Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C14 An Uninvited Guest!
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Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C14 An Uninvited Guest!
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C14 An Uninvited Guest!

"Hubby, should we keep the restaurant going?"

Lin Yuer asked with a look of concern. Deep down, he suspected Xu Yuan was behind the recent troubles, but their power paled in comparison to his, not to mention Xu Yuan was a competitor in the same industry.

"Why wouldn't we?"

Chen Fann was not one to back down easily. He was like an indomitable cockroach, the more he was challenged, the more determined he became to demonstrate his capabilities.

"Okay, whatever you decide, I've got your back."

Lin Yuer's voice was resolute as he spoke to Chen Fann. Supporting Chen Fann was the best way he could help. They had committed to face life's journey together, which meant sharing both the good times and the bad.

"Let's tidy up and start fresh."

"I'll help."

Chen Fann rose to assist, but as he reached for the trash on the floor, a stabbing pain in his abdomen nearly sent him tumbling down. Lin Yuer quickly steadied him.

"What happened?"

"I'm... I'm okay."

Chen Fann hastily gestured with his hand, but the grimace on his face gave him away.

"Let me see."

Lin Yuer insisted, guiding Chen Fann to a nearby seat and inspecting his abdomen, revealing a distinct bruise.

"Hubby, you're really hurt. Should we go to the hospital?"

"No need. I just need to rest a bit."

Chen Fann said, standing up once more. He clenched his teeth, putting on a brave front so as not to worry Lin Yuer. She had sacrificed her job for him, and now she was ready to endure hardship alongside him – he couldn't just give in.

Chen Fann's resolve was stronger than ever, especially with Lin Yuer by his side. He felt the weight of responsibility more acutely.

As for the havoc wreaked by Yellow Hair and his gang, Chen Fann wasn't overly concerned. He trusted that the bystanders could see the truth for themselves. No matter how influential the opposition, they couldn't turn black into white, or white into black. Justice would prevail, he believed. As long as he maintained his integrity, the clouds would part, and the sun would shine through eventually.

Chen Fann's real worry was that he had mastered only one recipe, and it was for a soup. Establishing a foothold in the fiercely competitive hotel industry with just this soup was going to be a Herculean task, bordering on the impossible.

"I'll go get you some medicine!"

Despite Chen Fann's assurances that he was okay, Lin Yuer couldn't shake her concern. She knew someone as proud as Chen Fann would never easily show his suffering, not even to her, his closest confidant.

After speaking, Lin Yuer headed for the door, but as she looked up, a figure caught her eye. Standing there was a tall person, heavily made up, with a Hermes bag slung over their arm, exuding elegance. Yet, their gaze upon the two inside was one of sheer arrogance.

Upon recognizing the woman as his sister, Lin Keer, Lin Yuer's expression turned sour.

"Sorry, but if you're here to dine, we're closed for business. If you're here to gloat, I suggest you leave immediately."

Lin Yuer's tone left no room for argument, cutting off any potential retort.

Lin Keer's face shifted at her brother's words, surprised by his sister's icy demeanor. It dawned on her that he must have figured out that Yellow Hair worked for Xu Yuan.

"Since you're all caught up, sister, there's no need for subtleties. Let's speak plainly."

As Lin Keer spoke, she glanced at Chen Fann, seated in his chair, her eyes flickering with a mix of pity and smugness.

"The truth is, I'm here to tell you that Xu Yuan is set on closing down your restaurant. You don't stand a chance against him. If you know what's good for you, you'll shut the doors and leave now. I'll put in a good word for you, maybe he'll offer you some compensation."

Lin Keer stood there, the very picture of condescension, as if she were a noble bestowing alms upon a beggar. Before Lin Yuer could respond, a blur of motion caught her eye, and Chen Fann was suddenly standing before Lin Keer, his eyes blazing with fury.

Chen Fann's words were merciless, a stark contrast to just days ago when Lin Keer was the woman he cherished above all others. Now, they stood as adversaries, a change so swift and complete that Lin Keer was left reeling, unable to comprehend the rapid transformation in Chen Fann.

During the years he and Chen Fann were together, Chen Fann always treated him like a princess, holding him tenderly in his hands. Harsh words, let alone raising his voice, were a rarity.


Lin Keer tried to speak further, but ultimately bit back her words.

"Fine, consider me oversensitive. Just wait until he takes care of you!"

With that, Lin Keer stormed off in a huff.

"I never imagined he could change like this. I'm truly disappointed in him."

Lin Yuer sighed. She had her grievances with her sister at times, but overall, she believed Keer to be a fundamentally pure and kind-hearted person. Yet, in just these few days, she had turned into this spiteful woman. It's true what they say: you become like those you keep close.

"Xu Yuan was already critical of me back in college. Now that he's teamed up with Lin Keer, his animosity towards me has surely intensified."

"But I'll let the facts show them that I, Chen Fann, am far from ordinary. Taking me down won't be as easy as they think."


The host is presented with two options:

One: Shut down the restaurant and receive a substantial reward (minimum reward: 10 million in cash).

Two: Keep the restaurant open, use the provided ingredients to serve the next customer, earn their praise, and upon completing the task, receive a beginner's gift pack. The exact reward is unknown.

At that moment, the familiar voice of the system echoed in Chen Fann's mind. Faced with the choice, Chen Fann felt a real hesitation. Despite his earlier declarations, the prospect of such a decision was tempting. Shutting down the restaurant meant an immediate windfall of over 10 million—a sum that would tempt anyone.

Since that incident, such an amount of money had not been seen in Chen Fann's house.

With 10 million, he could give Lin Yuer and himself the happy, prosperous life they dreamed of.

But what value would there be in life if it meant succumbing to cowardice?

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