Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C16 The First Comment!
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Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C16 The First Comment!
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C16 The First Comment!

Chen Fann was acutely aware of the situation. The designer clothes she wore and her distinctive aura were clear indicators of the issue at hand.

"Don't fret, my dear," he chuckled. "I won't insist on a glowing review. I let my creations do the talking. This wild chrysanthemum and pigeon egg soup may be a humble dish, but you'll soon witness its extraordinary benefits. I'm confident it will prove to be an excellent remedy for your throat."

The young woman bristled at Chen Fann's bold proclamation. She had encountered too many like him, those who would overstate the virtues of their creations, only to offer up excuses when the promised results failed to materialize. Such tactics were far from novel, and she hadn't expected Chen Fann to attempt such a deception. Did he really take her for a toddler?

"So, you're certain of its efficacy? What happens if I drink this soup and feel no improvement?" she challenged.

Chen Fann, emboldened by an unknown courage, replied, "If it doesn't work, the consequences are yours to dictate."


With those words, the woman's curiosity was piqued, and she settled back into her seat.

Without further delay, Chen Fann turned on his heel and made for the kitchen.

He briefly soaked the wild chrysanthemums, then sautéed them gently. After draining the flowers, he mixed in glutinous rice, followed by wild mushrooms and pigeon eggs in a bowl. With a variety of seasonings added, he steamed the mixture for thirty minutes.

Though it was his first attempt at the dish, Chen Fann moved with the ease of a seasoned chef. Ever since the system had embedded itself in his mind, he had transformed into a culinary maestro.

Thirty minutes later, Chen Fann presented the finished wild chrysanthemum and pigeon egg soup to the woman. Upon seeing only a single bowl of soup, she felt a twinge of disappointment. Raising an eyebrow, she scoffed, "This is supposed to cure my ailment? Why do I get the feeling you're more of an exaggerator than those street swindlers?"

Chen Fann gave a nonchalant shrug.

"Since it's all ready, why not give it a try, beautiful?" he suggested.

The woman, initially skeptical, conceded that Chen Fann had a point. The true test of the concoction's effectiveness would be in the tasting. She picked up a spoon and delicately ladled a small amount of the soup.

The instant the soup touched her lips, her expression transformed. To her surprise, the unassuming wild chrysanthemum soup was delightfully cool and tasty, soothing her sore throat as it went down like a gentle hand softly caressing the tender area.

Initially, the woman had been prepared to give Chen Fann a hard time, her disdain for unscrupulous merchants deep-rooted since childhood. But now, she was thoroughly won over by Chen Fann's creation.

Meanwhile, Chen Fann stood anxiously by her side, unable to gauge her reaction to the soup except by her facial expressions.

When he finally saw her face relax, his own tension dissolved.

"Honestly, I was skeptical about your wild chrysanthemum pigeon soup at first," she admitted. "But I was wrong, and I owe you an apology. Don't worry about giving it to me for free; I insist on paying you a hundred yuan and throwing in a well-deserved thumbs-up!"

Chen Fann couldn't hide his elation at her words, a clear sign he had accomplished his mission.

"No need for the hundred yuan," he replied warmly. "As I mentioned, today marks our grand opening, and all dishes are on the house. And thank you for your kind words—they mean a lot."

Touched by Chen Fann's earnestness, the woman no longer insisted on paying. She surveyed the shop curiously. "Wasn't this a hot pot place before? I recall it shut down not even six months ago?"

Chen Fann nodded in confirmation. "Yes, and before that, it was a barbecue joint that didn't last a year. If I'm not mistaken, this spot has seen at least five or six different owners over the last three years."

She chuckled. "Seems like this place is quite bewitched. But with you as the new proprietor, I have a feeling its streak of bad luck is about to be broken."

"I hope your kind words will help me break this curse," said the young woman with a smile. "After tasting that wild chrysanthemum pigeon soup, I'm confident your restaurant will thrive. If you ever run into trouble, let me know. I might be able to help you out in some way."

Chen Fann gave a wry smile and a shake of his head. "I appreciate it, but some challenges are best faced alone. I don't want to drag others into my problems; it wouldn't be fair to them."

The trouble Chen Fann referred to was, of course, Xu Yuan. He sensed that Xu Yuan's cronies hadn't achieved their full intent and would likely return to cause more problems for his shop. But Chen Fann knew he had to shoulder these burdens himself; Xu Yuan's influence was too strong, and it was too much to ask others to confront.

The young woman, Liu Mengyu, understood that Chen Fann had his reasons for not sharing his struggles. He was clearly a proud man, not keen on revealing his hardships. She saw in him the potential for greatness.

"You're quite the character," she said with a grin. "Oh, and I just realized I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Liu Mengyu." She extended her hand, which Chen Fann promptly shook.

"Hello, I'm Chen Fann, the owner of this restaurant. It's my first venture into the food service industry, so please excuse any shortcomings in our service."

Liu Mengyu laughed lightly. "Boss Chen, you're far too humble. I believe you could successfully manage an even larger establishment with your capabilities!"

Just then, Lin Yuer approached, her gaze landing curiously on Liu Mengyu. "Honey, is this a friend of yours?"

"Oh, she's a patron of the restaurant, but we've just become friends," Chen Fann replied with a smile, as Liu Mengyu appraised Lin Yuer. The two women exchanged looks, each taking in the other's distinct beauty.

Both were undeniably stunning, the kind that stood out effortlessly in any crowd, each with her own charm. After a brief pause, Liu Mengyu smiled at Chen Fann and said, "I had no idea your girlfriend was so gorgeous. It's no surprise your culinary skills are top-notch!"

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