Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C15 Decision!
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Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C15 Decision!
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C15 Decision!

"Hubby, what's on your mind?"

As Chen Fann was lost in thought, Lin Yuer's voice broke through his reverie with a hint of curiosity.

"Oh, it's nothing..."

Chen Fann offered a reassuring smile, but a sudden realization hit him. He couldn't afford to be selfish; Yuer deserved a say in this decision, especially considering how much she had invested in their restaurant.

"Yuer, can I ask you something?"

His unexpected seriousness caught Lin Yuer off guard. She pursed her lips and replied, "Ask away."

"What if... just hypothetically, I offered you ten million to shut down our restaurant, would you take it?"


Chen Fann was taken aback as Lin Yuer couldn't help but burst into laughter at the question.

"Are you feeling okay, hubby?"

Clearly, Lin Yuer thought Chen Fann had lost his senses.

"I'm dead serious. Answer me."

Lin Yuer's expression shifted as she firmly said, "I wouldn't dream of it."

"Why not?"

"We've poured our hearts and souls into this place. We've endured so much and worked so hard. Ten million to make me give up? Not a chance!"

Lin Yuer declared with a mix of defiance and pride.

"Good, that's all I needed to know."

In that moment, Chen Fann's resolve solidified. Any lingering doubts vanished as he reflected on Lin Yuer's words. They had given their all to this restaurant, enduring hardships and overcoming injuries. To walk away now would render all their sacrifices meaningless.

"I choose to keep going," Chen Fann silently affirmed to himself.

"Decision made. Ingredients dispatched. Embark on your quest and best of luck," announced the system before shutting down. Lin Yuer was already tidying up when Chen Fann, not wanting to close the chapter just yet, quickly interjected, "Hold on."

"What's up?"

"We're staying open for business today!"

At Chen Fann's declaration, a radiant glow filled Lin Yuer's eyes, and he was visibly moved to the brink of tears.

In truth, Lin Yuer hadn't been entirely honest in her response. Deep down, she desired that ten million. But she understood that her husband needed to hear her commitment to their shared dream.

Lin Yuer's mission was to lift Chen Fann's spirits and help him bounce back, all while holding unwavering confidence in her partner.

That's why, upon hearing Chen Fann announce they were staying open for business, she was overcome with excitement.

"Okay, I'm on it!"

With those words, Lin Yuer threw herself into the fray, her nerves on edge. The morning's debacle had been a major challenge for them, but it also served as a stark reminder that reality is often more complex than anticipated. It wasn't enough to just handle their own affairs; as the saying goes, "It's not the theft but the thought of theft that's worrisome." They needed to be vigilant against the malicious at all times.

In contrast, Chen Fann's mindset had shifted dramatically.

Bolstered by the system's boost, his confidence soared. He strode into the kitchen and was greeted by a variety of ingredients laid out on the counter.

Chen Fann took stock: wild chrysanthemum, fresh mushrooms, beef, glutinous rice, a few pigeon eggs, and essential seasonings like oil, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar.

The system's task was clear: create a dish from these ingredients that would garner customer acclaim. The assignment might sound straightforward, but it was riddled with pitfalls. For starters, Chen Fann had no clue about the preferences of his upcoming patron. If they were reasonable, all would be well, but if they were troublemakers like Yellow Hair, intent on causing a scene, then no effort would secure the coveted praise, and the mission's reward would slip through his fingers.

Even with a reasonable customer, guessing their tastes and likes was a gamble. If the dish failed to impress, wouldn't Chen Fann still fall short of a favorable outcome?

"Ugh, what a headache!"

Chen Fann exhaled a weary sigh. Just then, a woman's voice echoed at the entrance.

"Hello? Anyone here?"

Hearing the call, Chen Fann emerged from the kitchen and laid eyes on a young woman, likely in her early twenties, with a slender figure and porcelain skin. Her style and the aura she exuded left no doubt—she was unmistakably affluent.

Chen Fann immediately recognized that this girl must be the one he was meant to serve. He would have been more confident if it were just an elderly gentleman or lady, but the presence of such a poised young woman made him nervous.

He glanced at the ingredients on his chopping board and frowned once more.

"Seriously, thinking I can satisfy her with just these few things is like a fool's dream. Looks like I'm not getting that reward after all," he muttered to himself.

As Chen Fann sighed, the young woman glanced over with a furrowed brow and said, "What are you spacing out for? Bring me your shop's menu. I want to see what tasty dishes you have."

Despite her demanding tone, Chen Fann knew better than to take her lightly. The customer is always right—that's the golden rule.

"My apologies, miss. Our shop has just opened, and we haven't had the chance to create a menu yet. May I suggest one of our specialties instead?" he offered.

The young woman seemed reasonable and took a seat, her curiosity piqued. "Okay, what's your specialty?"

Chen Fann noticed her subtly touching her throat and coughing lightly during their conversation, leading him to suspect she was experiencing some throat discomfort.

"If you've been having some throat pain lately, I'd like to recommend our wild chrysanthemum and pigeon egg soup. It's not only a remedy for your throat but also a delightful treat," he suggested tentatively.

"Oh?" she responded, clearly surprised by his accurate inference.

"How much will it cost?" she inquired.

"Well, today marks our grand opening, so there's no charge at all. We only ask for a positive review if you enjoy our food," Chen Fann explained.

She chuckled, "Earning my money isn't hard, but getting my good review won't be so easy."

With that statement, the young woman made it clear to Chen Fann that she wasn't one to be easily impressed by money.

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