Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C1 The Proposal Was Rejected!
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Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C1 The Proposal Was Rejected!
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C1 The Proposal Was Rejected!

At a villa clubhouse in the capital city.

"Keer has finally made it! I've always said she's incredibly talented. The company must be really eager to have someone like her on board," Zhou Fann said as he lovingly placed a slice of celebration cake in front of his girlfriend, Lin Keer, making sure to sterilize the fork for her.

For the past six months, Lin Keer had been tirelessly job hunting. Today, she had finally secured a position. Zhou Fann had organized this intimate gathering to lift her spirits.

"Thank you," said Lin Keer, elegantly dressed, as she gracefully accepted the fork and began to nibble on the cake.

Chen Fann proceeded to divide the rest of the cake, serving pieces to Lin Keer's close friends and her parents.

"Chen Fann, you're so good to Keer. I heard you even helped her land this job? We're all so jealous of her. Hey, do you have any eligible bachelor friends you could introduce us to?" Lin Keer's friends asked with a hint of envy.

Lin Keer's parents were equally fond of their prospective son-in-law.

"Fann really spoils Keer. He's just settled into his job, and I suggested making a meal at home, but he insisted on taking her out to unwind. He's always worrying about tiring us out, the dear boy. What does he think, that cooking a meal would wear us down?" Lin Ruhai, the future father-in-law, playfully grumbled, though his eyes betrayed his growing affection for his son-in-law.

"That's right, Fann. Let me tell you, once you're married, you can't keep indulging Keer like this," chided Wang Mei, the mother-in-law.

"Uncle, Auntie, Keer is your treasured daughter, and you spoil her like a princess—I've seen it. It wouldn't be fair for her to live like royalty with you and then have to endure hardships with me. Rest assured, when Keer is with me, I won't let her face the slightest hardship," Chen Fann assured them with a warm smile.

"Hahaha, that's our boy! Knowing Keer is with you puts our minds at ease," they laughed.

"Chen Fann, enough with the sweet talk. What about those single friends of yours? We're still waiting," the friends chimed in, eager.

With Lin Ruhai and Lin Keer's friends joining in, the room's atmosphere grew even more congenial and warm.

"Ms. Yuer, this one's for you." Amidst the laughter, Chen Fann passed another slice of cake to Lin Yuer, who was seated beside him.

Lin Yuer and Lin Keer were sisters, making Chen Fann technically obliged to refer to the girl one year his senior as 'sister.'

"Thanks. You've been on your feet all day; take a seat," Lin Yuer said, accepting the cake with a gracious smile towards Chen Fann.

"I'm fine, really."

Chen Fann replied with a smile, subtly signaling Lin Keer's best friend with a wink. As if on cue, everyone fell silent, anticipation hanging in the air as they awaited the unfolding drama.

Lin Keer, in the midst of enjoying her cake, seemed to pick up on the brewing event. Just as confusion crossed her face and she was about to inquire, Chen Fann suddenly stepped forward, dropping to one knee before her.

"Keer, will you marry me?" he asked, presenting an open ring box that cradled a modest diamond ring.

Chen Fann, with his tall stature and handsome features, was the epitome of thoughtfulness and tenderness. His adoration for his girlfriend was well-known, and Lin Keer's friends and parents were all eager for the couple to solidify their union.

They had been inseparable since their college days, a couple seemingly destined for each other.

"Say yes, Keer!" her friends urged, barely containing their excitement.

Lin's father and mother, sitting close by, shared in the joy, whispering to their daughter, "What are you waiting for? Say yes and let Fann stand."

Lin's father and mother had watched their daughter and Chen Fann's relationship blossom. Despite the son-in-law's modest family background, his integrity and diligence were unquestionable. He had always been nothing short of excellent to both their daughter and them. They trusted him wholeheartedly with their daughter's future.

In their eyes, their daughter must have been eagerly anticipating Chen Fann's proposal.

Yet, contrary to everyone's expectations, Lin Keer hesitated.

"Chen Fann... could you please stand up first?" Lin Keer's response to the proposal wasn't one of surprise; rather, her face turned away, her expression a complex mix of emotions.

Chen Fann felt a jolt of unease at her averted gaze. After three to four years together, he knew Lin Keer inside out. Still, he struggled to come to terms with her reaction, despite having braced himself for this possibility.

"Keer, what's going on?" Her friends were visibly concerned, while Lin's father and mother furrowed their brows, puzzled as they watched their daughter.

Under the weight of everyone's stares, Lin Keer found herself with nowhere to hide. She steeled herself, stood up, and said, "Chen Fann, the truth is... I've been meaning to tell you for a while now, we, we just can't..."

"Stop, you don't have to finish. I know what you're trying to say. In fact, I've anticipated this outcome for some time, but I couldn't help holding on to hope," Chen Fann said with a wry smile.

Ever since his girlfriend began her job search, Chen Fann had sensed a growing distance between them.

Something was missing in their relationship, yet it felt as if something else had taken its place.

"I'm sorry, Chen Fann. I've wronged you," Lin Keer said, her voice cold but tinged with remorse. "Regardless, I'm grateful for the kindness you've shown me. I hope you find the happiness that's meant for you."

"Keer, what nonsense are you spouting?" Lin's father and mother were in disbelief, unable to accept that their daughter was turning down Chen Fann's marriage proposal.

Last year, when she was ill in the hospital and Lin's father was away due to work, it was Chen Fann who had been by her side. He tirelessly shuttled between the hospital and his job. Everyone praised him, saying he was more devoted than a son. By rejecting him, wasn't their daughter just mistreating him?

It wasn't just Lin's father and mother who were shocked; Lin Keer's friends couldn't believe it either.

Over the years, they had witnessed Chen Fann resist countless temptations for Lin Keer's sake. But now, Lin Keer was actually...

"Scoundrel, you scoundrel!" Lin's father was livid, his face flushed with anger.

"Uncle, please, your health isn't the best—don't upset yourself. Auntie, you need to look after your health too. I've settled the bill, so please take your time with your meal. I should be going now," Chen Fann managed to say, bracing himself against the table before he turned and made his way out of the private room.

"Chen Fann!"


"Keer, what on earth is going on with you? Go after him, now!" The group in the private room was anxious on Lin Keer's behalf, while Lin's father and mother struggled to find the words to persuade Chen Fann to stay.

But just then, Lin Yuer, who had remained quiet until now, suddenly stood.

"Fann, hold on a second."

"Oh, that reminds me, Ms. Yuer, I brought the documents you needed. They're in Keer's purse—make sure you don't forget to grab them," Chen Fann mentioned, as if the thought had just struck him.

"Keer, are you truly set on breaking up with Chen Fann?" Lin Yuer bypassed Chen Fann's comment, turning her attention to her sister instead.

"I am. I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't sure," Lin Keer affirmed.

"Okay, if you believe it's the right choice, then I won't question it further." Lin Yuer finished, then stepped forward to face Chen Fann, all eyes on her. She lifted her gaze, offering him a serene smile. "Fann, you're single now, free to choose whoever you want. So, tell me, if I proposed to you, would you marry me?"

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