen family's support.

Jade Hill represented an exceptional opportunity. A few billion might be a drop in the bucket for the Chen family, but it was certainly not an insignificant sum. He was curious to see just how much the Chen family was willing to invest on his behalf.

Shen Hongchang's expression shifted. He hadn't anticipated Chen Feng's audacity to take on the formidable challenge of Jade Hill so soon after arriving.

Unaware of the nuanced relationship between Chen Feng and the Chen family, Shen Hongchang couldn't fathom that Chen Feng's investment in Jade Hill wasn't about turning a profit. Had he known, it might have brought him to tears.

"Mr. Chen, if you're truly ready to commit the funds, then this project is sure to succeed," Shen Hongchang said, his face brightening at the prospect.

The development of Jade Hill wasn't just a financial endeavor; it involved overcoming technological and resource-related challenges as well. But with Chen Feng's involvement, these obstacles seemed much more surmountable.

After all, standing behind Chen Feng was the Zhouis Chen family. With their backing, not just one Jade Hill, but even ten would be within reach.

A large family represents not only wealth but also influence!

Watching Shen Hongchang's eager demeanor, Chen Zhong maintained a facade of composure, though inwardly he was in turmoil. He desperately wanted to warn Shen Hongchang that Chen Feng was laying a trap and to avoid falling into it at all costs.

Yet, he couldn't voice his concerns, as Chen Zhennan had strictly instructed him to keep the true nature of Chen Feng's relationship with the Chen family a secret from outsiders.

Clearly, Chen Feng was aware of this leverage, which made him act with impunity.

Chen Zhong forced a smile. Just the previous night, he had outmaneuvered Chen Feng with a scheme involving a five million yuan surgery fee.

This morning, Chen Feng had already retaliated with a trap of his own, valued at nearly fifty billion yuan—a stark warning to Chen Zhong.

The look in Chen Zhong's eyes grew more complex as he realized he was utterly unable to decipher the enigmatic figure before him.

"So, would you be interested in a partnership with me?" Chen Feng asked with a sly grin, reminiscent of a cunning fox.

"Haha, the honor is mine to collaborate with Mr. Chen," Shen Hongchang responded with a hearty laugh. He had been pondering how to forge a connection with Chen Feng and gain the favor of the Chen family.

To his surprise, Chen Feng had extended an olive branch without hesitation, leaving Shen Hongchang with no reason to decline.

"Here's to a fruitful collaboration!" Chen Feng said, narrowing his eyes and offering his hand with a smile.

Their firm handshake marked the launch of the largest investment project in Efoford's history...

Yet, unbeknownst to all, this project was merely Chen Feng's initial move in his strategy against the Chen family.

Standing to the side, Chen Zhong sighed inwardly, feeling a pang of sympathy for his own leader.

The intricate details of the partnership would be managed by Chen Zhong, while Chen Feng, as the decision-maker, would only need to set the broader agenda.

After dining with the Shen family, Chen Feng promptly descended Jade Hill to pick up Xia Mengyao from work, a ritual that had become part of his routine.

Once Chen Feng had departed, Shen Hongchang narrowed his eyes and instructed his henchman, "Tiger, dig up everything you can on Chen Feng. I want his complete dossier. And be discreet—we can't afford to tip him off."

"Yes, Mr. Shen!"

Tiger nodded respectfully before departing.

A solemn expression crossed Shen Hongchang's face. His rise from a street thug to the wealthiest man in Efoford was evidence of his cunning nature.

From the moment he met Chen Feng, Shen Hongchang could tell that he was no ordinary man. He wasn't the typical arrogant and conceited young master Shen had encountered before. Instead, Chen Feng was intelligent, his actions seemingly illogical yet deeply strategic.

Shen even felt as though he was engaging with a tiger.

Thus, it was only natural for Shen Hongchang to delve into Chen Feng's background.

"Pard, head to the garage and bring out the car I picked up a few days ago, then deliver it to Mr. Chen," Shen Hongchang ordered. He was acutely aware that for someone like Chen Feng, reputation was paramount. His security guard had damaged more than just a scooter; he had dented Chen Feng's pride.

Even though Chen Feng had made it clear he wouldn't seek retribution, Shen Hongchang couldn't shake off his concern. Offering Chen Feng a luxury car was not only a gesture to salvage his pride but also a means to definitively close the chapter on Wang Dahai's incident.

At that thought, Shen Hongchang felt a pang of regret. If only Wang Dahai hadn't been foolish enough to damage Chen Feng's scooter, Shen wouldn't have to part with his two-million-dollar supercar as a gesture of apology.

In the world, it was probably only Chen Feng who could trade a scooter for a luxury car.

Shen Hongchang was now seething with the desire to get rid of Wang Dahai.

Unbeknownst to Chen Feng, Shen Hongchang had been stewing in these thoughts since his departure. Had Chen Feng been aware, he likely would have been unable to contain his laughter. Shen Hongchang was exceedingly prudent.

Yunsheng Building stood as the tallest structure in the western part of the city, housing the headquarters of the Xia family.

At noon, Xia Mengyao waited at the building's entrance. She had checked several times, yet there was no sign of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was always on time, reliably waiting to pick her up at the end of her workday. What could have made him late today?

"Isn't that our very own Xia the beauty? Waiting for Chen Feng to pick you up on his scooter?" A mocking voice rang out behind Xia Mengyao. Without turning, Xia Mengyao's brow furrowed; she recognized the voice as that of her cousin, Xia Zilan.

Xia Mengyao remained silent. She had always had a strained relationship with Xia Zilan since childhood. As they grew older, Xia Zilan seemed to find more and more ways to cause trouble for her.

Dressed in a vibrant red Bohemian maxi dress and sporting a meticulously applied makeup, Xia Zilan was undeniably attractive. However, standing next to the naturally beautiful Xia Mengyao, who wore no makeup at all, she seemed to pale in comparison.

Xia Mengyao's lack of reaction didn't seem to bother Xia Zilan, who, instead of getting angry, mused with a hint of nostalgia, "Fate is such a curious thing. When we were kids, you were the belle of the Xia family. Grandfather and everyone else used to say that you'd marry a wealthy man in yellow robes and be the happiest girl among us."

"Well, you certainly didn't disappoint Grandfather. You did marry a man in yellow robes, but who would have thought he'd be a delivery guy," she chuckled.

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