Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C19 This Is a Restaurant Not a Pharmacy!
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Rejected, He Married Her Sister/C19 This Is a Restaurant Not a Pharmacy!
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C19 This Is a Restaurant Not a Pharmacy!

After the elderly man and Liu Mengyu took their seats, they appraised Chen Fann with interest.

"Young man, I've heard your cooking has healing properties?"

"Hehe, elder, that's just happenstance. The primary role of food is to satisfy hunger, and any medicinal benefits are purely coincidental."

The old man chuckled as he stroked his beard, clearly amused by Chen Fann's humility.

"You're quite the modest one, aren't you? My granddaughter's been suffering from a sore throat for a week, ignoring my advice to take medicine. Yet, after one bowl of your soup yesterday, she's miraculously healed. I'd say your soup is far more effective than any drug the hospitals peddle!"

"Exactly, Grandpa! I was so surprised by its effectiveness. I thought he was exaggerating when he mentioned it yesterday!"

Liu Mengyu generously showered Chen Fann with praise, her own experience serving as a testament to his culinary cure.

"What can I get for you two today?"

"Well, Boss Chen, my grandpa has been plagued by toothaches for years. It comes and goes, but this past week it's been unbearable. He's hardly able to eat. Do you think you could whip up something for him?"


Chen Fann was momentarily at a loss for words. Liu Mengyu seemed to be mistaking his restaurant for a pharmacy, expecting him to dish out cures rather than cuisine.

But as fate would have it, the task Chen Fann had been assigned was indeed to create a dessert that could alleviate toothaches. Osmanthus, a common flower not only appreciated for its beauty and fragrance, also serves as a traditional Chinese medicinal ingredient, offering remarkable relief for sore throats, bad breath, and toothaches.

In that moment, Chen Fann couldn't help but marvel at the system's foresight; each task it assigned was purposeful.

Lin Yuer, on the other hand, was utterly bewildered. Unaware of Chen Fann's thoughts, she assumed that Liu Mengyu's recovery was a fluke.

"Grandpa, toothaches are for the doctor to handle. We're a restaurant, a place for dining, not doctoring."

Upon hearing Lin Yuer's remarks, the elder didn't show any sign of irritation; rather, he let out a gentle chuckle.

"My dear girl, you've hit the nail on the head. My granddaughter and I are indeed here to dine."

Then, with a twist in his tone, he added, "Naturally, if my ailment can be cured over a meal, that would be icing on the cake."


"No worries, Yuer, go on and get ready. I've got this covered."

Chen Fann didn't give Lin Yuer a chance to finish. He quickly ushered her aside.

"Sir, in that case, I'll take the liberty of choosing today's meal for you."


The old man beamed, "Young man, whatever you prepare is fine by us. We're not fussy eaters; we'll enjoy anything you serve."

Lin Yuer initially felt a bit put out, but the old man's warm and friendly demeanor stopped her from voicing any further objections. However, she couldn't help but wonder how Chen Fann seemed so confident in taking on any and all orders.

"Wow, the place is buzzing today!"

As Chen Fann was about to head to the kitchen to make osmanthus cakes, a raucous shout came from the entrance. He turned to see Yellow Hair and his crew storming in with bluster.

"Kid, looks like yesterday's lesson wasn't clear enough. You've got the nerve to open up again today. If I don't give you a taste of my wrath, you'll never learn who's boss!"

Yellow Hair, fuming with anger partly because Xiaohei had chewed him out the day before, was reaching for Chen Fann's collar. Xiaohei had explicitly ordered him to ensure Chen Fann's shop closed down today, threatening that if Chen Fann dared to open again, Yellow Hair would be the first to pay the price.

Being a petty thug without a steady job, Yellow Hair depended on Xiaohei's monthly handouts. Without that financial lifeline, he was as good as a despised stray dog.

But Chen Fann wasn't about to let Yellow Hair's threats faze him. As Yellow Hair lunged to grab him, Chen Fann deftly stepped back, avoiding the grasp. Yellow Hair had landed a punch on his nose and a kick to his stomach the day before, and Chen Fann was determined to settle the score—but that reckoning would have to wait.

"Yellow Hair, can't you see I'm with customers right now? Let me take care of them, and then I'll deal with you," said Chen Fann with a hint of impatience.

"Hey, punk, they might be guests, but what about us? Are we chopped liver? You think you can just ignore me, Yellow Hair?" The voice belonged to one of Yellow Hair's lackeys.

Hearing this, Yellow Hair perked up. He had intended to prevent Chen Fann from cooking, but now he saw an opportunity with these guests. "Hey, kid, what's on the menu for them? Forget it, that dish is ours now. If you manage to please me today, maybe I'll let you stay open another day."

"And who exactly are you to challenge us for a meal?" Before Chen Fann could respond, a rebuke came from behind Yellow Hair. It was Liu Mengyu. She had been observing the scene for some time and was thoroughly disgusted by Yellow Hair and his cronies. To her, Yellow Hair was nothing more than a petty thug.

"Wow!" Liu Mengyu's silence had been golden, but her words now caught Yellow Hair's attention. Her stunning beauty and elegant figure made him salivate.

"Sweetheart, you're quite the looker, but such a sour attitude? I, Yellow Hair, am famished. If I don't compete with you for food, what should I do, eat you instead?" Yellow Hair approached Liu Mengyu, inhaling deeply, and with a look of rapture, he said, "You know, you really do give off a lovely scent. How about you join me for a drink or two? We can find a cozy spot to relax tonight, and I'll make sure you enjoy yourself."

Yellow Hair's crude language showed no regard for the elderly man nearby, and Liu Mengyu's face flushed with alternating shades of purple and white in anger.

"You despicable creep, if you spout one more word of nonsense, I'll rip your mouth to shreds!"

"Tsk tsk, you'd have to be capable of that first," Yellow Hair retorted, unabashed and taking pride in his brazenness.

"Beauty, I'm genuinely puzzled. They say this place doesn't see a single customer all day, so what brings you here? Has this guy slipped you some love potion that's got you so hung up on him?"

"You're not entitled to that information."

"Well, I'm going to find out today whether I'm entitled or not."

Yellow Hair's energy surged, and he spun to address Chen Fann, "Listen, kid, whatever they're having today, you're serving me an identical portion, got it?"

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