Regal Guard of Dragon/C8 Where Is Your Scooter?
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Regal Guard of Dragon/C8 Where Is Your Scooter?
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C8 Where Is Your Scooter?

Xia Mengyao pressed her red lips together, remaining silent. She was well aware that Xia Zilan harbored jealousy towards her for being considered the Xia family's most beautiful member. Xia Zilan never missed a chance to mock her, but Mengyao had grown accustomed to it.

Despite Mengyao's silence, Xia Zilan seemed even more smug.

"Mengyao, when is Chen Feng going to buy you a car? On such a scorching day, he can't expect you to ride on the back of a scooter all the time, can he? That's just too exhausting," she taunted.

"What does it matter to you?" Xia Mengyao replied with a look of disdain.

Xia Zilan's lips curled into a smirk as she feigned surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry, Mengyao. I forgot that Chen Feng is a deliveryman with such a low salary. Unless something unexpected happens, he'll never be able to afford a car in his lifetime."

Biting her lip in frustration, Xia Mengyao was seething with anger. Xia Zilan's disparaging remarks about Chen Feng were infuriating, yet she found herself unable to counter since Xia Zilan was speaking the harsh truth. Chen Feng's earnings were barely enough to get by, let alone purchase a car.

"Why not have Chen Feng quit his delivery job and come work for my husband?" Xia Zilan suggested mockingly. "His company is hiring security guards, and the pay isn't bad—definitely better than delivering food. With a decade or so of hard work, Chen Feng might even have a shot at buying a car."

Xia Zilan's sneer was full of self-assurance. Unlike Xia Mengyao, she had married well; her husband was a young HR Department manager with an annual salary in the millions. This gave her a strong sense of superiority whenever she faced Xia Mengyao.

Without a word, Xia Mengyao turned her back to Xia Zilan, refusing to engage further.

Xia Zilan let out a contemptuous snort. With Mengyao ignoring her, the fun of ridiculing her cousin had lost its appeal.

Just then, a sleek black Audi A8 glided through the company gates, followed closely by a Jetta taxi.

Upon spotting the Audi A8, Xia Zilan was elated.

"Mengyao, my husband's here to pick me up. You just keep soaking up the sun," Xia Zilan said with a smug look as she strutted toward the Audi A8.

Xia Mengyao clenched her red lips, casting a glance at Xia Zilan. It was impossible for her not to feel a twinge of envy. Xia Zilan's husband arrived daily in his luxurious Audi A8 to pick her up, while her own husband had only a scooter to offer.

And on rainy days, they would both end up soaked to the skin.

The sleek black Audi pulled up at the company entrance. As the window rolled down, Zhao Shihua's strikingly handsome face came into view.

"Hubby!" Xia Zilan exclaimed, rushing over and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Zilan, hop in," he said with a slight smile.

Zhao Shihua's gaze briefly met Xia Mengyao's, a flash of astonishment crossing his eyes. Three years on, Xia Mengyao remained as captivating as ever. Time had not marred her beauty; instead, it seemed to have bestowed upon her an even more mature allure.

He turned to look at Xia Zilan by his side. Despite her heavy makeup and undeniable beauty, she paled in comparison to Xia Mengyao's natural, lotus-like grace.

Zhao Shihua couldn't help but think back to three years prior. Initially, it was Xia Mengyao who had caught his eye, not Xia Zilan. But just as he was considering pursuing Xia Mengyao, he was blindsided by the news of her marriage.

Xia Mengyao had married a delivery man.

The revelation had crushed him. With the turn of events, he had no choice but to settle for Xia Zilan.

Yet, Xia Mengyao never quite left his thoughts. Even after hearing that her marriage was far from blissful, he entertained the idea of divorcing Xia Zilan to chase after Xia Mengyao once more.

But such thoughts were merely wishful thinking.

With a sigh, Zhao Shihua prepared to drive away, but then he caught sight of a familiar silhouette in the rearview mirror.

What was he doing here? A mischievous grin played at the corner of Zhao Shihua's mouth.

"Mengyao, sorry I'm late," Chen Feng apologized as he stepped out of the taxi, wiping the sweat from his forehead and quickly making his way to Xia Mengyao.

"It's okay," Xia Mengyao replied, her beautiful eyes betraying a hint of confusion at the absence of Chen Feng's usual scooter, though she chose not to comment.

"Let's head back," Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Chen Feng, where's your scooter?" Xia Zilan's voice rang out with a mocking tone. Usually, Chen Feng would arrive on his scooter to pick up Xia Mengyao. The fact that he was without it today suggested they might have to walk.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes and responded coolly, "What does it have to do with you?" He was well aware of Xia Zilan's disdain for Xia Mengyao and had no intention of being cordial.

Xia Zilan was at a loss for words. They really were a couple, speaking in the same manner.

She might have been courteous to Xia Mengyao, but she spared no such politeness for Chen Feng. "How can you speak like that? Don't you have any manners? Don't you realize I'm your cousin? So uncultured!"

"Xia Zilan, please be respectful," Xia Mengyao interjected with an icy expression before Chen Feng could reply.

"What's the matter? Can't handle the truth that Chen Feng is useless, and I can't even criticize him..."

Xia Zilan's insult was cut short as a slap left a mark on her face.

Stunned silence followed. Xia Zilan, Zhao Shihua, and even Chen Feng were taken aback.

Only Xia Mengyao stood firm, her face cold and her teeth clenched, "Don't you dare call him useless again."

Xia Zilan was in shock, having been struck.

"You wretched woman, I'll kill you!" she shrieked, her eyes blazing as she lunged at Xia Mengyao.

Chen Feng immediately sprang into action, swiftly moving Xia Mengyao behind him for protection.

Zhao Shihua approached with a dark look on his face, intending to intervene. But upon seeing the imposing figure of Chen Feng, he hesitated, then grabbed Xia Zilan instead.

Knowing he was no match for Chen Feng, who was consistently in training, Zhao Shihua wasn't about to embarrass himself in a fight.

"Zhao Shihua, why are you dragging me? That woman hit your wife, and you're not helping me but still pulling me away?"

Xia Zilan was screaming hysterically, completely lacking any composure. The spectacle drew the attention of numerous employees. Zhao Shihua's face darkened with embarrassment.

"Enough!" Zhao Shihua yanked Xia Zilan back and gave her a fierce glare.

"Xia Mengyao hit me."

Chen Feng's expression turned icy. He strode forward and delivered a slap to Xia Zilan's face.

He could tolerate Xia Zilan calling him useless, but he wouldn't stand for her insulting Xia Mengyao.

His slap left a much more pronounced mark than the one Xia Mengyao had given, with several finger imprints appearing on Xia Zilan's cheek.

"Chen Feng, you spineless coward, how dare you hit me? Xia Mengyao dared, and now you too? I'll fight you with everything I've got!"

With her face burning, Xia Zilan completely lost it. She wrenched herself from Zhao Shihua's grip and lunged at Chen Feng.

Petite in stature, Xia Zilan was no match for Chen Feng. He slapped her again, twice in quick succession, nearly knocking her out cold.

"Husband, husband, he hit me. I can't go on!"

Xia Zilan was on the verge of collapse.

"If you can't keep that foul mouth of yours in check, I won't hesitate to shut it for you!" Chen Feng said icily, his steely gaze convincing onlookers he meant every word.

The incident left many bystanders in shock, including Zhao Shihua and Xia Mengyao, who stood frozen in disbelief.

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